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Quote:But the radical message is all you hear.
Because it's all that's put out there. I don't live in an area that has a BLM group. I live in a very small town that is (sadly) very conservative and not open minded to much of anything that isn't their cup of tea. Had I lived in the ghetto of Jacksonville now as opposed to 9 years ago then I'm sure I would have a very different perspective. As it is the country as a whole only sees what the media puts out and none of it is encouraging. 


As I said before, I agree with the original message of BLM but the group will not see legitimacy as a group or organization unless/until it has a platform with serious local and state officials or pastors who are about the message and not about what it can do for them (i.e. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who only show up when it benefits them.) And until it has this, the general public will continue to see them as domestic terrorists, cop haters/killers, etc. 
Quote:Because it's all that's put out there. I don't live in an area that has a BLM group. I live in a very small town that is (sadly) very conservative and not open minded to much of anything that isn't their cup of tea. Had I lived in the ghetto of Jacksonville now as opposed to 9 years ago then I'm sure I would have a very different perspective. As it is the country as a whole only sees what the media puts out and none of it is encouraging.

As I said before, I agree with the original message of BLM but the group will not see legitimacy as a group or organization unless/until it has a platform with serious local and state officials or pastors who are about the message and not about what it can do for them (i.e. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who only show up when it benefits them.) And until it has this, the general public will continue to see them as domestic terrorists, cop haters/killers, etc.

Who is putting it out there and who reports it and where do you get your information?
Quote:But the radical message is all you hear.
If that is all I hear then what conclusion do you think I would come up with?  


Media sensationalism is a huge part of the problem.  The media is not interested in the truth, only ratings.
Quote:The Police force in all the major cities where protest are held disagree, otherwise there would be mass arrests.

Here's your clue:  The patriotic citizens who plowed their vehicles through the protesters were not charged or even ticketed. 
Quote:As I said before, I agree with the original message of BLM

The original message was "Hands up, don't shoot", which was a proven lie. 
Quote:What do you think of black people who protest peacefully?
I think it's great. I think everyone with a cause should protest peacefully.


I remember going to a "peaceful" protest in Riverside when the war in Iraq was in it's early years. I wasn't there in favor of or against the war, I was there in support of the troops, being a veteran and was married to a recently retired Soldier who had been deployed there. I had a sign that said, "You CAN Support the Troops and Not the War," and those antiwar folks thought I was satan's spawn. The pro-war folks thought I was confused. I got curious looks from the pro-war folks, I got shoved off the sidewalk several times and talked to very harshly by the antiwar folks. Even when I tried to explain what I meant to the antiwar folks, they didn't care. They thought supporting the troops meant supporting the war (which I didn't) and they would not see a different POV at all. 


The reason I put peaceful in quotations is because for some it was, for others it wasn't. For those who didn't understand what I was trying to say, or didn't want to, they felt threatened somehow by an idea or thought that was different than their own and reacted. That's why a great many folks feel threatened or whatever by BLM. They don't understand it, willfully or otherwise. I understand (to any degree a white female who has lived a very diverse life) and agree with the original message and any peaceful protests, gatherings, etc., that come of it are great. The hate and discontent shown in the media, not so much. And sadly that is what is being pushed by the media. I think we need to know what is going on in the country and the world, but the media is no longer interested in reporting things that are happening and the facts and haven't been for a long time. They are about controversy, sensationalism, ratings and who can get a 'story' out first. They don't even care if they get it right. 


I do have to say as well that there are people who don't give a rat's butt about BLM or black folks in general. Those folks will have a problem no matter what. A black scientist could cure every cancer known to man and some will still not care. You don't focus on those who are against you, you focus on those who are for you and you build a relationship and with that comes cooperation, meaningful conversations that actually make change happen. You lead by example. Actions speak much louder than words ever will. Maybe there are BLM groups in bigger cities that are working on this and we have yet to see the fruit of their labors. I really hope that is the case. Hopefully they will become more visible so everyone can see the difference they are making.


