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Full Version: Curt Schilling fired over NC Bathroom law
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Quote:You're going a tad bit far with this fantasy about us being in some kind of relationship. Is this something we need to talk about?

What we had was "special", but it's over. I know it's hard, but you'll have to move on.
Quote:It's nice to know you can assign that label without having to actually directly challenge any facts I present. It makes it so much easier to accept.





Which label?
Keep fighting Kotite, there's no danger in your position at all:


The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex.


“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” - Attorney General Loretta Lynch

[Image: Facebook-c98cbc.png]

Quote:Keep fighting Kotite, there's no danger in your position at all:

The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex.

“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” - Attorney General Loretta Lynch

They should change their gender on the school records to clear up confusion.
Quote:They should change their gender on the school records to clear up confusion.
Lol, and undo what little bit they learned in biology?

You, my friend, have lost touch with reality.
Bruce was so sure he was Caitlyn that she's now considering going back to Bruce. "De-Transitioning" is what it's being called. Interesting.

Quote:Bruce was so sure he was Caitlyn that she's now considering going back to Bruce. "De-Transitioning" is what it's being called. Interesting.

That story was poorly sourced, and her representatives are saying it's not true in the least.
I don't care how many surgeries Bruce had. It will always be a "He"..
Quote:Lol, and undo what little bit they learned in biology?

You, my friend, have lost touch with reality.

My friend did this for her daughter (in reality).
Quote:My friend did this for her daughter (in reality).

Ill pray for him
Quote:Ill pray for her (fify)

I'm surprised. I would have figured you'd consider that to be a mental disorder.
Quote:My friend did this for her daughter (in reality).

Poor kid.
I made a conscious choice to love everyone. Just because I have not gone through a particular trial doesn't mean that I don't care.

But loving someone doesn't absolve the fundamental choice between what is right and what is easy.
Quote:I don't care how many surgeries Bruce had. It will always be a "He"..

Oh look, it thinks it's being cute.
Quote:Poor kid.

Not really. She's finally happy. But I'm sure your opinion matters greatly to the family.
Quote:Oh look, it thinks it's being cute.

Sorry if I offended you and your transgender Caitlyn Army.. You're a fine leader.
Quote:Not really. She's finally happy. But I'm sure your opinion matters greatly to the family.

I hope he or she finds peace.
Quote:Your introduction to the environmental aspect began with a bunch of friends who you knew who all grouped together and became gay. I found that and still find that to be far-fetched. I can accept that there can be an environmental influence, but tend to lean more towards family structure playing that role as a basis for how a child self identifies. And I contend while there still can be an environmental influence, this influence is outweighed by biological factors. A person who reacts to environmental influences is doing do because of the pre-classified tendencies imprinted on their DNA.

Yeah I did. I said I think the environment played a role in most of them becoming gay.

Every person who has ever lived has tendencies imprinted in their DNA,this does not mean that they are rigid and cannot be changed.

At this point your just writing words for the sake of writing words. It was a good discussion though.I'm glad you now see the error of your ways.

Jack out.
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