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Quote:I can picture 40 years from now, FBT in a nursing home room. The Jags have picked in the top 5 50 years in a row and FBT doesn't eat or go join the other seniors in activities. He just sits in his rocking chair all day repeating phrases like "trust the process" "Gus knows what he is doing" "in gene we trust" "get better everyday and compete" "you bibbers need to be patient"
Meanwhile, people who pride themselves for the message board GMs and Madden coaches they are will be dead because they're always racing to conclusions.
Quote:Thanks for the dime store analysis, twitchy.

The thing is, "those type of fans" you're referring to take what the coaching staff says with a grain of salt. You're the one who pranced around here like a jilted school girl because Gus and Dave lied to you personally. That tells me you buy into their words wholeheartedly. Otherwise you wouldn't be offended when there isn't immediate indication that what they said is fact. Of course, some of that disappointment comes from the fact that you've got that affliction.

Premature evaluation following week one.

Give it a break already. I understand you don't like my stance. Geez stop stalking me weirdo.
Quote:Meanwhile, people who pride themselves for the message board GMs and Madden coaches they are will be dead because they're always racing to conclusions.

Yea 33 games of terrible playcalling, terrible adjustments, terrible clock management and an unprepared team is way too early to make any determination. But I have a good feeling game 34 will be the turning point, you bibbers will see!
Quote:Yea 33 games of terrible playcalling, terrible adjustments, terrible clock management and an unprepared team is way too early to make any determination. But I have a good feeling game 34 will be the turning point, you bibbers will see!

It's been very apparent from year one that Gus is over his head as hc. He's not ready to lead now. He may be better another time and another team.
Quote:Give it a break already. I understand you don't like my stance. Geez stop stalking me weirdo.
You were talking about me in the post I responded to, Twitchy.  I'm not supposed to respond to your ignorance?  Trust me, nobody is stalking you.  Who would want to get caught up in that mess?
Quote:It's been very apparent from year one that Gus is over his head as hc. He's not ready to lead now. He may be better another time and another team.
You had him all figured out in week one, right twitch? 


Wouldn't it suck for you if this team starts to click this year?  All that premature evaluation would have been for nothing, huh?
FBT has told anybody that would listen to be patient for a number of years. "This is a process." "We are building the right way." "Just be patient, it will all turn around if we just believe!"

He has defended until the bitter end the following:





Gene Smith (his idol)


Del Rio



Anger (great value, he's a starter, you bed wetters have no clue)




And many others

At what point does one get tired of being wrong? FBT you strike me as a pragmatic individual, what makes you drink the Teal Kool aid so heavily? Is it more desperate hope that things will turn around more than you actually being convinced we are heading in the right direction?
You guys still don't get it.  It's not "drinking the Teal Kool-Aid" by allowing the process to play itself out. 


I know it's confusing because you're mentality is pretty much from the microwave generation where you expect everything to happen instantly, and allowing a process to work itself out doesn't compute to you.  Unfortunately, based on HOW this front office has decided to approach the rebuild process, there aren't any quick fixes.  It's a long game approach that requires patience.  The fact that you can't muster the patience to allow them to do their jobs because you demand instant gratification is a testimony to how little effort you're willing to put into building something. 


You can't throw out a process and start over every 2-3 years if you ever want to see this team have any success. 


I love the fact that somehow Gene Smith is my idol, and Anger was great value IMO.  Neither is actually true, but I guess if you spout the lies long enough, it becomes a legend.  Much the same as I was willing to give this front office the time they said they needed for the team to start to turn the corner (3 years), I did the same for Gene when he said that his rebuild process would take 3 years.  He failed.  All I've ever preached is to allow them to finish the job so we can see if their approach is the one that will work.  I know, this is going to confuse you because I wasn't out there with pitchforks and torches demanding someone be fired just because the team didn't win in week one, but that's just not my style.  You are more than welcome to look foolish and like a bunch of drama queen wannabe message board GMs.  That's your prerogative. 

Quote:FBT has told anybody that would listen to be patient for a number of years. "This is a process." "We are building the right way." "Just be patient, it will all turn around if we just believe!"

