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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Bills, 2nd Half Game Day Thread***
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Quote:I noticed it's selective on the word [TIRED JOKE RETREAD]. A few of us can say the word... just most can't. Go figure.

If we try to avoid those words, do we get a warning?


Even though the score looks good. I haven't seen very much good. Seen Some, but not close to enough. Just saw some bad QB play from the bills. Gratz needs to be left there. Watch him, he is scared to hit. If you are not prime time sanders(and he dang sure not) you have to hit. 2 different times I saw him have a chance to hit the receivers as soon as they get the ball. Instead he waits for them to catch them and stands there hoping he doesn't get hit too hard. Leave him there.

Quote:My prediction. Jags have scored all the points they will for the game. The Bills will come back with two TD's to tie and will win with a field goal at the end of the 4th qtr. Jags lose 30 to 27. No [TIRED JOKE RETREAD], no [TIRED JOKE RETREAD].
The tired jokes and retreads are not the real jokes and retreads. It is the performance of the team. Truth hurts......
And we get the ball to start the half?


St's are worse than ever.

Nice run
the slithery, slippery yeldon

I love how Yeldon runs. Bell junior....waits for holes to open.
Back to back good runs by Yeldon.

God I love me some Yeldon
Yeldon looks good

Oh no, are we trying to run out the clock already?
JT has some good hands.
Man I love TJ Yeldon.
Look at Yeldon go!!  I thought he'd get tripped up, but he kept going!  Great run

It is a bad situation when the message board is the entertaining part of game day.

*settles down with an extra strong bloody mary*

okay Jags, I'll be drunk before noon in case you decide to blow it.

Lol Walters shoves JT80

Yeldon is running hard.