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Lageman cant be taken seriously anymore. Neither can boselli. They cut off anyone with an opinion they don't agree with.

How am i ignorant when i just watched this team get steam rolled by the Bucs running game. 23 missed tackles. Stupid penalties. 6 sacks given up. A kickoff out of bounds from a guy who can kick it a damn mile. No tunrovers on defense.

Our bright spots are easy to see. Wr, qb, and Smith.
Quote:But see that's the thing...it's not just Gus. Dave has been terrible in FA and he isn't that great in the draft.
and this is where you lose me. I admit Gus has been poor and it doesnt look like much will change but I believe we have the players and we have seen stats improve, however most people dont care about stats just wins. Which Yes I know Wins is what matters most. However, if our coach could lead us to some victories I think we have most of the players we need to put W's on the board. But this is stuff people keep going back and fourth on so Im not sure why I bother to post sometimes. I guess I see everyone else rinse and repeat so why shouldnt I ?
Quote:and this is where you lose me. I admit Gus has been poor and it doesnt look like much will change but I believe we have the players and we have seen stats improve, however most people dont care about stats just wins. Which Yes I know Wins is what matters most. However, if our coach could lead us to some victories I think we have most of the players we need to put W's on the board. But this is stuff people keep going back and fourth on so Im not sure why I bother to post sometimes. I guess I see everyone else rinse and repeat so why shouldnt I ?

We have the talent. We have enough talent to be currently leading the afc south.

The problem is with the coaching. We have a coach that is leading this team to the basement of the afc south.
Quote:We have the talent. We have enough talent to be currently leading the afc south.

The problem is with the coaching. We have a coach that is leading this team to the basement of the afc south.
I agree.  My question is this: If not now, when?  What are we waiting for with Gus Bradley?  Is there a point where he magically reaches accountability with the fans who up to this point want to wait and see?  I know plenty will say that we should at least wait until the end of this year.  But I heard that last year too.  So next year, is it the same narrative?  
Quote:We have the talent. We have enough talent to be currently leading the afc south.

The problem is with the coaching. We have a coach that is leading this team to the basement of the afc south.
I really don't get how people on here don't think this. They say they shouldn't Fire Gus because there has been "some improvement". Literally the only improvements are that Blake Bortles, Allen Hurns, and Allen Robinson got older. Everything else has been a joke.

I don't get how people can say this team has made "improvements", yet still can't beat the Bucs, or seize the division from a Matt Hasselbeck lead Colts. Not to mention the careless penalties, the terrible clock management, and inability to show up in the 2nd half.

It's coaching.
Quote:I don't listen to Lageman and I haven't listened to Boselli in the past. But I have listened to Boselli a lot this year. I enjoy his and Pete's show on Monday. If you think Boselli has been a pumper this year you are an idiot.
Boselli is also a hypocrite because he says that blame should fall on Dave and Gus.... but that neither should be fired.


How does that work?
He complains about these disgraceful losses, blames them on the two men in charge, then proceeds to say "i wouldn't fire either one".... lolwhat? how does that work?

Quote:I agree. My question is this: If not now, when? What are we waiting for with Gus Bradley? Is there a point where he magically reaches accountability with the fans who up to this point want to wait and see? I know plenty will say that we should at least wait until the end of this year. But I heard that last year too. So next year, is it the same narrative?

Well, first off... since he hasn't been fire yet, and it's already Tuesday, I don't think he gets fired this week.

Gus comes off as a really good guy, and if he can perform miracles, now would be the time... I'm indifferent as to whether an immediate firing is better than waiting till the end of the season.

There are enough variables that a person wanting an immediate firing can have as many intelligent points as the person that wants to wait till the end of the season.

However, I don't think you wait any longer than the Monday after the season ends... unless Gus managed a 7-9 record, which is doubtful.
Quote:I heard it.  He did.


His tone was beyond mere condescension.


It was near hostile.


I was surprised, to be honest.
You can say all this until you're blue in the face, they still won't believe you because they cannot come to reality.  Everyone that listened to that this morning is shocked by it.

Sadly, this is the mentality with the Jags now. Slowly, very slowly get better but still make a lot of mistakes and its ok. As long as the players have good stats who cares about the wins, right? If you disagree you're just an ignorant, kindergartner fan. Amazing how this has become the mentality here, and the people still defending the team till death just insult and act like they are superior because the see invisible wins. Sure they were a play or 2 from winning against the clots, and Bortles almost had a comeback against the Bucs. Then again, the Bucs and clots could say they were a play or 2 from winning by more. It goes both ways.
Quote:Oh I must've hurt your feelings when I pointed out bortles lack of accuracy on deep passes and his questionable decision making at times. So what's your problem?