He has defended until the bitter end the following:





Gene Smith (his idol)


Del Rio



Anger (great value, he's a starter, you bed wetters have no clue)




And many others

At what point does one get tired of being wrong? FBT you strike me as a pragmatic individual, what makes you drink the Teal Kool aid so heavily? Is it more desperate hope that things will turn around more than you actually being convinced we are heading in the right direction?

I said this before, FBT has too much Gus Juice in the back of his throat to understand or think clearly. He has bought the propaganda that the organization has fed him thru out the years and there is no convincing him otherwise. He is "football institutionalized" from the Jags organization.
Quote:I can picture 40 years from now, FBT in a nursing home room. The Jags have picked in the top 5 50 years in a row and FBT doesn't eat or go join the other seniors in activities. He just sits in his rocking chair all day repeating phrases like "trust the process" "Gus knows what he is doing" "in gene we trust" "get better everyday and compete" "you bibbers need to be patient"

Sounds like him to me.lol
Quote:I said this before, FBT has too much Gus Juice in the back of his throat to understand or think clearly. He has bought the propaganda that the organization has fed him thru out the years and there is no convincing him otherwise. He is "football institutionalized" from the Jags organization.

Once again, swing and a miss, but hey, you bibbers sure seem to think you know a lot. 


It's funny to read the posts of the offended masses who feel they've been betrayed by Gus and Dave because the team didn't come out playing like a world champ in week one.  You say I'm the one who has had too much of the teal Kool Aid when the reality is, if that were true I'd be just as offended as you Madden geniuses.  Since I hear what the coaches are saying, and I don't take what they say too seriously, I'm not offended when the delivery isn't instant.  I'll leave that to the drama queens on this board who believe that their opinions actually sway anything this team does.


You girls are a funny bunch.
I don't think Sullivan is to blame here. Receiver after receiver who comes here talks about how much they learn from him and how in awe of him they are. Aside from drops, what issues do they have. There's lack of speed, but that's a talent issue not a coaching issue. Sullivan teaches them to run routes, and he does a good job at it.


As for the drops, I see distinct reasoning in each case. In ARob's case, he proved last year that he has great hands and hardly ever dropped a pass. This year it's been an issue with him. I can't put my finger on it, but it reminds me of when Marcedes went through a tough time with drops due to all the distractions he was facing at the time. Hurns is a case where he's a traditional body catcher who was told to catch with his hands this year, and I'd argue that he's getting to be rather good at that but still may have some polishing to do. And Greene is a rookie who has had very few drops. One of them just happened to be last week when the drop was counted as part of a slew of drops overall by WRs. From what I saw this preseason I'm not yet worried about Greene, and I see Hurns becoming more and more consistent with his hands. I see this issue coming to a close once ARob gets over whatever is distracting him.


As for Sullivan being the WR coach next year, I don't believe that's even a possibility. If I recall right, I think he said he's retiring after this season.

Quote:Once again, swing and a miss, but hey, you bibbers sure seem to think you know a lot.

It's funny to read the posts of the offended masses who feel they've been betrayed by Gus and Dave because the team didn't come out playing like a world champ in week one. You say I'm the one who has had too much of the teal Kool Aid when the reality is, if that were true I'd be just as offended as you Madden geniuses. Since I hear what the coaches are saying, and I don't take what they say too seriously, I'm not offended when the delivery isn't instant. I'll leave that to the drama queens on this board who believe that their opinions actually sway anything this team does.

You girls are a funny bunch.
It's week 33. It's the same crap every year. Loss after loss. Smiling Gus at the press conference selling us a bill of goods "I saw a lot of good things out there we just have to compete and get better everyday." Yet we haven't gotten better. ZERO impact players. Cyprien still blowing coverages and whiffing tackles. Joeckel is still a turnstile. Blake still throwing pick 6s. The defense still can't get off the field on 3rd down. The offense still goes 3 and out half the time they are out there. Gus hires a crappy college coordinator to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense. Fires him and hires a crappy pro coordinator (32nd ranked offense) to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense.

At what point does this regime have to start producing results? ANY results? Draft and develop ONE impact player? Beat a good team? Hell, beat ANY team before November? Even the Raiders, Browns and Bucs have good young players. The friggin titans just blew our rebuild out of the water by drafting a franchise QB.

