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Full Version: Curt Schilling fired over NC Bathroom law
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Quote:THERE ARE muslims that want to kill you...

Obama did his part just like every other president for the last 30 years...

Liberal politicians ON RECORD want to confiscate firearms...

Tyranny happens... read a history book

but ya... you really showed us
I rest my case and accept your apology.

But here's my thing, while isis claims they are Muslim, they do not represent true Muslims. So no, you are incorrect, there are not Muslims out to kill you. There are terrorists that are using Islam as a propaganda tool out to kill you.

But even if you want to disagree with that. They are less than 1% of Muslims out to kill you. Of those 1 percent, 99.99999% are NOT IN AMERICA. Again, no. Muslims are not out to kill you. It's common sense and the English language.

Again, with the 2nd amendment, name a prominent liberal political that had said they are going to repeal the right to bear arms.

Lastly, while governments have become tyrannical, the us constitution makes it very hard for it to happen here... the fear of the us government is what I was mentioning, but all governments in world history...
Quote:I rest my case and accept your apology.

But here's my thing, while isis claims they are Muslim, they do not represent true Muslims. So no, you are incorrect, there are not Muslims out to kill you. There are terrorists that are using Islam as a propaganda tool out to kill you.

But even if you want to disagree with that. They are less than 1% of Muslims out to kill you. Of those 1 percent, 99.99999% are NOT IN AMERICA. Again, no. Muslims are not out to kill you. It's common sense and the English language.

Again, with the 2nd amendment, name a prominent liberal political that had said they are going to repeal the right to bear arms.

Lastly, while governments have become tyrannical, the us constitution makes it very hard for it to happen here... the fear of the us government is what I was mentioning, but all governments in world history...

i know i know radical islam is not a problem and the sky is not blue. i get it.
Quote:But here's my thing, while isis claims they are Muslim, they do not represent true Muslims. So no, you are incorrect, there are not Muslims out to kill you. There are terrorists that are using Islam as a propaganda tool out to kill you.


The "No True Jihadi" fallacy? From you?
Quote:What's scary is a norm being produced today that if you disagree with something you "Hate" that person, or what they are trying to do or become. That is ridiculous.

More importantly, so what if you do really hate something or someone? 
Quote:Again, with the 2nd amendment, name a prominent liberal political that had said they are going to repeal the right to bear arms.


Not a politician, but she's really, really close to potentially our next President:


Quote:What's scary is a norm being produced today that if you disagree with something you "Hate" that person, or what they are trying to do or become. That is ridiculous.
Agreed entirely. Not wanting transgendered individuals in a bathroom designed for people with different hardware is not in and of itself hateful. I'm not even sure how I feel about it, tbqh. I kind of feel like hardware should be the defining factor in restroom selection, not software.
Quote:i know i know radical islam is not a problem and the sky is not blue. i get it.

Dude, I'm not even saying that.  I'm willing to say there are so bad actors that practice that religion.  For instance, Saudi Arabia can kick rocks.  The mullahs that run Iran can kick rocks.  But these are smalls numbers.


Muslims are not out looking to kill you.  .001% of a group are jerks, so we say the entire group are jerkstores?  I just don't buy it...


Quote:The "No True Jihadi" fallacy? From you?

What's the "No True Jihadi" fallacy?  Is this a thing?  Please explain...
Quote:Dude, I'm not even saying that.  I'm willing to say there are so bad actors that practice that religion.  For instance, Saudi Arabia can kick rocks.  The mullahs that run Iran can kick rocks.  But these are smalls numbers.


Muslims are not out looking to kill you.  .001% of a group are jerks, so we say the entire group are jerkstores?  I just don't buy it...



What's the "No True Jihadi" fallacy?  Is this a thing?  Please explain...

Your statistics are flawed since not everybody who supports the belief system actually has carried out jihad.  However, anybody who does support it, is capable of it or a potential recruit.
Quote:I rest my case and accept your apology.

But here's my thing, while isis claims they are Muslim, they do not represent true Muslims. So no, you are incorrect, there are not Muslims out to kill you. There are terrorists that are using Islam as a propaganda tool out to kill you.

But even if you want to disagree with that. They are less than 1% of Muslims out to kill you. Of those 1 percent, 99.99999% are NOT IN AMERICA. Again, no. Muslims are not out to kill you. It's common sense and the English language.

Again, with the 2nd amendment, name a prominent liberal political that had said they are going to repeal the right to bear arms.

Lastly, while governments have become tyrannical, the us constitution makes it very hard for it to happen here... the fear of the us government is what I was mentioning, but all governments in world history...

