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Full Version: Melania Trump accused of plagiarizing speech from Michelle Obama
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Quote:Thank you...  It was meant as a joke that was not too insulting, just funny...  

It resulted in a couple of major whooshes.
Quote:Is the pirate shirt different from the puffy shirt episode?

It's the same shirt...it's the puffy shirt and Jerry complains that he doesn't want to look like a pirate.
Quote:Do you all actually think you know what goes on behind closed doors in the Clinton family?

Hey, what Hillary and Huma do behind closed doors is nobody's business but Bill's.
Quote:Just trying to stay within the CoC furher.

Is the coc keeping you from replying?
Quote:Affected me? You find it sad that I think this poop show of a convention is a Hillaryious train wreck?

Ok, pirk... Lol

Quote:Friends > Seinfield


there i said it

I knew there was something wrong with you, something seriously, seriously wrong with you.  Now I know what!
Quote:Is the pirate shirt different from the puffy shirt episode?

I call it the pirate shirt, because in the episode, Jerry says, "I look like a pirate".  But yes, it's better known as the "puffy shirt"   :thumbsup:
Quote:Friends > Seinfield


there i said it

You are lucky you live in the US. You would be drawn and quartered for saying something so stupid in other countries. 
It's good so many of us have found common ground.


Seinfeld > Friends.


Heck, Seinfeld > most of my own friends. Ok, friend.

Quote:It's good so many of us have found common ground.

Seinfeld > Friends.

Heck, Seinfeld > most of my own friends. Ok, friend.
I didn't know we were friends...
Lost > 24

Television sitcoms > /dev/zero .  By the way, that's not a "greater than" sign, it's redirection.

OK, what about this...


Sons of Anarchy > Sopranos
Quote:OK, what about this...


Sons of Anarchy > Sopranos

Shame on you.
There are 6 reasons why Friends is better than Seinfeld.

Quote:There are 6 reasons why Friends is better than Seinfeld.

Only 2 are spectacular, the other 4...meh.
Quote:OK, what about this...

Sons of Anarchy > Sopranos

Of course
Quote:Of course

See RJ!  


SOA for the win
This country can not remain divided like this! People, we are all Americans. We can enjoy sopranos AND sons of anarchy just sopranos is slightly more but still we can enjoy them both!!!
Quote:Lost > 24

Good God. Lost > 24 and Friends > Seinfeld? I feel sorry for your TV.
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