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Quote:You're talking about making decisions out of fear, that will never work.


I do agree that the offense has taken a big step forward (I also do not want that to regress).  Olson's contract is independent of Gus's.  Caldwell could choose to keep Olson and make that an agreement with a new head coach that comes in.


Our defense and Special Teams suck so if (hypothetically) Gus, Babich and the ST's coach were all fired, it would not decrease our performance in those areas.


So, as you alluded to, the only hesitation and fear is that the offense gets set back by getting a new OC and having to learn a new scheme.  I agree.  But, as I mentioned above, I think that's where Caldwell can decide to keep Olson and offensive positions coaches as he sees fit.


They only way for this team to win if we keep Gus is if Caldwell continues to improve as a GM and the team becomes so overflowing with talent that they win in spite of Gus being terrible (which is baically what is happening now).

You didn't answer my question, and while your premise is correct about Olson's contract you don't know if a new coach will want to keep Olson...


Also a new head coach would change the entire culture of the locker room. I know you are angry with the loses, but how can you give Gus blame for defense woes but then give him no credit at all for how the offense is doing.....That makes no sense what so ever...


If they players didn't believe in what Gus was saying they wouldn't be playing hard every week. I haven't seen them give up on any game this season. Which is another reason I am not ready to get rid of Gus yet, because he hasn't lost the locker room...


So which coach do you want to bring in?

Quote:Yeah that is what these types of statements suggest for year 4.  We have to so overwhelm both sides of the ball with talent so it can be coaching proof.


Not to band too hard on some obvious but man we started chasing points early.  Okay you missed the first extra point but why chase the points and immediately go for 2 the next time?  Really if that was the plan you should have gone for 2 with every score.

Agreed...I think we knew it was the wrong coaching call when he went for 2 early.  It was a panic move.


He admitted the "card" says go for one at that point in the game but felt we need "momentum."


To the offense's credit, they kept fighting all game.
Today we could go with Marrone, keep the rest of the staff intact, and decide in February. No matter who else is the choice, we know, today, that Bradley isn't the guy.

This season is all but done for us. It's obvious now that our weakest link is the defense. Offense has been very surprising this year. Another year of chemistry together and offense is even better next year.

Now....it's time to break the bank in terms of acquiring defensive talent. This team is built huh? That's a laugh. It's like saying that Gerhart is Marshawn Lynch. We've been exposed...for too long of a time. New Defensive Coordinator? New scheme? Whatever it takes. Spend some money and bring in some "proven" talent, and go heavy on defense in the draft.

"We've tried everything". I think I would have rather heard some lame excuse on how we're getting better. I think to make this statement is like a silver bullet that kills the confidence of the team. It's like admiring that you "can't" win.
Quote:You didn't answer my question, and while your premise is correct about Olson's contract you don't know if a new coach will want to keep Olson...


Also a new head coach would change the entire culture of the locker room. I know you are angry with the loses, but how can you give Gus blame for defense woes but then give him no credit at all for how the offense is doing.....That makes no sense what so ever...


If they players didn't believe in what Gus was saying they wouldn't be playing hard every week. I haven't seen them give up on any game this season. Which is another reason I am not ready to get rid of Gus yet, because he hasn't lost the locker room...


So which coach do you want to bring in?

I'm not a GM nor a coach searching extrordinaire.  You're only asking so you can criticize my preference.  I don't need to know who the next HC should be (that's Caldwell's job) especially when it's clear as day that Bradley is not the guy to take this team to a Super Bowl.


You claim I'm angry with the losses but I'm not  (I've been a fan since we got the team and another losing season isn't going to make me "angry"). 


I was as pumped as anybody about Gus's personality when he got here.  However, facts, such as bad season prep, bad in-game management, bad player development, bad game planning, bad scheming, etc, has led me to conclude (logically) that Bradley is not a good HC.  And that's not to even mentioning comparing his record to all other NFL coaches in the history of the sport!


And yes, Bradley did bring in Olson, so credit is due there.  I also think an argument can be made that Caldwell has remade the talent on offense that is has overcome anything having to do with Bradley. 


Again, great, and I mean GREAT guy!  But bad HC.
Quote:That was a quote from Gus Bradley, talking about the defense after  yesterday's loss to the tacks.


It is a frightening quote on so many different levels to truly comprehend.


It is an indictment on the talent level on the defense.


It is an indictment of the coaching staff, who couldn't stop a struggling offense led by a rookie.  How can you have NO ANSWERS for the 30th ranked offense?


I hope it isn't a sign of what's to come from Tennessee.


This is a bad defense folks.

0 first round picks (Fowler injured).


