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Full Version: Allen Robinson's toe injury
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Quote:Good Lord this can't be real.

I can't believe it either.
Quote:Russian is making that up.

They were talking about it on action news.

We have the worst luck.

I'm talkin about this thread started by her. Not AR15's toe or lack thereof.

We have the worst luck.

It seems like we do when you only know about one team.
Quote:They were talking about it on action news.

What is Action News?
According to twitter rumors are swirling that the nurse that "accidentally" cut off ARob's toe is actually a tacks fan. I tried posting the tweet but I can't from my phone. Anyone able to help me out?

Make what stop?
Quote:According to twitter rumors are swirling that the nurse that "accidentally" cut off ARob's toe is actually a tacks fan. I tried posting the tweet but I can't from my phone. Anyone able to help me out?

If that is true I hope Allen Robinson sues her.
God this is comical. I'm done.
Quote:God this is comical. I'm done.

What's so comical about emergency surgery on one of our best players?
Quote:What's so comical about emergency surgery on one of our best players?

You wouldn't understand. Clearly.
Quote:If that is true I hope Allen Robinson sues her.
he's making it up. It's not true. He's just messing with you.
Quote:He's making it up. It's not true. He's just messing with you.

He needs to stop making stuff up.
Quote:he's making it up. It's not true. He's just messing with you.

Ding ding ding!!!
If this happened during a regular season game I bet the NFL would have reported it hours ago. Still no word from that site because it was at the Pro Bowl.

Quote:Gruden is going crazy in the lobby. I feel a law suit coming on

A lawsuit? Nice....
Quote:If this happened during a regular season game I bet the NFL would have reported it hours ago. Still no word from that site because it was at the Pro Bowl.

Will you please keep us posted on this tragedy.

Props to you for breaking the story first!

Please keep refreshing Google all night so we can all sleep.
Quote:If this happened during a regular season game I bet the NFL would have reported it hours ago. Still no word from that site because it was at the Pro Bowl.

It. Didn't. Happen. Everyone. Has. Played. You.
Quote:It. Didn't. Happen. Everyone. Has. Played. You.

See, I knew whatever happened to him could not be so bad a toe would have to be amputated. That was why I asked in the other thread why everyone is panicking about it.
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