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Quote:How many off that list and who off that list is a must keep?

How hot is the assistant to the head coach, Elizabeth Mayers?  Maybe keep her?  


Quote:Gus was a very good defensive coordinator, and like [BAD WORD REMOVED] LeBeau, Wade Phillips, Chuck Pagano and Steve Spagnuolo, that would seem to be his ceiling.

[BAD WORD REMOVED] Lebeau...  LOL, sorry, that's just funny...

Quote:Repeated failure is not a reason to stop trying.
doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity....

which could be spun into, firing a coach every couple seasons because he isn't winning 

or keeping the coach because he isn't winning...


how fast do you like your spin cycle?

looking at Coughlin, Del Rio, Tucker, Mularkey, Gus


I mean... does it LOOK like we're going to get a better coach?


Can we give this dude some time.... like... before we whine ourselves into Gase or some other mistake
Quote:doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity....

which could be spun into, firing a coach every couple seasons because he isn't winning 

or keeping the coach because he isn't winning...


how fast do you like your spin cycle?

looking at Coughlin, Del Rio, Tucker, Mularkey, Gus


I mean... does it LOOK like we're going to get a better coach?


Can we give this dude some time.... like... before we whine ourselves into Gase or some other mistake

Well, to be fair, we wouldn't be firing and then rehiring Gus Bradley or Mike Mularkey...  False equivalent...


And also, to be fair...  We have given Gus 3 dog gone years.  And he's still making the same mistakes as a head coach on game day...  I mean, come on, man.  Be honest with this debate.  It's not as though this call to fire bradley is some knee jerk reaction.


Most of us here that are pitch forking now were giving Gus the benefit of the doubt for the last 2 seasons.  I myself didn't give up on him untill after the Bucs loss THIS year.  I was very patient and have ignored the last 2 years in terms of the losses.  The mistakes on game day though, they have been eerily the same since he started.  It's time to recognize that after 3 years, he's not gonna get any better as a head coach.  And it's clear he's not gonna be a winner in the NFL.  He's just too sloppy as a head coach.

Quote:Well, to be fair, we wouldn't be firing and then rehiring Gus Bradley or Mike Mularkey... False equivalent...

And also, to be fair... We have given Gus 3 dog gone years. And he's still making the same mistakes as a head coach on game day... I mean, come on, man. Be honest with this debate. It's not as though this call to fire bradley is some knee jerk reaction.

Most of us here that are pitch forking now were giving Gus the benefit of the doubt for the last 2 seasons. I myself didn't give up on him untill after the Bucs loss THIS year. I was very patient and have ignored the last 2 years in terms of the losses. The mistakes on game day though, they have been eerily the same since he started. It's time to recognize that after 3 years, he's not gonna get any better as a head coach. And it's clear he's not gonna be a winner in the NFL. He's just too sloppy as a head coach.

And we don't lose that game if Poz plays. There's only so much you can do with this roster. Not a lot of wiggle room. Not a lot of depth.
Quote:Not going to be popular among many, but I think we should keep Gus another year. A few weeks ago, like many, I was calling for him to be fired. The frustration week after week and another season of failure gets overwhelming at times. However, many of the games we have lost have not been because of coaching, they have been because of players. At SOME point we have to point the finger at the players not competing at the level they are getting paid at. Has Gus made some bonehead calls? Absolutely. Has he made decisions that hurt the club? You betcha. But I also see HUGE improvements taking place within this team. It's not Gus's fault that Blake has thrown 9 INT's (many of them stupid throws and a few more deflections). It's not Gus's fault that the secondary cannot catch a pass. It's not Gus's fault that receivers are dropping passes that are right in their chest. It's not Gus's fault that players are muffing punts or missing field goals. Players need to perform, period. The losses are piling up but so are the positive stats. We have a young team that does not have much experience in many stressful situations like redzones and 2 minute drives. They are gaining valuable experience each week and I think this will be a strong team by the end of the season. Many of our players are strong NFL leaders in their positions. We just have to keep working on finishing. That's just as much on the players as it is the coaches.


By getting rid of Gus it will just set our team back again. New coaches, new playbooks, new philosophy. I agree that at some point, we need to wash it and start over. But it looks like we are SO close to being over that hill and I think it will just take the end of this season to put us where we need to be going into next season. Some might say "other coaches can do it in less time". You're right. With this group of guys? Not so sure.


To wrap up, I'm not trying to be an apologist. Like most, I am extremely frustrated and disappointed in this season. But, I am seeing energy and excitement within this team that hasn't been in this organization in a long time. The stats don't lie. We just have to start putting more points on the board and work on some defensive players.



what has changed from a few weeks ago to now? we still have stupid penalties....and can't perform in the second half. The better question is...what will be the excuses NEXT year if we allow him to stay?
Quote:Half the sacks on Sunday were on blitzes and Yeldon had a terrible game in blitz pick up. Sometimes the pressure given up isn't always on the line. Having said that, the line collectively didn't have a great game.
So it's not the offensive line's job to block blitzing defenders?


Quote:doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity....

which could be spun into, firing a coach every couple seasons because he isn't winning 

or keeping the coach because he isn't winning...


how fast do you like your spin cycle?

looking at Coughlin, Del Rio, Tucker, Mularkey, Gus


I mean... does it LOOK like we're going to get a better coach?


Can we give this dude some time.... like... before we whine ourselves into Gase or some other mistake
Bradley's had three years to show some improvement. Any improvement. Instead, the defense has regressed and the decisions he's making this year are just baffling at times. Despite having a vastly-improved roster, he's still finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's shown that he's not the answer, so let's bring in someone who might be. If you're ok with 4-12 this year and "tremendous improvement" to 6-10 next, then that's on you. I'd like to sniff the playoffs one more time before I die (in 2060, give or take).
Quote:So it's not the offensive line's job to block blitzing defenders?


Bradley's had three years to show some improvement. Any improvement. Instead, the defense has regressed and the decisions he's making this year are just baffling at times. Despite having a vastly-improved roster, he's still finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's shown that he's not the answer, so let's bring in someone who might be. If you're ok with 4-12 this year and "tremendous improvement" to 6-10 next, then that's on you. I'd like to sniff the playoffs one more time before I die (in 2060, give or take).

Not always. As I said, Yeldon was bad in pass blocking on Sunday and was absolutely responsible for one sack, maybe another.
Quote:how fast do you like your spin cycle?

looking at Coughlin, Del Rio, Tucker, Mularkey, Gus

That's not a spin cycle, it's a death spiral.
Shad, Dave and Gus are in it for the long run. Yeah, the roster is improved, but our perception of improvement is different than theirs. As long as the stadium is mostly full and they're taking paper bags at the gates, nobody's going anywhere. Gus is like having a coach version of Tebow on the team... They both cheer, and throw ducks all over the field. :woot:

Quote:the house must be cleaned



get rid of every coach
I'm all for it, if they take you with them!
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