1 2nd round pick (inconsistent)


1 3rd round pick (bad)


0 top free agent (Marks injured)


And we wonder why this defense is bad? DC spent all of his top resources in our offense. The only question now is if it will take 3 years to rebuild this defense like it took him the offense.
Quote:0 first round picks (Fowler injured).


1 2nd round pick (inconsistent)


1 3rd round pick (bad)


0 top free agent (Marks injured)


And we wonder why this defense is bad? DC spent all of his top resources in our offense. The only question now is if it will take 3 years to rebuild this defense like it took him the offense.

This is true...but you also need to incude the FA signings for defense to fairly argue this point.
Quote:We MIGHT be able to fix this defense in one draft, but a lot would have to go right.


1.  The team had to have been right on Fowler, and he has to come back as good as he was pre injury, and stay healthy.


2.  Besides Fowler, the team has to get impact at each level of the defense.  Another pass rushing DE, another DT, maybe two LBs, and at least a S.


The good news is that all of those are positions that can be found later in the draft.


It would have to be a defensive draft the equivalent of the 2014 draft, but it could happen.

It is possible, and it has been done. By the Jaguars in fact...




Get another draft like that and this defense evolves from bad to average
Quote:I'm not a GM nor a coach searching extrordinaire.  You're only asking so you can criticize my preference.  I don't need to know who the next HC should be (that's Caldwell's job) especially when it's clear as day that Bradley is not the guy to take this team to a Super Bowl.


You claim I'm angry with the losses but I'm not  (I've been a fan since we got the team and another losing season isn't going to make me "angry"). 


I was as pumped as anybody about Gus's personality when he got here.  However, facts, such as bad season prep, bad in-game management, bad player development, bad game planning, bad scheming, etc, has led me to conclude (logically) that Bradley is not a good HC.  And that's not to even mentioning comparing his record to all other NFL coaches in the history of the sport!


And yes, Bradley did bring in Olson, so credit is due there.  I also think an argument can be made that Caldwell has remade the talent on offense that is has overcome anything having to do with Bradley. 


Again, great, and I mean GREAT guy!  But bad HC.

And this is why you get classified as a Gus Hater....


You don't want to give him credit for anything good the team has produced, but everything bad is on him... Everything good according to you is in spite of him. That definitely seems like HATE to me...


And I don't care about criticizing your coaching choice, I just wanted to see how another coach would be better with this defense. Even Sean Payton, whom, a lot of people wanted to bring here to replace Gus has struggled with a lack of defensive talent on his team, and I think the Saints defense is more talented than our own.


The fact that we are competitive in most of the games this year is surprising to me, because no team has ever gutted the roster the way we did almost three years ago. So I don't really see how any coach would be much improved with the same roster... Which ownership seems to agree with me, for now

Quote:And this is why you get classified as a Gus Hater....


You don't want to give him credit for anything good the team has produced, but everything bad is on him... Everything good according to you is in spite of him. That definitely seems like HATE to me...


And I don't about criticizing your coaching choice, I just wanted to see how another coach would be better with this defense. Even Sean Payton, whom, a lot of people wanted to bring here to replace Gus has struggled with a lack of defensive talent on his team, and I think the Saints defense is more talented than our own.


The fact that we are competitive in most of the games this year is surprising to me, because no team has ever gutted the roster the way we did almost three years ago. So I don't really see how any coach would be much improved with the same roster... Which ownership seems to agree with me, for now

If you don't think that Belichick has this team at 8-4 or better than you're delusional.  Sorry.
Quote:0 first round picks (Fowler injured).


1 2nd round pick (inconsistent)


1 3rd round pick (bad)


0 top free agent (Marks injured)


And we wonder why this defense is bad? DC spent all of his top resources in our offense. The only question now is if it will take 3 years to rebuild this defense like it took him the offense.

Taking a deep breath, putting aside my immediate frustration and trying to be analytical, we are not really that far away from having a winning record this year.   If we had a decent kicker, and if we could get some pressure on the passer, we could easily be winning the division.  


I think the defense can be fixed in one offseason if we are lucky.   What we need is for Fowler to pan out, for Marks to get healthy and stay healthy, and for us to draft a great defensive player.   I would love to get that defensive tackle from Ole Miss.  
Quote:This is true...but you also need to incude the FA signings for defense to fairly argue this point.

And he's only done it for one year...this year with Odrick and House, with Julius as the "big" signing. Fact is, the attention to this team has been on offense...not defense. DC managed to hit on some lower round defensive picks with Telvin and Colvin. But we need bonafide talent on this defense...and we simply don't have it. 


