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Quote:ignorant in the true sense of the word perhaps, meaning that person must not be fully educated on the situation. Maybe Lags point is based on the many other aspects of winning or losing a game. Things that are beyond the coach's control, and this team has faced a ton of uncoachable obsticles.

Quote:I mean it is pretty ignorant to put the record on Gus. He had a terrible roster the first two years (by design).

As far as I'm concerned, Gus is 1-4 with a built team and that itself is not good enough.

I think most people who thought Gus could be the longterm solution at head coach figured on at least 6 wins from the team this year. And Tampa bay would have been 1 of those wins. It's not looking good for Gus. Even without considering the overall record.
These arguments always grind my gears.  How many times is there a coaching change when a roster is in tip top shape?  Isn't the whole point of a coaching change to try to right the ship of a franchise that's in the dumps?  I can't recall any situations where the coaching staff is changed on a team like the 2015 New England Patriots.  


Why can successful coaches still have a semi respectable record in their first year or two and others can't?  It's like we're forcing ourselves to believe that this particular coach is in a unique, never before seen scenario and we need to wait until he has Johnny Unitas and Emmitt Smith before we judge him. 
Quote:ignorant in the true sense of the word perhaps, meaning that person must not be fully educated on the situation. Maybe Lags point is based on the many other aspects of winning or losing a game. Things that are beyond the coach's control, and this team has faced a ton of uncoachable obsticles.

I get where you're coming from, but I can't help but think that a good coach is capable of coaching around said obstacles to minimize their impact. Instead, in our case, they are only made worse by what looks to be a very bad coach.
After this kind of outrage from the fan base, I really don't see how Gus Bradley can be kept any longer.


Dude is making Mike Mularkey look like our patron saint.

Quote:Lol, how can you stick up for a 8-29 record and being the worst team in the league
Money they dont want to lose their job
Quote:Money they dont want to lose their job
This is what I originally thought, but that last 1010xl segment completely blew my mind. I think Boselli does the same thing as Lags, but the last game I could tell he was fed up. He was making back handed comments the whole 4th qrt.

I had mentally given the org a pass, until this year, as a full rebuild was implemented a few years back and hopes of a greater future ahead.  However, "decent" should be a realistic goal in year 3.  This season, thus far, the "decent" measure has not been reached.  An NFL team is an entertainment product.  Few want to lose repeatedly, as it lends itself to being not entertained.  When not entertained any longer, many fans tend not to purchase or lose interest in the entertainment product.  Sustained losing is a bad marketing tool.  

I just cant understand these turds that call themselves sports journalist.


What franchise would keep a 8-29 coach? If Gus Bradley was in New York, or any other franchise for that matter, he would of been taken behind the shed and euthanized. 


It just leaves me completely speechless. If the titans had this clown car as a coaching staff, Jaguars media would be having a field day. Its so biased that its borderline insanity now.

A fortune cookie would have a better grasp of the situation than Lageman.

oh! well, actually i gave myself a slight nod of confirmation once i posted that. Just knew it was gonna make me seem smart.

Maybe its dumb to think that the coach can't go out there and make the tackle either (after having put professional football players in positions to make these same type of plays). In fact, however, it cant be dumb, as it is a foregone fact that coaches dont play. FACT
Herm Edwards was not a great coach.. but "Hello... you play to win the game!" is about as rudimentary as it gets. Hoping we can get right and go on a run. But I am done with expecting this team to win until they show they can. I'll continue to give love and support (and of course, hard earned money), but don't ask me to get optimistic.
Quote:I just cant understand these turds that call themselves sports journalist.


What franchise would keep a 8-29 coach? If Gus Bradley was in New York, or any other franchise for that matter, he would of been taken behind the shed and euthanized. 


It just leaves me completely speechless. If the titans had this clown car as a coaching staff, Jaguars media would be having a field day. Its so biased that its borderline insanity now.

When did Lageman or Boselli become "sports journalists" exactly?  Being on a radio program doesn't make them journalists.  You understand this, right?


I love how you hand wringers are choking on your saliva over this.  Lageman expressed an opinion.  Nothing more.  You whine and complain constantly spouting opinion all the time, but when one of them does the same thing you practically go into spasms over your manufactured outrage that they would do so.


Whether they're right or wrong, it's their opinion.  Don't like it?  TURN OFF THE RADIO.  It's not rocket science for most.
Quote:Money they dont want to lose their job

Yes, I'm sure guys like Lageman and Boselli are hundredaires based on what they get paid to be on the radio.


BTW, they're not team employees.  They're independent contractors working for 7 Bridges Radio.  The radio network pays the team for the broadcast rights. 
Quote:When did Lageman or Boselli become "sports journalists" exactly?  Being on a radio program doesn't make them journalists.  You understand this, right?


I love how you hand wringers are choking on your saliva over this.  Lageman expressed an opinion.  Nothing more.  You whine and complain constantly spouting opinion all the time, but when one of them does the same thing you practically go into spasms over your manufactured outrage that they would do so.


Whether they're right or wrong, it's their opinion.  Don't like it?  TURN OFF THE RADIO.  It's not rocket science for most.
Classic whining and complaining about people whining and complaining.
Quote:I mean it is pretty ignorant to put the record on Gus. He had a terrible roster the first two years (by design).