Just wondering why you are noticeably absent after he plays well.


Seems weird, huh?
Quote:Does Lageman really need to articulate this?  I can certainly understand his frustration if that's the expectation.  There's only so many ways you can say that incremental improvements, as long as they continue to progress and become more consistent, will lead to wins.


People are calling in every week demanding Gus be fired because they think that's somehow going to fix this team, and they're completely ignoring any improvements that are being made despite the fact that this team has been ravaged by injuries at key positions.  Is the team where we as fans would like them to be right now?  Of course not.  But, some people can see the improvements and recognize that things appear to be progressing, while others only look at the wins and losses. 


How long could you sit there listening to "FIRE GUS" calls where people won't acknowledge improvement, and call injuries like the ones this team has experienced this year excuses.  Crikes.  We've got someone on this board who started a thread blaming Gus because the medical staff didn't diagnose and report a stinking concussion to him.  This is the kind of stuff these guys have to listen to on a weekly basis on every show, or when they're out and about and talking to fans. 


It seems out of character for Lageman to call someone dumb, but if that caller ignores improvements that this team has seen from their younger players this year because it's not resulting in wins, and all they want to do is fire a coach, then I'm with him in thinking we've got some ignorant fans. 
Yes, he does, because in the absence of a factual, logical reason why a more talented roster is producing bottom line results similar to their less talented counterparts, he is, fairly or unfairly, going to come across as a shill for the organization for people who have endured the losing for longer than this group (Dave, Gus, et al) has been there. 


He is an analyst.  His job is to use his knowledge and experiences as a pro football player that the overwhelming majority of fans have never had to relay information to these fans to explain why something did or didn't happen in a play, quarter, half, game, series of games, seasons, etc.


He does this sort of thing all the time, and usually he is quite good at it.  Just last night I learned it was Harbor that blew the block that led to Grant fumbling.


I don't see why identifying the missing something this presumably more talented roster lacks to be a winner is particularly burdensome.


I see the improvements in the roster and have said so for months.  I see that Bortles and the receivers have improved our passing game tremendously.  I see that we are a deeper team in many areas than we have been in a long time.  I see that whereas we were blown out the first few weeks last year, we've been competitive in four out of the five games.  But I can't fault win hungry fans for wanting improved bottom line results when we presumably have a better roster, especially when we have had back to back winnable games slip through our fingers.  I'd rather endure impatient fans than indifferent ones who'd rather root for the flavor of the month, be it college or pro than care one whit about the Jaguars.
Quote:Just wondering why you are noticeably absent after he plays well.

Seems weird, huh?
I was posting here. What do you want from me loser. Bortles has a long way to go a couple of good statistical games doesn't change that. By the way he still throws buttery croissants out there and almost threw another pick six.
Quote:I was posting here. What do you want from me loser. Bortles has a long way to go a couple of good statistical games doesn't change that. By the way he still throws buttery croissants out there and almost threw another pick six.

<3 u
Quote:Just wondering why you are noticeably absent after he plays well.


Seems weird, huh?
Almost as bad as the op. He's another one amazingly absent this week. No " Blaine Bortles" threads.
Quote:Boselli is also a hypocrite because he says that blame should fall on Dave and Gus.... but that neither should be fired.

How does that work?

He said they shouldn't be fired during the year and if the season plays out like Sunday did then he wouldn't have a problem if Gus was fired. I also don't think he mentioned that Dave has done a bad job just the team in general and if that continues then changes will be made.
I've noticed they haven't posted the audio from this mornings Jag's Today yet on the site.  hmmmmmmm I wonder how much "editing" they're doing???    Smile
Quote:I'd rather endure impatient fans than indifferent ones who'd rather root for the flavor of the month, be it college or pro than care one whit about the Jaguars.

Agree!  Apathy is a killer and this organization better figure that part of it out.  Embrace the passion.  Heck I hope the locker room embraces the us against the world nonsense.  Reach down somewhere and act like a team and you would stop the grumbling.


Fans might be fickle, passionate and unable to readily acknowledge the improvement but they sure as heck understand getting their buts stomped because of missed tackles and poor play.


Honestly, I'm satisfied by the improvement on offense and understand the progress being made.  I'm going with the wait and see approach but I'm not going to tell someone shelling out money that they should temper their feelings.  Football is a quality of life fun thing and being a fan does bring up passion for sure.
Quote:<3 u

Dude are you... Uhh never mind.
Using the Overall record is totally unfair... it's a rebuild!  Year 3 is what matters!


8-29 (21.6%) isn't a fair statistic to use.


Stick w/ year 3!




1-4... (20%)....



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