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Full Version: Unarmed man shot by police in Miami
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Quote:The article said there were three shots fired.
...uuuuuhhhhh, hmm.

The blurb I read elsewhere this morning said one shot. I reserve use of the p word until we know exactly what happened. Still an outside chance it was inadvertent negligence rather than intentional fire.
Quote:...uuuuuhhhhh, hmm.

The blurb I read elsewhere this morning said one shot. I reserve use of the p word until we know exactly what happened. Still an outside chance it was inadvertent negligence rather than intentional fire.

now i cant find where i read three shots, but it said three shots were fired.  two missed and one hit his leg
Quote:Yes, it's being covered by main stream news because its going to generate a reaction.  that should make people think about who is running main stream news and what their agenda is.  im not saying this incident should NOT be covered by news.  it's just telling to see what main stream news selects to cover.  there is a reason.

It's not just the so called main stream media.   It's all the other media as well, and the politicians.   Look at the Republican Convention.   One whole night devoted to "Make America Safe Again."   They're selling FEAR.  


Maybe I'm unusual, but I don't feel any of this FEAR they say we all have.  I'm not afraid of encountering a terrorist, because I know the odds are so miniscule as to be almost non-existent.   I'm not afraid of the police, I'm not afraid of Mexicans, or Muslims, or the KKK. 


People don't realize they're being manipulated by the media (all of it) and the politicians.  

Quote:It's not just the so called main stream media. It's all the other media as well, and the politicians. Look at the Republican Convention. One whole night devoted to "Make America Safe Again." They're selling FEAR.

Maybe I'm unusual, but I don't feel any of this FEAR they say we all have. I'm not afraid of encountering a terrorist, because I know the odds are so miniscule as to be almost non-existent. I'm not afraid of the police, I'm not afraid of Mexicans, or Muslims, or the KKK.

People don't realize they're being manipulated by the media (all of it) and the politicians.

Quote:flsprtsgod - He shouldn't have his gun out for a call that stated someone had a gun?  Sure, seems like you know what you're talking about.

Yes, he shot him with a rifle. That clearly wasn't needed when 3 officers respond to two guys sitting in the street and neither had a weapon in evidence. But hey, it's very important that our law enforcement officers pull out their guns the minute they show up. No need to evaluate the situation to verify the report, we don't want them thinking or anything. Much better to shoot an unarmed and compliant "perp" than to use his brain.
Quote:It's not just the so called main stream media.   It's all the other media as well, and the politicians.   Look at the Republican Convention.   One whole night devoted to "Make America Safe Again."   They're selling FEAR.  


Maybe I'm unusual, but I don't feel any of this FEAR they say we all have.  I'm not afraid of encountering a terrorist, because I know the odds are so miniscule as to be almost non-existent.   I'm not afraid of the police, I'm not afraid of Mexicans, or Muslims, or the KKK. 


People don't realize they're being manipulated by the media (all of it) and the politicians.  

The only "fear" I have is of the government.
You're right, if someone calls the police saying someone has a gun, the officers should walk up to them with their hands by their sides.  They should automatically assume they don't have a gun.


As much as you want to paint cops to be the bad guy, they still have a right to keep themselves safe. 


This guy screwed up and seems to have admitted it to the guy he shot.  He will never be a cop again.  Of course you will want to make this into something its not.

Quote:I was just about to post this.. This is crazy. So for the people who believe u only get shot resisting or having a gun, here is yet another video of someone getting shot without justification!

Who believes that?  I think most would concede that accidental shootings like this do indeed occur.  They are dealt with accordingly.  It seems to me you're implying this was an intentional shooting.  Based on the report, it seems like this was an accident, and the PD has handled the situation by the book.  The officer has been suspended pending an investigation.


It's bothersome that police have to respond to calls like this where there is someone developmentally disabled or dealing with mental health issues, and they have to be as guarded as they are in this video.  Especially when you've got one person identified as a counselor who is trying to calm down the autistic man and get him to comply.  For police, responding to these types of calls has to be some of the more tense situations they deal with because you really don't know what you're dealing with. 


