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Full Version: Melania Trump accused of plagiarizing speech from Michelle Obama
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Quote:Does it hurt your feelings?

Can you answer the question? How is she a bimbo?
Ringo, you got busted plagiarizing on a tread accusing someone of plagiarizing. The irony here is thicker than your candidate's ankles.
Quote:Hilarious. Sarah Palin did plenty of taking herself down, in many, many hilarious and moronic ways.

This isn't a big deal. Their denial and running from it is, however.

They really think you are dumb enough to believe anything, including what you can hear yourself, directly.

It's slolen. Don't insult everyone. However, that's exactly what they think of us, that we are all exactly this ignorant.

How?  By Saturday Night Live taking what she said out of context?
Quote:Can you answer the question? How is she a bimbo?

Who cares if she's a bimbo or not?  She's Hawt!
I get the feeling Anchorman is the only one watching the convention.  4 nights glued to the TV hoping Trump slips on a banana peel.  Let us know how it turns out. 

Quote:The far left crazies will harp on this to no end, the far right will defend it to no end and those really with an open mind in the middle really won't care. They'll judge the person and the presentation. I also think that the left harping on it so hard has a chance to be more potentially off putting than the denial.


The contrary may also be true.

The fact that the far right is so adamant that this wasn't plagiarism, when it clearly was can also drive undecideds away fromn trump.

Well see... but the fact remains, from what I've seen, and heard on the tv and radio, too much of the coverage has been on plagiarism. That wasn't the message that the campaign wanted to put out. In that sense, it's a loss for day one.

But as you say, this isn't a knock out blow. Just a jab to the fore head.
Quote:Ringo, you got busted plagiarizing on a tread accusing someone of plagiarizing. The irony here is thicker than your candidate's ankles.


Quote:Umm...never took credit for it. I just posted it. And it was funny. Sorry it wasn't put in quotations for you. So good job on assuming. I'm just a schmo on a MB. Not someone trying to run the country. Now..if the speech writer would say the same thing instead of ...oh those are common words. She wrote herself. No she didn't. It would go away. But no. It was clearly lifted from another speech.

Jesus...go back a few dozen years if you want to lift a few quotes from someone. Not from the First Lady whose husband, your husband is slamming.

No research. No double checking. No originality. A dumb mistake that an inept management crew does. And let's the opposition make hay out of something that really wouldn't sway a voter either way.

She seemed sincere. She spoke well. She let some lazy writers throw her under the bus.

Hopefully the smartest people in the world Don will surround himself as POTUS, he does better than his campaign brainiacs....oops brainiacs....that's a term someone else coined years ago...just letting you know.
You are really comparing the two?? You fit right in with Trumps speech writers. Your perceptions are as clear as Donnies speech writers. 

How is Trump going start his speech? Fourscore and seven years ago?  That by the way was written by someone else..I didnt put quotations on it, but didnt want you to assume anything. 

By the way, your fetish with ankles is really strange

Quote:You are really comparing the two?? You fit right in with Trumps speech writers.
The meta is strong with this one.
Quote:You are really comparing the two?? You fit right in with Trumps speech writers.

By pointing out your position, you've ended the discussion.

You did better than that Paul Manacort buffoon! Send your resume to trump as soon as possible.
Your peanut gallery is defending you. I'm shocked. Continue with your agenda....
Quote:Ringo, you got busted plagiarizing on a tread accusing someone of plagiarizing. The irony here is thicker than your candidate's ankles.
I actually had figured he was lifting it without citation, making it twice as funny.
Quote:How? By Saturday Night Live taking what she said out of context?

I'd say she can take herself out of context plenty, or quit in the middle of doing so. She's a fool, to the core.
To me, the issue isn't plagiarism, Melania, or Michelle, it's that Donald's organization had months to prepare and STILL lifted an old speech.  I mean, this is the one everyone's been waiting for, and they bombed.