Everyone likes to harp on Gus for this defense, but you guys realize:


Mariota is a #2 pick

DBG is a 2nd rounder (would have been 1st if not for character concerns)

Lewan 11th overall

Warmack 10th overall

Wright 20th overall



Now compare that to our defense and what we've invested in it.


That offense is young...but it has talent. Not too different from ours.

The ultimate irony was the Mariota run. Gus is so hesitant to blitz as it is with this defense, but he eventually gave in and said, ok, let's send the hounds on an all-out blitz...it's kitchen sink time. He does, but MM realized he had space in front to run and takes off... and just keeps going. It was so surreal to watch. You just know Gus was saying, "and that folks is why I'm so cautious about blitzing." You can just picture him slapping his forehead.

Quote: Better coaches get he most out of the talent they have.  Bradley does not do that.

This is the long and the short of it right here.  It seems like a lot of people like to blame everything on the players, but it is fairly obvious that it is a combination of coaching and players.  When the exact same problem pops up again and again (wide open middle of the field, TEs having career days, missed tackles, etc) that is directly on coaching, period.  Good coached correct issues.  Bradley has not done this. 
Quote:The ultimate irony was the Mariota run. Gus is so hesitant to blitz as it is with this defense, but he eventually gave in and said, ok, let's send the hounds on an all-out blitz...it's kitchen sink time. He does, but MM realized he had space in front to run and takes off... and just keeps going. It was so surreal to watch. You just know Gus was saying, "and that folks is why I'm so cautious about blitzing." You can just picture him slapping his forehead.

All out blitz against a guy that fast is a very dangerous thing to do.   Once he breaks the pocket, there are very few people between him and the goal line. 
Quote:If you don't think that Belichick has this team at 8-4 or better than you're delusional.  Sorry.

LOL. So I call you out on your "Hate" and you bring up Belichick. I don't agree 100% but let's say for arguments sake that you are right and Belichick probably would have this team at 7-5 or 8-4. But guess what you talking about a once in a generation coach...





So again, how would any coach we would have had access to done much better than we are doing now?

I would agree that defensive talent is an issue at this point, but I would also say that the coaches refusal to adapt to the ability of the personnel we have and sticking with the soft zone and four man line rush is exacerbating the problem. 


We know we don't have the personnel on our line to be very successful rushing the quarterback. We know that in a soft zone that almost any NFL level quarterback will, given enough time, pick a zone defense apart... at will. We know this because we've been witnessing it all season; we get opponents in 3rd down situations and more often than not they will convert a 1st down. 


We know we don't have an elite secondary, but we throw gas on the fire due to the zone defense and lack of pass rush. Even though we had a record setting day on offense, it's just not enough to offset the current woes of our defense. I suppose it would also go without saying that at this point in the season that a major change in defensive philosophy would be 'too little too late', if it could be done at all.


Frankly, the outcome of yesterdays game against the tacks probably would've been different except for the blunders of our center and kicker. Just take away the bad snap that led to an immediate touchdown and the Jags would've won. Missing those XP's didn't 'blow the game for us' but they did indeed shift momentum away from us. The free six points via the bad snap was the difference maker.


For Gus to say 'we tried everything' and to lose to what was a 2-9 team is an indictment of his coaching. It would've been a bit more accurate to say that 'we tried everything I know'. Still, you can only do what you can do with what you have to work with. It's kind'a unrealistic to expect Gus to be able to get 'McGiver' (sp) like results with what he has on defense.


So what 'can' we do? Well, continue to support the Jags... I think better things are comin'. Hope for the best for what's left of this season but don't go banana's if we fold like a cheap jacket and end up with less than a 6-10 record. It's pretty obvious we need significant help on the defensive roster so I anticipate that Dave is going to invest heavily there during the upcoming draft and f/a acquisition.


As for the coaching... if after three full seasons we once again end the season with less than a paltry 6-10 record... that should say it all to those in power who make decisions. Nothing further need be said; no ranting, etc.

Quote:LOL. So I call you out on your "Hate" and you bring up Belichick. I don't agree 100% but let's say for arguments sake that you are right and Belichick probably would have this team at 7-5 or 8-4. But guess what you talking about a once in a generation coach...





So again, how would any coach we would have had access to done much better than we are doing now...

So you're argument is that Gus was the best we could get...so stay with him?
This reminds me of the Texas Rangers of the 90's, they would score 18 runs and lose baseball games,
There you have it Jags fans.  Bradley has finally cracked, and now he does not know what to do.  If I were Khan, I could not have my coach not know what to do about his team.  He should be removed immediately because if Gus feels this way, so do the players.  It will turn into a cancer.  I thought it was bad, but that quote makes it quite obvious we need a new coach next year.

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