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Negan dies, shocking everyone.  Killed mid-obscenity by Carol who just says "I told you nobody had to get hurt dammit.  I TOLD YOU!"

If Negan dies, I quit lol

Quote:If Negan dies, I quit lol
He will have his reign of terror, but he will die in due time
Quote:He will have his reign of terror, but he will die in due time

The same can be said of us all.
Quote:He will have his reign of terror, but he will die in due time

Unless there is an alternative.. hmmmm..
Quote:Rick dies, this is Coral's show now.



Rick getting axed isn't outside of the realm of possibility.  Morgan has been kind of in cold storage from a plot standpoint but seems like he's been quietly positioned to take over as the leader.  
Quote:Sooooooo, Governor at the Prison again, hmmm? I guess they're just gonna dress up old ideas in new faces.

That's what the entire story has been all along.  The slow "evolution" post apocalypse, learning how to better deal with people (not walkers/roamers/biters.)
Quote:The same can be said of us all.


Quote:Unless there is an alternative.. hmmmm..


Quote:Rick getting axed isn't outside of the realm of possibility.  Morgan has been kind of in cold storage from a plot standpoint but seems like he's been quietly positioned to take over as the leader.  
I could see it
I honestly don't like Morgan's character at all. And just like Daryl's actions recently proved when he allowed Wayne to live during their first encounter. Time and time again. Rick shows that you simply cannot afford to take anymore chances too much in their current World. He's the only one that seems to kill anyone off now without feeling any remorse. Morgan cost the team. Daryl cost the team.


Negan dying in the show early on wouldn't really surprise me. It would just mean they're escalating the Whisperer's and Alpha's story now and instead of bridging Negan into Rick's group and using him at some point he'll just be out of the picture completely. But I think he'll be jailed and caught like he was in the comics. They pretty much foreshadowed it a bit when they showed Morgan building a small Jail cell.


And ultimately, Rick ends up finding enough huamnity within himself to NOT kill Negan for his actions. So I don't think you'll see Morgan "take the lead" but I could see Rick being influenced and brought back to humanity a bit more as time progresses with Morgan in his ear. Kind of like the King Arthur / Merlin vibe. Which to me also signifies the end of Daryl....

Quote:I honestly don't like Morgan's character at all. And just like Daryl's actions recently proved when he allowed Wayne to live during their first encounter. Time and time again. Rick shows that you simply cannot afford to take anymore chances too much in their current World. He's the only one that seems to kill anyone off now without feeling any remorse. Morgan cost the team. Daryl cost the team.


Negan dying in the show early on wouldn't really surprise me. It would just mean they're escalating the Whisperer's and Alpha's story now and instead of bridging Negan into Rick's group and using him at some point he'll just be out of the picture completely. But I think he'll be jailed and caught like he was in the comics. They pretty much foreshadowed it a bit when they showed Morgan building a small Jail cell.


And ultimately, Rick ends up finding enough huamnity within himself to NOT kill Negan for his actions. So I don't think you'll see Morgan "take the lead" but I could see Rick being influenced and brought back to humanity a bit more as time progresses with Morgan in his ear. Kind of like the King Arthur / Merlin vibe. Which to me also signifies the end of Daryl....
But unlike the Daryl and Wayne situation, Morgan's decision was beneficial to their group. Morgan's protagonist character and line of thinking is completely opposite of Rick and the group. It is to show how some humans would deal with things in this apocalyptic environment. 


Your last paragraph proves why Morgan's character and line of thinking is so valuable to the story line.
Morgan almost cost Rick his life though remember? When the Wolves ran into Alexandria and started a berserker style / butchering style rampage and Morgan had a chance to disarm essentially their leader and his goons he let them walk right on out of Alexandria scott's free. Those very same people were able to unsuccesfully ambush Rick while he was stranded in the RV during their attempt to lead the congested Walkers away from the quarry. So it's hit or miss with Morgan's actions. Ultimately, Morgan will somehow have an influence on Rick's mentality. He'll opt to jail Negan instead of popping his head off. Which he may come to regret down the road. LOL. We'll see....

