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Quote:I agree with you except for one minor point, it's not sexualizing. Gender id is not about sex.
I disagree in this case. Making a child decide who they identify as is sexualizing them by forcing them to think about something that no 4 year old should think about. Sex and gender. You can't explain one without the other. I thought they were the same thing or close to the same thing until I looked up the definitions and I'm 44. There's no way I'd try to have that conversation with a child. Like I said previously, unless they ask first it's not something I would talk about. 


I read somewhere once that people don't realize they are lacking in an area until they are shown or told otherwise. You don't know what you don't know. A girl doesn't know she's unattractive until someone tells her she's not. A boy doesn't know he's not 'tough enough' until he's made fun of by the class bully. I think something like described in the article could confuse kids. Maybe at that age a boy is a boy until someone tells them otherwise then you have a kid who doesn't know what the hell to think.
Quote:it becomes a big deal when creepers pose as trannies to get their jollies in a women's restroom. men are savages and predatory by nature. lets not forget that.
Wow dude, have you seen Zootopia? Because you're living, breathing proof that fear always works.
Quote:None of that has anything to do with what hole a man [BAD WORD REMOVED] in.

You brought up mental illness. I pointed out you are wrong. Bringing it up over and over doesn't make you more right.
Quote:I disagree in this case. Making a child decide who they identify as is sexualizing them by forcing them to think about something that no 4 year old should think about. Sex and gender. You can't explain one without the other. I thought they were the same thing or close to the same thing until I looked up the definitions and I'm 44. There's no way I'd try to have that conversation with a child. Like I said previously, unless they ask first it's not something I would talk about.

I read somewhere once that people don't realize they are lacking in an area until they are shown or told otherwise. You don't know what you don't know. A girl doesn't know she's unattractive until someone tells her she's not. A boy doesn't know he's not 'tough enough' until he's made fun of by the class bully. I think something like described in the article could confuse kids. Maybe at that age a boy is a boy until someone tells them otherwise then you have a kid who doesn't know what the hell to think.

It's still not about sex in the way sexualization is about sex.

Symantics aside, I don't disagree with you either.
Quote:it becomes a big deal when creepers pose as trannies to get their jollies in a women's restroom. men are savages and predatory by nature. lets not forget that.

Quote:That is so simplistic it's ridiculous. Do you really believe a human being would put themselves through what transgenders experience because they have a choice?

Because rationality is the order of the day.
Quote:Because rationality is the order of the day.

It's ok, they aren't sick or deviant. Some group said so.
Maybe one day Jenner will be put on a piece of currency. You know it's coming.

Quote:Wow dude, have you seen Zootopia? Because you're living, breathing proof that fear always works.

It's the republican play book...

Muslims are out to kill you. Obama is gonna destroy America. They are coming for your guns. The war on Christmas. The government is a tyrannical monster taking your freedom. FEMA camps. And now: the transgender are going to rape our little princesses in the potty.

It's ridiculous, I'm just not sure why people still buy these fear tactics after all these years.
Quote:It's the republican play book...

Muslims are out to kill you.  - Looks like a good portion of them are.


Obama is gonna destroy America. - He's doing a pretty good job so far.


They are coming for your guns. - They want to so badly but, for the moment, the political will isn't there. Once the USSC changes over though? Different story.


The war on Christmas. - It's symbolic of their war on Western Values. Hey, I read this week that being "goal-oriented" is racist. Who knew?


The government is a tyrannical monster taking your freedom. - This is true.


FEMA camps. - Meh, Alex Jones-level stuff.


And now: the transgender are going to rape our little princesses in the potty. - There's a bit more to it than that, it's about removing the controls from a potentially dangerous situation. There's a reason girls go to the can in groups, and removing the basis for the privacy of that area increases the risk factor.

It's ridiculous understandable
, I'm just not sure why more
people still buy these fear tactics don't recognize the left's playbook
 after all these years.
Quote:It's the republican play book...