In this instance, based on where and how this man was shot, it just sounds like the cop who pulled the trigger shouldn't be handling a firearm if he can't manage it properly.  If he can't handle his weapons properly, he doesn't need to be with the PD.  The reason I think it was an accident is because the guy was using a rifle, and he missed the target that wasn't compliant, hitting the counselor in the leg.  If he's proficient with the rifle, he wouldn't have missed. 

Quote:You're right, if someone calls the police saying someone has a gun, the officers should walk up to them with their hands by their sides.  They should automatically assume they don't have a gun.


As much as you want to paint cops to be the bad guy, they still have a right to keep themselves safe. 


This guy screwed up and seems to have admitted it to the guy he shot.  He will never be a cop again.  Of course you will want to make this into something its not.

What it was: incompetence and bad tactics. Period.
Quote:Who believes that. I think most would concede that accidental shootings like this do indeed occur. They are dealt with accordingly. It seems to me you're implying this was an intentional shooting. Based on the report, it seems like this was an accident, and the PD has handled the situation by the book. The officer has been suspended pending an investigation.

It's bothersome that police have to respond to calls like this where there is someone developmentally disabled or dealing with mental health issues, and they have to be as guarded as they are in this video. Especially when you've got one person identified as a counselor who is trying to calm down the autistic man and get him to comply. For police, responding to these types of calls has to be some of the more tense situations they deal with because you really don't know what you're dealing with.

In this instance, based on where and how this man was shot, it just sounds like the cop who pulled the trigger shouldn't be handling a firearm if he can't manage it properly. If he can't handle his weapons properly, he doesn't need to be with the PD. The reason I think it was an accident is because the guy was using a rifle, and he missed the target that wasn't compliant, hitting the counselor in the leg. If he's proficient with the rifle, he wouldn't have missed.

No im not implying this was intentional, but im not discrediting that either...And i am fully aware that accidents do happen.. But when you aim a gun at someone whose unarm and has their hands up you kinda lose a little credibility...

Im a little baffle this guy had a rifle! Thankfully their were no other bystanders around that could have potentially been hurt.. The cop needs to be charged in my opinion...
That's not what you've said up to this point.  You said he should have never pulled his gun, and my point is that if someone calls 911 and says someone has a gun, he has all the right in the world to have his gun out.


Using it is an entirely different story.

Quote:I don't know. Hasn't this always happened? How many times did police have this type of encounter yesterday? Is it really unusual for this type of thing to happen? Yes, it appears this one guy probably should not be a policeman. But how many police are there? What percentage of times does this actually happen?

To me, it's like terrorism. There's a terrorist incident somewhere in the world, and people start posting that they've decided they won't leave their house without a gun. It's ridiculous. What are the odds of anyone actually encountering a terrorist? Practically zero.

Isn't it possible we're overreacting to everything? It's all driven by the internet. Everything is news now. There's no perspective.

I think I get where you're coming from. You're saying while these incidences are awful, they happen so infrequently that the connection to a systemic problem with how our police force operates on a national scale is not there. Correct?

A couple things on this... first, one instance of police brutality, either through intent or negligence is too much and should be handled with extreme care to protect the public, not the police. We see over and over that these instances of brutality go with no criminal accountability held upon by the officer. Often there are not even indictments. To me, that fact creates a trend that appears to be a systemic flaw.

Second, while the instances may seem low, if you Google this issue, you'll see we have these types of brutality cases at a rate about 9 times that of other western societies. This makes me also consider the fact that this is a systemic issue, not just some random events that we must just accept as outlier events that cannot be reduced or eliminated.
Quote:No im not implying this was intentional, but im not discrediting that either...And i am fully aware that accidents do happen.. But when you aim a gun at someone whose unarm and has their hands up you kinda lose a little credibility...