Quote:Morgan almost cost Rick his life though remember? When the Wolves ran into Alexandria and started a berserker style / butchering style rampage and Morgan had a chance to disarm essentially their leader and his goons he let them walk right on out of Alexandria scott's free. Those very same people were able to unsuccesfully ambush Rick while he was stranded in the RV during their attempt to lead the congested Walkers away from the quarry. So it's hit or miss with Morgan's actions. Ultimately, Morgan will somehow have an influence on Rick's mentality. He'll opt to jail Negan instead of popping his head off. Which he may come to regret down the road. LOL. We'll see....
Do you realize how many poor decisions and how poor an overall leader Rick has been? His indecisiveness is legendary. Remember when he finally foot his foot down (after many other times he declared himself the leader) and said "This isn't a democracy anymore" except when he later said "it’s not my call to sacrifice one of us for the greater good"


How about his dealings with Shane? He refused to kill Shane long after he became a huge threat to the group yet he saved Randall who he didn't really know, and was in a rival gang of killers rather then just leaving him.But that was before he decided to kill Randall, then changed his mind, and then someone else finally killed him and rightfully so. Rick has been so decisive. Or how about when he banished Carol after she killed two sick people because she knew they'd turn soon. Let her just walk out into the woods to fend for herself. Rick's gaffes on decision making are many and have put the group in danger many times.

They have already shown a glimpse of Negan's potential fate on the show assuming they follow the same arc as the comics.
Quote:They have already shown a glimpse of Negan's potential fate on the show assuming they follow the same arc as the comics.

Nah, that's for Rick when Morgan goes all Eastman on him.
Quote:Nah, that's for Rick when Morgan goes all Eastman on him.
Now that would surely be a twist, wow.
Quote:Now that would surely be a twist, wow.

There's good possibility when we stray from the comics arc! I really like these characters, but sometimes I really hate the writers.
Never said Rick was perfect. But Morgan's decisions were made WHILE he was being attacked. He was letting people go AFTER they attempted to take his life. And comparing Rick's situation with Shane to any of Morgan's is a poor example. Shane was Rick's buddy before all the chaos occured. He was his partner. He couldn't flat out kill Shane without just cause. And it took him awhile to put that altogether. He admitted he was wrong about Carol after the fact. It's a complex world they live in for sure. He made a mistake when he kicked Carol to the curb but you have to consider he was going through a leadership phase. He wasn't quite yet distinguished or established yet at that time. Herschel was still building him up to be that leader the group needed.


Morgan literally has a knife pulled on him. He's threatened physically and verbally. He defends himself. And he's like "Okay, catch and release, you guys are free to go". Rick's decisions and motives were based off completely different circumstances. And the one time he felt threatened and suspicous for the first time he handled those people in the bar who were clearly out to get him. And then he took care of that prison inmate that was trying to take swipes at him when they were just getting into the prison and attempting to clear one of the floors....

Quote:Never said Rick was perfect. But Morgan's decisions were made WHILE he was being attacked. He was letting people go AFTER they attempted to take his life. And comparing Rick's situation with Shane to any of Morgan's is a poor example. Shane was Rick's buddy before all the chaos occured. He was his partner. He couldn't flat out kill Shane without just cause. And it took him awhile to put that altogether. He admitted he was wrong about Carol after the fact. It's a complex world they live in for sure. He made a mistake when he kicked Carol to the curb but you have to consider he was going through a leadership phase. He wasn't quite yet distinguished or established yet at that time. Herschel was still building him up to be that leader the group needed.


Morgan literally has a knife pulled on him. He's threatened physically and verbally. He defends himself. And he's like "Okay, catch and release, you guys are free to go". Rick's decisions and motives were based off completely different circumstances. And the one time he felt threatened and suspicous for the first time he handled those people in the bar who were clearly out to get him. And then he took care of that prison inmate that was trying to take swipes at him when they were just getting into the prison and attempting to clear one of the floors....
Morgan's decisions were made well before any attacks. He has made it clear he will not kill if not necessary. Rick is still a "leader" who continues making bad choices, his indecisiveness hurts the group as a whole.
Agree to disagree. There's a reason nobody really sided with Morgan in that Church when Rick was looking for a vote of confidence to draw first blood on the Saviors. This is why I love the show though. It has interesting dynamics and lasting impacts based on simple and not so simple decisions that must be made.


I will say this. Rick's decision to draw first blood will ultimately result in Negan's brutal retaliation on Alexandria and a loss of a key member to his group. And I am sure the aftermath will involve Alexandria questioning Rick's leadership. As it should be. But I think that's what comes with the territory when you're looked up to be the leader.


I don't see anybody else offering to step up and fill in his shoes. Rick has the right of it for the most part. And in a post-apocalpytic world you will have casulaties one way or another.

Well, in the comics, one guy tries.


Only to have his guts spilled, in quite a hilarious way...

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