Muslims are out to kill you. Obama is gonna destroy America. They are coming for your guns. The war on Christmas. The government is a tyrannical monster taking your freedom. FEMA camps. And now: the transgender are going to rape our little princesses in the potty.

It's ridiculous, I'm just not sure why people still buy these fear tactics after all these years.

You forgot Ebola.
Quote:You forgot Ebola.

And Poland.
Quote:I'm confused. Are we talking about your daughter using the YMCA men's locker room?
The law, I would assume, cover gym bathrooms/locker rooms too, etc. as well.

Quote:The law, I would assume, cover gym bathrooms/locker rooms too, etc. as well.

Nah man, there's no downstream consequences of this. Until there are.
Quote:The American Psychiatric Association, The American Psychological Association, and The World Health Organization disagrees with you. I know, I know, they are merely massive groups of medical professionals.


The whole conservative ideal of what is normal is being destroyed and has been for a very long time. Clinging to those last vestiges like the family pearls might be what drives the fear of the unknown and hatred of "the other". Maybe the idea that the world has past them by is what causes all the rage. 
What's scary is a norm being produced today that if you disagree with something you "Hate" that person, or what they are trying to do or become. That is ridiculous.
Quote:It's the republican play book...

Muslims are out to kill you. Obama is gonna destroy America. They are coming for your guns. The war on Christmas. The government is a tyrannical monster taking your freedom. FEMA camps. And now: the transgender are going to rape our little princesses in the potty.

It's ridiculous, I'm just not sure why people still buy these fear tactics after all these years.

Lawd hammercy, you're on a roll!


One thing I'd like to point out, I seriously think that people (not necessarily you) are confusing a transvestite with a transgender person/transsexual. Here, let Ms. Noxeema Jackson spell it out for you!

Quote:Wow dude, have you seen Zootopia? Because you're living, breathing proof that fear always works.

Wow DUDE, yes ive seen less than half the movie because my kids are really young and we had to leave early.


There is no fear here.  I dont fear different people.  They can be whoever they want to be.  I dont care and I treat them the same as anybody else.  Keep telling yourself that because I think it's abnormal behavior, therefore im afraid.  Go with that.
Quote:You beat that mental illness angle to death, but it's bogus. My guess is you've never met a sincere transgender or gotten to know one. By and large they are wonderful, brave individuals who just want to live their life. From my experience, if they are mentally ill they are the most well balanced, functional mentally ill people you'll ever encounter.


If a traditional norm is wrong its destruction can't come soon enough.

Your basis for what's right and wrong is just whatever politico and snopes tells you that day. that's the main difference between you and sensible people here.
Quote:It's the republican play book...

Muslims are out to kill you. Obama is gonna destroy America. They are coming for your guns. The war on Christmas. The government is a tyrannical monster taking your freedom. FEMA camps. And now: the transgender are going to rape our little princesses in the potty.

It's ridiculous, I'm just not sure why people still buy these fear tactics after all these years.

THERE ARE muslims that want to kill you...


Obama did his part just like every other president for the last 30 years...


Liberal politicians ON RECORD want to confiscate firearms...


Tyranny happens... read a history book


but ya... you really showed us
Quote:Lawd hammercy, you're on a roll!

One thing I'd like to point out, I seriously think that people (not necessarily you) are confusing a transvestite with a transgender person/transsexual. <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT8XQcaVUtI'>Here, let Ms. Noxeema Jackson spell it out for you!</a>

Lol, ok... so help me out here....

Is Ted Cruz and the republicans worried about boys in dresses, then???

Oh and transvestites! So boys in dresses and transvestites are fine, but should not be going into women's bathrooms.

I think we all agree with that, but those two types of people wouldn't be heading out to little girls bathrooms.

I mean there are already laws in place against sexual predators..

So these transgendered purple, what would noxema Jackson call them?
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