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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Bills, 2nd Half Game Day Thread***
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We need a competent scoring drive that runs the clock.  Sigh, great punt by the bills.

Bravo to the bills punter,that was a beauty
Can't wait to get Fowler involed.. With a possible Bosa as well..
Nice play By Branch
Very fortunate that hoyer, Watkins, and harvin are all mia


Hey Odrick you suck
Quote:Process has to deliver wins now.
Wins are not important.  The process is important.  
Cyp and Branch actually showing up and doing something.

Man, it would be nice to have a punter that could do that consistently.

Announcers are really having a tough time. Jags have them flustered. 

safety time .... #becausejaguars

How does Khan not fit Gus.  Coaching is AWFUL.

run, run, pass, run run, pass, pass, run run, FG, win?

Nice punt....

jimmy olson looks like tiki barber

Hell of a play by Branch
Both Jag wins make you walk away with a bitter taste...
They need to keep running the ball and run some clock off

Got to run the ball ! Feed Yeldon and D-Rob.