Just shakes his head
Quote:Agreed entirely. Not wanting transgendered individuals in a bathroom designed for people with different hardware is not in and of itself hateful. I'm not even sure how I feel about it, tbqh. I kind of feel like hardware should be the defining factor in restroom selection, not software.

Here's the deal, transsexuals have been a thing for a while. Why is it all of a sudden a big thing?

That's what seems hateful about it.

Especially when a charlatan like Ted Cruz is using it to gain political points. Especially when a state decides out of the blue that they need to exert power on an entire class of people.

I'm not saying you're being hateful, I'm saying you republican leaders are using these issues in a hateful manner.
Quote:Just shakes his head

I accept this as a concession to my argument, and your apology.
Quote:Your statistics are flawed since not everybody who supports the belief system actually has carried out jihad. However, anybody who does support it, is capable of it or a potential recruit.

Lol,dude, that's not how things work.

So you have decided that you know what is in the heart of Muslims, and that most of them want to kill you...

Christians hate abortion, a small % of them, less than 1%, have recently killed an abortionist. Therefore all Christians are out to kill abortionists?

White people in the south support the confederate flag, all of the w whites in southerner states are racists...

See how ridiculous that argument is?

You have to deal with the facts. Isis is not all Muslims, 99.99% of Muslims are not looking to kill you.

Unless you listen to Glenn beck and those types of people, then Muslims all of a sudden are this huge threat we need to worry about.
You're so right. The 30 some odd percent that say they support violent jihad are just playing an April fools joke.

In other news, Saudi Arabia is threatening the us with financial wmd if they are held accountable for their role in 9-11
Quote:You're so right. The 30 some odd percent that say they support violent jihad are just playing an April fools joke.

Do you not research the propaganda that you are fed?

This is a lie. A total lie. You are either lying to us, or you have been completely brainwashed.

Either case, what you just said is false. It is not true. It is wrong, and a lie.

It also proves my point.
Quote:More importantly, so what if you do really hate something or someone? 
When is it more important I think is the question.


You'd have to ask someone with hate on their heart. There's plenty of hate in the hearts of many who are fighting for the use of bathroom facilities (among many other protestors/supporter who are "fighting the good fight" for other things as well). Like my original comment regarding this, it works both ways.

Quote:When is it more important I think is the question.

You'd have to ask someone with hate on their heart. There's plenty of hate in the hearts of many who are fighting for the use of bathroom facilities (among many other protestors/supporter who are "fighting the good fight" for other things as well). Like my original comment regarding this, it works both ways.
Yes, those with hate are named Ted Cruz and the republicans in the north Carolina government that decided that since there really wasn't any problem, it was time to make every trans gendered man a potential rapist of little girls.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a troll about this. But there were no issues regarding this stupid thing until the republicans decided it was time to make this a political issue.

It's stupid, and it is important to accept that this whole thing is based those that decided it was time to create a new wedge issue that wasn't there by going after what they figured was low hanging fruit.
Quote:Because they need to empty their bladders or bowels, like anyone else.

Please explain why they are unable to perform this bodily function in the men's restroom


Admit that access to the ladies room is an emotional desire rather than a physical need.
Quote:Lol,dude, that's not how things work.

So you have decided that you know what is in the heart of Muslims, and that most of them want to kill you...

Christians hate abortion, a small % of them, less than 1%, have recently killed an abortionist. Therefore all Christians are out to kill abortionists?

White people in the south support the confederate flag, all of the w whites in southerner states are racists...

See how ridiculous that argument is?

You have to deal with the facts. Isis is not all Muslims, 99.99% of Muslims are not looking to kill you.

Unless you listen to Glenn beck and those types of people, then Muslims all of a sudden are this huge threat we need to worry about.

Ya it sounds ridiculous when you make a straw man out of it.


Saying radical islam poses no more threat than anti-abortionists is about as dumb as it gets.
Quote:Ya it sounds ridiculous when you make a straw man out of it.

Saying radical islam poses no more threat than anti-abortionists is about as dumb as it gets.

It sounds stupid because it is. Just like your fear that Muslims are trying to kill you!!!!!!

Lol!! That's my point
Quote:It sounds stupid because it is. Just like your fear that Muslims are trying to kill you!!!!!!

Lol!! That's my point

No, you presented both arguments as equals which they aren't.  Radical islam is a legit threat and obviously moreso than people against abortion.


Keep downplaying it though. Yes, all these attacks and bombings....  Not a big deal.

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