If this is the best they can do with some notice, how the hell do you think they're going to act when something REALLY serious pops up.  Donald is the ultimate "the dog ate my homework" candidate.  That's not going to change the minds that are convinced Hillary is aligned with Asmodeus, but at least they should acknowledge that the campaign seems unprepared - again.

Quote:To me, the issue isn't plagiarism, Melania, or Michelle, it's that Donald's organization had months to prepare and STILL lifted an old speech.  I mean, this is the one everyone's been waiting for, and they bombed.


If this is the best they can do with some notice, how the hell do you think they're going to act when something REALLY serious pops up.  Donald is the ultimate "the dog ate my homework" candidate.  That's not going to change the minds that are convinced Hillary is aligned with Asmodeus, but at least they should acknowledge that the campaign seems unprepared - again.
Anon, you've lost me here buddy. Granted, I don't think this is a big deal in the first place as some (hardly consider it a deal at all), but somehow, equating laziness when writing a speech to inability to handle a crisis just doesn't ring true with me.
The media has accomplished their goal.  The fact that we are even discussing this proves the point.  Take away what is really relevant, and get people involved/discussing a non-issue.

Quote:The media has accomplished their goal. The fact that we are even discussing this proves the point. Take away what is really relevant, and get people involved/discussing a non-issue.

It's pretty relevant that people cannot admit to the most obvious failing.

Do you think that if one of trump's big ideas failed he'd admit it, or claim it is a rousing success?
Even Priebus said the speech writer should be fired.

Much ado about nothing, but the handling of the issue has been handled poorly to say the least.

But it's done. Now it's under microscope.

Trumpsters will make excuses. Anti Trump will keep making an issue out of it.

Admit it wasn't the best handling of the situation and move on.

I actually feel for Melania, but they shouldn't have originally said she wrote it herself. Then again, Donald being full of piss isn't a shocker. But she suffers and gets the beat down.

All in all? It won't sway one voter in the end.

Let's discuss his taxes instead. Others can chime in on Clintons ankles.
Quote:Even Priebus said the speech writer should be fired.

Much ado about nothing, but the handling of the issue has been handled poorly to say the least.

But it's done. Now it's under microscope.

Trumpsters will make excuses. Anti Trump will keep making an issue out of it.

Admit it wasn't the best handling of the situation and move on.

I actually feel for Melania, but they shouldn't have originally said she wrote it herself. Then again, Donald being full of [BAD WORD REMOVED] isn't a shocker. But she suffers and gets the beat down.

All in all? It won't sway one voter in the end.

Let's discuss his taxes instead. Others can chime in on Clintons ankles.

What's to discuss?

No one wants to know because he said so and is so in tune with the common man.

Just because he is worth 1/5th his claim & has 2x the debt, and overvalue (or lies) the value of his brand (to whatever extent not made in China) doesn't mean there's anything to see.

Now let me get back to studying for my degree from the esteemed trump U.
Maybe that's where his wife got her non existent degree from.

Let's see if his people are on that like they were the President's birth certificate.
Quote:Anon, you've lost me here buddy. Granted, I don't think this is a big deal in the first place as some (hardly consider it a deal at all), but somehow, equating laziness when writing a speech to inability to handle a crisis just doesn't ring true with me.
Details are critical in crisis management, and Donald doesn't do details.  He's not a policy guy.  He dreams "big picture".


That can be OK, because we need big picture people, but it's still the detail folks that make it happen.  Think Bush's Katrina response, or Obama's Healthcare.gov.  During both mistakes of leadership, the commander in chief recognized it and took steps to correct.  I'm not a fan of Bush 43, but heads rolled after Katrina and he made a genuine effort to put make the best of a bad start to the crisis.  He went into the weeds, changed management, and then monitored the situation heavily.


So with Donald, immediately, we have a screwup, and instead of owning it, he goes into the blame game.  I still haven't seen him point the finger at himself once during the campaign, although I'll give him half a point for his "pardon me" during his kiss-and-make-up session with Megyn Kelly.  Otherwise, he's done a poor job of admitting errors and changing direction, and it's a concern when looking at a possible Trump administration.
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