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Full Version: Melania Trump accused of plagiarizing speech from Michelle Obama
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Quote:Details are critical in crisis management, and Donald doesn't do details. He's not a policy guy. He dreams "big picture".

That can be OK, because we need big picture people, but it's still the detail folks that make it happen. Think Bush's Katrina response, or Obama's Healthcare.gov. During both mistakes of leadership, the commander in chief recognized it and took steps to correct. I'm not a fan of Bush 43, but heads rolled after Katrina and he made a genuine effort to put make the best of a bad start to the crisis. He went into the weeds, changed management, and then monitored the situation heavily.

So with Donald, immediately, we have a screwup, and instead of owning it, he goes into the blame game. I still haven't seen him point the finger at himself once during the campaign, although I'll give him half a point for his "pardon me" during his kiss-and-make-up session with Megyn Kelly. Otherwise, he's done a poor job of admitting errors and changing direction, and it's a concern when looking at a possible Trump administration.

Hey now, we can't have people not treating politics like team sports.

Next thing you'll say Bush was the right man directly following 9/11 and that Barack Obama's administration deserves massive kudos for leading this nation back from the brink of the largest economic collapse ever.

Or......GASP......Obama is more like The Gipper than any one on either side could admit.
Welp...now that he may need a new speech editor, he may need a new music editor. From what I've heard, the Rolling Stones ( Can't get what you want) asked for cease and desist. Twisted Sister ( we're not going to take it) and now, after last night, Queen has asked him to stop with their songs, namely,we are the champions. Imagine that. Asking him to stop using a song sang by a gay Persian fella.

Just blast some Nugent out there Donald. You know wang dang sweet poon tang, Wango tango, etc. At least it should get some of them stiffs off their seat. It's Cleveland man. Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Let er rip. Just make sure it's ok with the musicians who own rights.
I expect to hear Trump's daughter talking about growing up the last 8 years in the White House with her sister Sasha.

Trump campaign immediately denies any similarities to Malie's life whatsoever, and you're crazy if you see it that way.
Quote:I expect to hear Trump's daughter talking about growing up the last 8 years in the White House with her sister Sasha.

Trump campaign immediately denies any similarities to Malie's life whatsoever, and you're crazy if you see it that way.

What is your point?
Quote:I expect to hear Trump's daughter talking about growing up the last 8 years in the White House with her sister Sasha.

Trump campaign immediately denies any similarities to Malie's life whatsoever, and you're crazy if you see it that way.

You know, after watching melenoma's speech-- it turns out trump was actually right.  Immigrants are stealing stuff from hard working Americans!
Quote:You know, after watching melenoma's speech-- it turns out trump was actually right. Immigrants are stealing stuff from hard working Americans!

That's pretty funny right there.
Quote:You know, after watching melenoma's speech-- it turns out trump was actually right.  Immigrants are stealing stuff from hard working Americans!
You think it is funny or something throwing around that cancer as a nickname? Better hope it doesn't come back to haunt you or one of your family members. You might need your Obama care for treatment.


Your girl Shrillary and her criminal husband stole millions worth of articles when they left the White house. Another proven crime that woman committed.

Quote:You think it is funny or something throwing around that cancer as a nickname? Better hope it doesn't come back to haunt you or one of your family members. You might need your Obama care for treatment.

Your girl Shrillary and her criminal husband stole millions worth of articles when they left the White house. Another proven crime that woman committed.

Is this where I get to make some stupid statement about how PC is destroying America? How delicious!!!

Actually, as a thoughtful person, I do feel bad if I've offended you. I'll stop using the term, though it was just a joke, I'm not married to it. :-)
Quote:You know, after watching melenoma's speech-- it turns out trump was actually right.  Immigrants are stealing stuff from hard working Americans!

Wow, seriously? New low...


What exactly has Donald Trumps wife done to warrant a nickname of one of the deadliest cancers? 


nate, you are just as bad.

Quote:No one ever said or even suggested that.

it was a demonstration of his logic that Hillary not charged, therefore she committed no crime
Quote:Wow, seriously? New low...

What exactly has Donald Trumps wife done to warrant a nickname of one of the deadliest cancers?

nate, you are just as bad.

Wow, we are so sensitive nowadays. Everyone has to be so politically correct.
Quote:Wow, we are so sensitive nowadays. Everyone has to be so politically correct.

Ironic, isn't it?
We are complaining about random nicknames for people? But only for those on your team? Let me know when you start complaining about all the idiotic nicknames people have for politicians on the opposite team.


That said, insulting nicknames are nothing more than that. They are stupid and make you look stupid, just call the person by their name and articulate your points. 

Quote:Wow, we are so sensitive nowadays. Everyone has to be so politically correct.

Quote:Ironic, isn't it?

Since when is nicknaming someone a deadly cancer fall into the realm of political correctness? It goes pretty far beyond that. Humane correctness maybe?

They probably got their panties in a twist cuz their participation trophies haven't come in through the mail
Quote:They probably got their panties in a twist cuz their participation trophies haven't come in through the mail

[Image: winner.gif]
I like Melania Trump.   She's very pretty.   She knows 5 languages.    Seems like a nice person.    I really don't care if the speech was plagiarized.  


It has nothing to do with the issues facing the country and who should be elected President. 

Quote:I like Melania Trump.   She's very pretty.   She knows 5 languages.    Seems like a nice person.    I really don't care if the speech was plagiarized.  


It has nothing to do with the issues facing the country and who should be elected President. 

She certainly did a good job getting A. people in general to care about the Nominee's Wife's Speech and B. Democrats to care about ethics.
Quote:She certainly did a good job getting A. people in general to care about the Nominee's Wife's Speech and B. Democrats to care about ethics.
That's pretty funny.


Now if only she could get her husband to care.
Quote:That's pretty funny.


Now if only she could get her husband to care.

Not sure if he'll care to point out how his Wife specifically sought to use Mrs. Obama's speech because of her admiration for her.


I won't hold my breath.


I'm sure they'll be too busy telling us, everyone who heard the speeches, how CRAZY we are for saying it could even possibly be the same thing.
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