I and others here aren't complaining about not enough improvement. There hasn't been ANY improvement at all. A lot of us are tired of losing every single week and no amount of Gus or your excuses will change that. So take that "patience" BS and $2 to Baskin Robbins and buy two scoops of FAILURE with extra sprinkles.
This is good


[Image: Michael-Jackson-Popcorn.gif]

Quote:It's week 33. It's the same crap every year. Loss after loss. Smiling Gus at the press conference selling us a bill of goods "I saw a lot of good things out there we just have to compete and get better everyday." Yet we haven't gotten better. ZERO impact players. Cyprien still blowing coverages and whiffing tackles. Joeckel is still a turnstile. Blake still throwing pick 6s. The defense still can't get off the field on 3rd down. The offense still goes 3 and out half the time they are out there. Gus hires a crappy college coordinator to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense. Fires him and hires a crappy pro coordinator (32nd ranked offense) to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense.

At what point does this regime have to start producing results? ANY results? Draft and develop ONE impact player? Beat a good team? Hell, beat ANY team before November? Even the Raiders, Browns and Bucs have good young players. The friggin Titans just blew our rebuild out of the water by drafting a franchise QB.

I and others here aren't complaining about not enough improvement. There hasn't been ANY improvement at all. A lot of us are tired of losing every single week and no amount of Gus or your excuses will change that. So take that "patience" [BAD WORD REMOVED] and $2 to Baskin Robbins and buy two scoops of FAILURE with extra sprinkles.
Great post and agree
Quote:I don't think Sullivan is to blame here. Receiver after receiver who comes here talks about how much they learn from him and how in awe of him they are. Aside from drops, what issues do they have. There's lack of speed, but that's a talent issue not a coaching issue. Sullivan teaches them to run routes, and he does a good job at it.


As for the drops, I see distinct reasoning in each case. In ARob's case, he proved last year that he has great hands and hardly ever dropped a pass. This year it's been an issue with him. I can't put my finger on it, but it reminds me of when Marcedes went through a tough time with drops due to all the distractions he was facing at the time. Hurns is a case where he's a traditional body catcher who was told to catch with his hands this year, and I'd argue that he's getting to be rather good at that but still may have some polishing to do. And Greene is a rookie who has had very few drops. One of them just happened to be last week when the drop was counted as part of a slew of drops overall by WRs. From what I saw this preseason I'm not yet worried about Greene, and I see Hurns becoming more and more consistent with his hands. I see this issue coming to a close once ARob gets over whatever is distracting him.


As for Sullivan being the WR coach next year, I don't believe that's even a possibility. If I recall right, I think he said he's retiring after this season.

Just to remind everyone of the game, specifically the first Quarter...


The team offensively looked EXTREMELY tight.  I recall BB5 throwing a couple balls in the first quarter that just completely sailed on him, almost like he was trying way too hard...


The first drop AR15 had was a nicely thrown ball... AR15 jumped up in the air to catch it in his mid-section instead of keeping his feet and reaching for it...  To me it seemed like he also was playing tight and was trying too hard...


I was worried that the jitters would snowball, and they did for the first quarter...  I think it's important to realize this. 


I thought Hurns played well, the fumble was a heart-breaker, but fumbles happen... 


Overall, I don't think the position coach is someone to throw blame on.  


I think the concern regarding playcalling (even if it's from kindergartners) is valid.  Even Bradley (who some may think is a kindergartner) also thought in his early pressers that the playcalling got too conservative.


At the end of the day, it is week 1.  There are 15 more games.  But...  Those that are saying patience also need to realize that this is a HC that has overseen alot of garbage football...  


Both lemming and bibber have valid points.  I'd prefer if the lemming would stop attacking the bibber.  And I'd prefer the bibber to stop poking the lemming. 
Quote:You guys still don't get it.  It's not "drinking the Teal Kool-Aid" by allowing the process to play itself out. 


I know it's confusing because you're mentality is pretty much from the microwave generation where you expect everything to happen instantly, and allowing a process to work itself out doesn't compute to you.  Unfortunately, based on HOW this front office has decided to approach the rebuild process, there aren't any quick fixes.  It's a long game approach that requires patience.  The fact that you can't muster the patience to allow them to do their jobs because you demand instant gratification is a testimony to how little effort you're willing to put into building something. 


