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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Bills, 2nd Half Game Day Thread***
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Why the heck can't we have wide open guys like the Bills do?

Quote:Cyp with the legal boom stick

Cyprien missed the tackle.  Gratz with the boom stick.
Called it
No time off clock. 3 and out. #becausejaguars
geez man

offense has looked terrible since the gerhart debacle.

Jags can't do anything ever in the second half offensively. How can one team be so bad in the second half?

Way to take advantage of the turnover
And...we go 3 and out...ugh
Quote:Dude, that was almost a pick 6
 Dear God no.
Another gift wrapped turnover and 3 and out.......
Bortles not looking as great this game.

again giving it right back

Bortles on que...come on!
3 and out, IMAGINE THAT........
Another poor series.

How badly do the Jaguars lose this game if EJ Manuel isn't starting for the Bills? Something like 35 to 10?

It's really on bortles. He's been awful in the 2nd half
No guy it was Cyprien with the hit... 37 not 27