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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Bills, 2nd Half Game Day Thread***
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Why is Gratz playing over House?  Gus is a [BLEEP] idiot

Gratz stinks.

Gratz lmbo

Oh god ! Again this idiot.
Here let me give you 2 points
Quote:Bradley for the love of god when are you going to [BAD WORD REMOVED] get smart
 It's not going to happen. It's just not.
LMAO @ Gratz

hooray on an uncatchable ball..   nice going Gratz.   Yeah good idea to be accountable with...   House.

And the implosion begins.....
IMO, future of franchise relies on this drive.
Leave his [BLEEP] in London.
Amazing, they give it to their best player on the goal line.
Cut Gratz along with Branch!

Omg gratz! Cut him! I'm done
Remember, Gis benched house
Bradley the GOAT, give him a 10 year extension please!!!

The Legion of Boom to The Legion of Doom

Gus: Wait why didn't they put in their 4th string back on the goal line? 