As far as I'm concerned, Gus is 1-4 with a built team and that itself is not good enough.

I think most people who thought Gus could be the longterm solution at head coach figured on at least 6 wins from the team this year. And Tampa bay would have been 1 of those wins. It's not looking good for Gus. Even without considering the overall record.

Well as you alluded to if your going to only look at this years performance and record, losing to the colts and the Bucs back to back when the team had multiple chances to win the game then only to have it taken from you is a pretty telling thing. It is indeed not looking good for Gus.
Quote:When did Lageman or Boselli become "sports journalists" exactly?  Being on a radio program doesn't make them journalists.  You understand this, right?


I love how you hand wringers are choking on your saliva over this.  Lageman expressed an opinion.  Nothing more.  You whine and complain constantly spouting opinion all the time, but when one of them does the same thing you practically go into spasms over your manufactured outrage that they would do so.


Whether they're right or wrong, it's their opinion.  Don't like it?  TURN OFF THE RADIO.  It's not rocket science for most.


A person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television.


Do Boselli and Lags not prepare news to be broadcast on radio or television? About football, or a SPORT? I wasn't just talking about Lags and Tony anyway, you do know there are other people that are in Jaguars media correct? I used the term sports journalist loosely. I forgot people like you need me to draw it in a coloring book for you.


The people on the TV/ radio thingy. Get it now?


Id rather be choking on my own saliva then the thing you apologist choke on with this organization.

Quote:I had my concerns about Bradley before this year. But I didn't hold year one or year two against him.

I trusted in the rebuild. I realize, like all of us realized, that the first two years would be miserable.

This year... the way things broke for us was a golden opportunity. Luck out, tin horns a mess at qb, playing the bucs with a bad rookie qb, etc... there was an opening for this team.

Not to mention that the talent we've acquired over the past 3 years looks respectable....

It's just not acceptable for fans. This team has been let down by a coach that didn't figure out until just now how important winning games on Sunday is... he never figured out how to inspire while still lighting a fire under these guys.

It's too late for Bradley. But this team has the talent to win this division. We need a strong coach that will scheme to win.

Gus is a motivational coach who wants a conservative game plan. He coaches not to lose. Not to give up the big play. Not to go for the throat. As we all have seen, this type of coaching fails at this level.
You articulated my sentiments pretty well here.


I will say a few things.


1.  You could argue this team was doomed to underachieve defensively the last game of last year when Marks got hurt, and then in May when Fowler got hurt.  Any hopes the team had of fielding a respectable defense went down with these two guys.  I had concerns about both when the injuries happened.  I had concerns about a 34 year old Clemons at LEO and Alualu at DT. Turns out I was right.  Marks may come back this year, but is it too little too late?  Will he be the same Marks?  Now there are no playmakers in the DL


2.  Nothing is wrong with a conservative approach.  Conservative approaches have proven to win.  But you still have to execute.  This team has not executed.  It can't run the ball effectively, and until this week, it hadn't consistently moved the ball.  Maybe Thomas can help that some.


3.  I think what has damaged this team as much as anything these past three years is the inept play of the Special teams.  Placekicking aside, I thought we had made progress in special teams until Sunday.  That looked too much like last year. 
Quote:Well as you alluded to if your going to only look at this years performance and record, losing to the colts and the Bucs back to back when the team had multiple chances to win the game then only to have it taken from you is a pretty telling thing. It is indeed not looking good for Gus.
I think it's fair to use this season as the measuring stick for Gus and his future as a head coach here.  It's not looking good at the moment for him, but in the two losses where the team had opportunities to win the game, it came down to a kicker missing twice, and a turnover by a rookie that turned into a touchdown.  In both games, the team was in a position that it hadn't been in very often last year where they had a chance to win late in the game.  In other words, what we've seen in every game aside from the Patriots game, the team has been competitive. 


I heard someone say this on the radio the other day.  In a rebuild, the expectation is to lose big, lose small, then win small, and eventually win big.  We're in the lose small stage of the process.  Whether Gus is the coach who can get the team over the hump and start winning is questionable, but for at least 2 of the losses, it wasn't coaching that cost us the games.
Hacker is talking about the disconnect between the Jaguars media and the fans right now. Guess he heard Mike's show.

Quote:I had my concerns about Bradley before this year. But I didn't hold year one or year two against him.

I trusted in the rebuild. I realize, like all of us realized, that the first two years would be miserable.

This year... the way things broke for us was a golden opportunity. Luck out, tin horns a mess at qb, playing the bucs with a bad rookie qb, etc... there was an opening for this team.

Not to mention that the talent we've acquired over the past 3 years looks respectable....

It's just not acceptable for fans. This team has been let down by a coach that didn't figure out until just now how important winning games on Sunday is... he never figured out how to inspire while still lighting a fire under these guys.

It's too late for Bradley. But this team has the talent to win this division. We need a strong coach that will scheme to win.

Gus is a motivational coach who wants a conservative game plan. He coaches not to lose. Not to give up the big play. Not to go for the throat. As we all have seen, this type of coaching fails at this level.

Remember when his first started his overall message was "its not about wins its about getting better". I cringed when I heard that statement because it's always about wins. Even when you know it's at all order you have to always project a winning mentality. Now look at it is he just going to flip a switch and say hey now it's about winning?
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