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Full Version: Ryan Lochte... white privilege?
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Quote:You make a good point, but then HS education should become more rigorous, in my opinion.  


Being exposed to the classics in Humanity, Literature, and Philosophy and having to think that stuff through makes for an educated society.  Education is the key to maintaining a democracy.  


Learning a trade may make you comfortable.  But if you cannot think critically about issues, you still remain ignorant to forces that can control you.

I agree, and I actually believe that higher education should not be used as a pathway to employment. Historically it never was.
You've gone full straw man on me here JW if you read back.
Quote:What's the deal with putting your hand on your heart during the anthem anyway? Is it ingrained on you guys over there? Other nations don't do it. Seems a bit cheesy.

We do it in Ireland too. Pretty common.
Quote:Just an FYI, LOA is not mocking Americans. He's mocking the ignorant. He's mocking you. Not me. I'm an American. Just something to consider. Again, it's hilarious to watch you flounder sometimes. But, seriously... If you want to learn stuff, you may want to stop with the holier than thou attitude. Especially when you are so often embarrassingly wrong.

The only people I was making fun of was the ones making fun of someone not putting their hand on the heart.

I was generally interested in where this idea came from that it was a must as other nations don't tend to do it. So was wondering if it was drummed into people at school.
Quote:We do it in Ireland too. Pretty common.

You guys winning a medal is such a rarity that it wouldn't go noticed by most Bring back Michelle de Bruins drug stash!
Quote:You guys winning a medal is such a rarity that it wouldn't go noticed by most Bring back Michelle de Bruins drug stash!

Who needs medals when you are the greatest country in the history of the world.
Quote:Who needs medals when you are the greatest country in the history of the world.

Greatest at?

Binge drinking? burning in the sun?
Quote:The only people I was making fun of was the ones making fun of someone not putting their hand on the heart.

I was generally interested in where this idea came from that it was a must as other nations don't tend to do it. So was wondering if it was drummed into people at school.

That's the point though...  It's not a must.  And it's not drummed into kids.  It's part of the curriculum.  But it's not anything that is as severe as an indoctrination.


As a kid, you are instructed to put your heart over your hand.  As a kid.  I make sure that when I'm with my 7 and 3 year old, they are doing that.


We were at a 4th of July (Indepedance Day) gathering.  And when the Star Spangled Banner played, I made sure my 7 year old had her hand over her heart.  Right hand.  Over your heart.


As an adult, there are times I have not put my hand over my heart.  But that never meant I was less of a citizen, or had less respect for my country.  


That type of reasoning that JIB is giving you, or any tyrannical leaning "conservative" is just a way of trying to exclude those that they think are below them.  That's not the American way.  Every man and woman should be given the respect  and assumption that they love this country.  


A child should be taught how to pay respect.  But as one grows and goes through life, things happen that changes you.  The way one salutes and pays respect should be their own and should not be something that is defined as a litmus to thier soul.  No man knows what lies in the hearts of men.


So for JIB or anyone to pretend they do shows that they are not true libertarians.  They are small tyrants that want to decide who is and who is not pure.  That is dangerous and is not what America is about.


In my humble opinion.
Quote:I agree, and I actually believe that higher education should not be used as a pathway to employment. Historically it never was.

Especially for technical types of jobs, a BS is 2 years wasted.  But I still think that having that 2 years of what's called "General Education" in the University vernacular strengthens a nation.


It's really important, in my opinion, to have that exposure to the classics.
Quote:There have been times I haven't put my hand on my heart. That didn't make me any less passionate about my beloved country.

Beside, who made you the national anthem recognition police?

What happened to individual freedoms?? Putting your hand over your heart, or not, seems like a dumb way of extreme vetting ones loyalty to the great US of A.

Why do you care what I think?
Quote:Greatest at?

Binge drinking? burning in the sun?

Bating the English.
Anchorman so what you are saying is its seen as the politically correct thing to do? JIB is just a bit sensitive?...
Quote:Bating the English.

Possibly, usually we can't understand a word of English you are spouting though.
Quote:Especially for technical types of jobs, a [BAD WORD REMOVED] is 2 years wasted.  But I still think that having that 2 years of what's called "General Education" in the University vernacular strengthens a nation.


It's really important, in my opinion, to have that exposure to the classics.
And the only way to gain that exposure is via college?   How arrogant!
Gabby Douglas's antics started way before the medal ceremony.
Anchorman, do you understand why I proposed the question to liberals now?
Quote:Why do you care what I think?

Don't worry about why I care.  Worry about why you are worried about why I care.


But seriously, you have a level head and are a square dealer.  Your intellectually honest and clearly think for yourself.  You're completely wrong on alot of stuff.  But I agree with some of what you say as well.
Quote:Anchorman, do you understand why I proposed the question to liberals now?

Yes, I do.  And you make a good point in that the liberal media outlet of Huff-Po is talking about it...  However, as someone that's been called a liberal, I don't really prescribe to what Huff-Po does in this situation as "liberal".  But Huff-Po isn't even the entire liberal media.  It's a sub set that's run by alot of very pro-feminist women.  It's probably why this topic doesn't catch my fancy.


I think the discussion of "white priveledge" is a topic that would be interesting to discuss.  I don't think Lochte is an example of said priveledge...  


But I get why you said it.  I just think it's over-generalized.  It's one of my pet peeves on this sub forum.  
Quote:And the only way to gain that exposure is via college?   How arrogant!

Never said that...  I said exposure to the classics.  I think getting that exposure along side an expert in the discipline is important.  But you can get that outside of college as well.


Don't be so defensive, bro.


As a college grad, I see it as one of the defining things in my life.  I'm already talking about the expectation of going to and graduating from college to my kids because I see the value in it.  (even though the prices are out of control right now but that's another topic)  


But you don't have to go to college to become educated.  
Quote:Anchorman so what you are saying is its seen as the politically correct thing to do? JIB is just a bit sensitive?...

I think JIB is being very sensitive and is trying to make it PC in order to make himself superior to others.  He's constantly talking about not being PC, but it's clear he wants things to be a certain way and gets bent out of shape if they are not to his liking.  That, to me, is the epitome of PC.


I don't find it to be that big a deal.  Like I said, the last time I was paying respect to the national anthem was on July 4th.  There were about 250 folks at a community center to picnic, enjoy the day, and watch fireworks.


I saw some folks covering their hearts, I saw others just standing in silence and respect.  I didn't immediately think that the heart covering people were more respectful than the ones that were just standing.  Now if they were not paying attention, that's a whole other thing.  That's disrespectful.  But I bet that's universal to all countries.
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