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Quote:Is any one worried that regardless of what happens the rest of this season, that Khan is going to stick with Bradley no matter what?

Gus Bradley?! bahaha. The defense guru who's allowed 29.4 points per game to bad offenses?! That's the worst in franchise history.  Wallbash . Guy is terrible.

Quote:Is any one worried that regardless of what happens the rest of this season, that Khan is going to stick with Bradley no matter what?
Yes, very. 
Quote:Not going to be popular among many, but I think we should keep Gus another year. A few weeks ago, like many, I was calling for him to be fired. The frustration week after week and another season of failure gets overwhelming at times. However, many of the games we have lost have not been because of coaching, they have been because of players. At SOME point we have to point the finger at the players not competing at the level they are getting paid at. Has Gus made some bonehead calls? Absolutely. Has he made decisions that hurt the club? You betcha. But I also see HUGE improvements taking place within this team. It's not Gus's fault that Blake has thrown 9 INT's (many of them stupid throws and a few more deflections). It's not Gus's fault that the secondary cannot catch a pass. It's not Gus's fault that receivers are dropping passes that are right in their chest. It's not Gus's fault that players are muffing punts or missing field goals. Players need to perform, period. The losses are piling up but so are the positive stats. We have a young team that does not have much experience in many stressful situations like redzones and 2 minute drives. They are gaining valuable experience each week and I think this will be a strong team by the end of the season. Many of our players are strong NFL leaders in their positions. We just have to keep working on finishing. That's just as much on the players as it is the coaches.


By getting rid of Gus it will just set our team back again. New coaches, new playbooks, new philosophy. I agree that at some point, we need to wash it and start over. But it looks like we are SO close to being over that hill and I think it will just take the end of this season to put us where we need to be going into next season. Some might say "other coaches can do it in less time". You're right. With this group of guys? Not so sure.


To wrap up, I'm not trying to be an apologist. Like most, I am extremely frustrated and disappointed in this season. But, I am seeing energy and excitement within this team that hasn't been in this organization in a long time. The stats don't lie. We just have to start putting more points on the board and work on some defensive players.

just lol
Quote:Yes, very.

Why? Khan is no dummy.

In Lewis' first 3 years he went 8-8, 8-8, and 11-5.

...oh. yeah, that is different than all this losing
Quote:I really don't want to get rid of Olsen, Sullivan, or our LB coach. I believe they will all leave if Gus is gone. I am a little skeptical with Gus leaving for this reason only.



What coaches will be available and what coaches would JAX actually have a shot at hiring?


Sean Payton is he opts out? I don't think he would come to Jacksonville.

Is Marrone really a better head coach? Not really the best interview but he does have a winning season. Maybe being a head coach in a small market is exactly what he needs? 

Jim Harbaugh isn't leaving Michigan. Not for another 3 years at least. He is in a perfect situation.

Do we bring back Mike Smith to be our head coach? Great DC for us back in the Stroud/Henderson days.

Jim Schwartz? Pass.

Mangini? Pass.

Josh McDaniels? Young up and coming coach. Did he get a bad rap in Denver? I'm sure he would love the offensive weapons we have on offense.

Norv Turner? Pass.


Feel free to add to the list....


Hue Jackson

Vic Fangio

Teryl Austin

Kyle Shanahan
No single high safety under any circumstance.
Quote:Is any one worried that regardless of what happens the rest of this season, that Khan is going to stick with Bradley no matter what?
This could be the worst off season ever, if this happened.
Quote:This could be the worst off season ever, if this happened.

Would ANYONE renew their season tickets if that happened? 
Quote:Would ANYONE renew their season tickets if that happened? 
My dad is talking about not renewing because he sees it as a waste of a Sunday.  He'd rather golf then go to amateur hour.
Bunch of masochists..
Quote:My dad is talking about not renewing because he sees it as a waste of a Sunday.  He'd rather golf then go to amateur hour.
Daddy soft. You should join him. Gus will be here next year.
Sean Payton would be interesting. Doug Marrone was his OC for awhile so maybe Payton could keep Marrone and some of the offensive staff to keep some continuity for Blake. I would love to see Khan go big, open up the checkbook, and give Sean a contract he couldn't refuse to come here.


Payton with this young offense, a TON of caproom, and another round of high draft picks is drool worthy.


At the moment my 2nd choice would be Sean McDermott (with the hope he would keep the some of the offensive staff in tact).


As for Gus, I am just a little worried because of that tweet from Ian Rappaport (If I remember correctly) stating that Khan plans to stick with Gus this year and next.

Quote:Sean Payton would be interesting. Doug Marrone was his OC for awhile so maybe Payton could keep Marrone and some of the offensive staff to keep some continuity for Blake. I would love to see Khan go big, open up the checkbook, and give Sean a contract he couldn't refuse to come here.


Payton with this young offense, a TON of caproom, and another round of high draft picks is drool worthy.


At the moment my 2nd choice would be Sean McDermott (with the hope he would keep the some of the offensive staff in tact).


As for Gus, I am just a little worried because of that tweet from Ian Rappaport (If I remember correctly) stating that Khan plans to stick with Gus this year and next.

I would love Payton. Good point about Marrone too. It would like Hackett has done a good job with Bortles and could stay also.
the house must be cleaned



get rid of every coach

Quote:the house must be cleaned



get rid of every coach

Quote:the house must be cleaned



get rid of every coach

Such a narrow minded way to look at things. 
Quote:Daddy soft. You should join him. Gus will be here next year.
At the very least, if Gus does end up getting the boot, the team looks a LOT more attractive to potential HC candidates than it did before.   Who wouldn't want to head up a young up & coming team with lots of talent & a franchise QB.   It's an easy sell.  I would venture to say THE most attractive job. Just a matter of Caldwell not screwing it up again.

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