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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Bills, 2nd Half Game Day Thread***
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3rd and short... go GERHART? lol

Why the hell is slowby In the huddle right now!?!
Just sneak it... that always works.


Quote:In comes Gerhart. Wouldn't a second-half adjustment be NOT USING GERHART?

Gus is going to give him redemption. ..
And no I don't kick puppies.
This team is just pathetic on offense.

LOLOL, not even alualu could get a inch

Yeah, hand it to alualu. Yeah.
I don't understand the playcallimg
This is just so funny. 

Quote:Just sneak it... that always works.
nah... ALUALU
Quote:You know what sucks. For how many weeks have we been shut out in the 2nd half!? No different this week. What is going on with this offense!?

The 2nd half is when we get uber conservative.  I don't get it...  But it's the way Gus wants to run the game.  It's a terrible philosophy, obviously.  But it's Bradley's schtick.  
Lmao.  This teams a [BLEEP] joke sometimes

Alualu sneak. OH MY [BLEEP] GOD

We called time out and called that horse carp?
What a stupid play call.