Im a little baffle this guy had a rifle! Thankfully their were no other bystanders around that could have potentially been hurt.. The cop needs to be charged in my opinion...
Using a rifle isn't baffling at all.  They're far more accurate to work with in situations where you have a standoff. 
Quote:now i cant find where i read three shots, but it said three shots were fired. two missed and one hit his leg

Quote:Kinsey was shot in his right leg after officers fired two or three shots, according to Napoleon.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami-officer-involved-shooting/index.html'>http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami-officer-involved-shooting/index.html</a>

So I think that rules out "accidental".
Quote:It's not just the so called main stream media.   It's all the other media as well, and the politicians.   Look at the Republican Convention.   One whole night devoted to "Make America Safe Again."   They're selling FEAR.  


Maybe I'm unusual, but I don't feel any of this FEAR they say we all have.  I'm not afraid of encountering a terrorist, because I know the odds are so miniscule as to be almost non-existent.   I'm not afraid of the police, I'm not afraid of Mexicans, or Muslims, or the KKK. 


People don't realize they're being manipulated by the media (all of it) and the politicians.  

I did notice the shift from "Make America Great Again" to "Make America SAFE Again" and I don't like it. It reeks of neo-conservatism.


That's not to say I don't think the terrorist threat is real.  It clearly is.  The problem is you have our politicians funneling in refugees from war torn countries, KNOWING full well that will result in more radicals living among us.  That's their goal.  They import these refugees under the guise of "love" but its really an attempt to destroy.  Terrorist attacks give them an excuse to reduce rights of the people and make more war in a distant land.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami-officer-involved-shooting/index.html'>http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami-officer-involved-shooting/index.html</a>

So I think that rules out "accidental".
I'm still confused. If it wasn't an accident, then why did the cop open fire? If he was shooting at Kinsey, why the hell? If he was aiming for the autistic man, why, and how the hell did a man trained to shoot miss that badly?

When the officer replies, "I don't know," there are too many questions left open for it to be called anything but gross negligence at this point.
Quote:It's not just the so called main stream media. It's all the other media as well, and the politicians. Look at the Republican Convention. One whole night devoted to "Make America Safe Again." They're selling FEAR.

Maybe I'm unusual, but I don't feel any of this FEAR they say we all have. I'm not afraid of encountering a terrorist, because I know the odds are so miniscule as to be almost non-existent. I'm not afraid of the police, I'm not afraid of Mexicans, or Muslims, or the KKK.

People don't realize they're being manipulated by the media (all of it) and the politicians.

Not much I can disagree with here...
Quote:That's not what you've said up to this point.  You said he should have never pulled his gun, and my point is that if someone calls 911 and says someone has a gun, he has all the right in the world to have his gun out.


Using it is an entirely different story.

It appears that this particular cop shouldn't have a gun period. Further, responding to a report with a weapon in hand is, pardon the pun, jumping the gun and frequently the reason why we have "accidents" like this one. The overuse of weapons, including and especially during "no knock" raids to serve warrants, contributes to additional injury and death. The cops should be a moderating influence but their training often leads to escalation not de-escalation. 
From what we know, it looks to me like it was accidental.  The officer involved screwed up plain and simple.  I can understand him being overly cautious when responding to a call involving an alleged weapon, especially in the wake of the recent attacks on police.


That being said, the officer's finger should not have even been on the trigger.  I'm sure that after an investigation of the incident he'll definitely be fired and rightly so.  I doubt that there will be any criminal charges.
flsprtsgod, spin spin spin.  Your original point was he never should have pulled a gun in this incident.  You're wrong, he was well within his right to pull a gun.  Using it is a completely different matter.  Dig your head in the sand as deep as you can and act like it was never said.


You changing the narrative is funny. 


Most of these people with opinions have never been a cop and have no idea what it takes to be one.  You have no idea what its like to go out on the streets and deal with the worst of the worst on a daily basis.  It's easy to say he shouldn't have pulled his gun, shouldn't have done this, shouldn't have done that when your play arm chair cop at home.

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