You can't throw out a process and start over every 2-3 years if you ever want to see this team have any success. 


I love the fact that somehow Gene Smith is my idol, and Anger was great value IMO.  Neither is actually true, but I guess if you spout the lies long enough, it becomes a legend.  Much the same as I was willing to give this front office the time they said they needed for the team to start to turn the corner (3 years), I did the same for Gene when he said that his rebuild process would take 3 years.  He failed.  All I've ever preached is to allow them to finish the job so we can see if their approach is the one that will work.  I know, this is going to confuse you because I wasn't out there with pitchforks and torches demanding someone be fired just because the team didn't win in week one, but that's just not my style.  You are more than welcome to look foolish and like a bunch of drama queen wannabe message board GMs.  That's your prerogative. 
Continuity isn't worth a damn if you don't have the right people in place. Stalling just means giving people who are bad at their job more time to sink the ship.


Would you have wanted Gene Smith around for 3 more years, do you think he would have fared any better?


Jack Del Rio holds the record for being the longest tenured head coach (9 years) to have a losing record. You tell me, how did that patience work out?
Quote:It's week 33. It's the same crap every year. Loss after loss. Smiling Gus at the press conference selling us a bill of goods "I saw a lot of good things out there we just have to compete and get better everyday." Yet we haven't gotten better. ZERO impact players. Cyprien still blowing coverages and whiffing tackles. Joeckel is still a turnstile. Blake still throwing pick 6s. The defense still can't get off the field on 3rd down. The offense still goes 3 and out half the time they are out there. Gus hires a crappy college coordinator to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense. Fires him and hires a crappy pro coordinator (32nd ranked offense) to run a dink and dunk bubble screen offense.

At what point does this regime have to start producing results? ANY results? Draft and develop ONE impact player? Beat a good team? Hell, beat ANY team before November? Even the Raiders, Browns and Bucs have good young players. The friggin titans just blew our rebuild out of the water by drafting a franchise QB.

I and others here aren't complaining about not enough improvement. There hasn't been ANY improvement at all. A lot of us are tired of losing every single week and no amount of Gus or your excuses will change that. So take that "patience" BS and $2 to Baskin Robbins and buy two scoops of FAILURE with extra sprinkles.

It's now week 2 with a brand new offensive staff.  Why does that get ignored?  It's the offense that has been the primary struggle.  So, no, it's not week 33.  We're in week 2 no matter how desperately you want to spin it. 


It remains to be seen if Mariota is a franchise QB.  But hey, that Tampa defense is the tops, isn't it?  Once again, the knee jerk evaluations are comical. 
"The good organizations are the patient ones that believe in continuity."


The good organizations also have really good quarterbacks. They typically also have a few pro bowlers sprinkled elsewhere on the roster, and it usually doesn't take 3 years of development to see how good those guys really are.


This organization hasn't found a quality quarterback since Mark Brunell, and none of Dave Caldwell's draft picks have looked remotely close to Pro Bowl caliber (except for Linder, but hey, he's a guard). The facts are Dave hasn't drafted a single player who has been a proven difference maker. That should make people feel a bit unsettled at the very least.

Quote:Continuity isn't worth a damn if you don't have the right people in place. Stalling just means giving people who are bad at their job more time to sink the ship.


Would you have wanted Gene Smith around for 3 more years, do you think he would have fared any better?


Jack Del Rio holds the record for being the longest tenured head coach (9 years) to have a losing record. You tell me, how did that patience work out?

Three years was enough of Gene Smith.  It wasn't getting any better.  So, why does it seem so unreasonable considering the way they blew this roster up and how they've rebuilt it to give them the time they say they need in order to turn things around.  Caldwell, Bradley, and Khan have all been on the same page in saying that year 3 is the year where the team needs to make that turn.  We've played exactly one game of year 3. 


Del Rio managed to get a contract extension coming off a playoff win.  That extension never should have happened.  Neither should the deal that was signed by Garrard.  Nobody is left from the group that made those decisions including the owner, so it's okay to move on.  I was very much in the fire Del Rio camp from the point where it became clear he wasn't going to be able to sustain any level of success here.  That was more than a year before he was fired.
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