I googled "BLM good news" and this article came up. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. But it has to come from both sides and there is a lot of work that needs to be done for that to happen.
Quote:The original message was "Hands up, don't shoot", which was a proven lie. 
It began with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after George Zimmerman was acquitted. It became nationally recognized in 2014 after the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Sadly that national recognition came with violent protests and demonstrations. The idea of BLM in itself is not the problem, it's how it has grown into what it is because there is no structure. It is decentralized and people pretty much just do what they want under the BLM banner with no real leadership.
Quote:Who is putting it out there and who reports it and where do you get your information?
Are you daft? The media in all its various forms puts it out there.

I googled "BLM good news" and this article came up. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. But it has to come from both sides and there is a lot of work that needs to be done for that to happen.

A city in Kansas is proud of their Black Lives Matter protest on Tuesday, during which no one was hurt or arrested, and no property was damaged.


I went to the grocery store yesterday and chose not to burn it down.  I'm still looking for the front-page story praising my civic restraint. 

Quote:Can someone tell me the killings BLM have done that were racially motivated?

Quote:Are you daft? The media in all its various forms puts it out there.

So you're saying you can't think for yourself?
Quote:Many people of my generation denounce the violent tactics of the Black panthers but celebrate their social initiatives.
How convenient for you. So you get to embrace and celebrate those that call for violence and have and continue to commit violence, but then claim that you condemn their actions while their very words are coming from your mouths. That's a very convenient arrangement indeed.  


That's the whole game here, we all see it. You promote violence then when it happens BLM hides and says that they aren't associated with those committing the violence. Whenever someone tries to pin BLM down for its rhetoric, we get people claiming that those people don't count as part of BLM but the next day they are more than happy to claim them in the numbers of people marching in the streets. 

Quote:So you're saying you can't think for yourself?
No, the media in general is what gives us the news happening around the nation and the world. I take it all with a grain of salt anymore because you CAN'T believe any of it. Independent news is not what it used to be. And I'm done with this with you. I don't even know why I try because all you want to be is argumentative.
Quote:A city in Kansas is proud of their Black Lives Matter protest on Tuesday, during which no one was hurt or arrested, and no property was damaged.


I went to the grocery store yesterday and chose not to burn it down.  I'm still looking for the front-page story praising my civic restraint. 
Did you read the whole thing or just pick and choose what you wanted to see? And why is it a problem that the city is proud that things didn't go to [BLEEP] since in so many places is does? It means there are intelligent people protesting and not a bunch of packs animals looking to destroy homes, businesses and lives.
I did read the whole article but BLM's heroics still managed to elude me:


Plans for another BLM protest on Sunday were changed to a community cookout after leaders met with (police chief) Ramsay the day after the demonstration. Ramsay said he and the mayor wanted to raise the money to organize a barbecue for the city’s law enforcement professionals and the community at large.


So, BLM had a protest which did not result in the usual violence or property damage.  OK.  Now, about this next event, it sounds like the city is providing free food for "the community".  BLM are not providing anything; they will merely show up, eat for free, and, hopefully, not riot.  This qualifies as good BLM news?
Quote:Thats a poor excuse to make.

Are you against people having civil right and the ability to assemble freely and peacefully to protest civil rights violations?

Don't deflect from the issue, JFC. You don't have a right to peacefully assemble in the road. They often allow it but you don't have the right to do it.
Quote:Don't deflect from the issue, JFC. You don't have a right to peacefully assemble in the road. They often allow it but you don't have the right to do it.
Especially not in Tennessee!


Quote:Don't deflect from the issue, JFC. You don't have a right to peacefully assemble in the road. They often allow it but you don't have the right to do it.

My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.
Quote:My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.
Come on man. What kind of parallel is that? Don't stoop to that level.
Quote:My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "my rights end where your nose begins?" Comparing segregation to blocking a road is ludicrous. You have the right to peacefully assemble but you don't have the right to block other people from travelling and living their lives. Rights do not extend infinitely, they stop where other people's begin. 
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