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Quote:My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.

My mother was physically slapped in the face if she spoke Spanish while in grade school.  That was a public school by the way.  Her lunch was taken away if it was beans and tortillas and not a "proper lunch".  So what's your point?


Do I owe you something because you're black?  Did you suffer anything worse than me growing up (though I imagine you're still growing up)?  My parents also had to deal with discrimination years ago.  I even had to deal with it some as I was growing up.  Yes, blacks claim that they have had it so wrong for so many years... take a look at what us Hispanics had to deal with.


The crying and whining by groups such as BLM is pretty much irrelevant.  The racial divide that was real back in the 1950's and earlier doesn't really exist today, except for the select few that are BLM.


Don't give me this "my father couldn't go to a white restroom" bs.  People of my race were discriminated against just as much as blacks were.  The difference is, we don't "throw it in the face" of people and we don't "demand" reparations.
Europeans were actually enslaved in the Middle Eastern slave trade that far more brutal than any slave trade here in the USA and last longer and enslaved more people. If you go back far enough, everyone has a grievance against someone else. Instead of measuring who is the bigger victim, maybe we should live in the present and treat each other the way that we want to be treated Smile

Quote:My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.

Your father was around in the 1960s? You seem a lot younger than that.

Quote:People of my race were discriminated against just as much as blacks were.  The difference is, we don't "throw it in the face" of people and we don't "demand" reparations.

Of course you don't.  Vulcans are highly respected now and have their own separate restrooms.

Quote:My father didn't have a right to go to a white restroom. It was illegal.

What's your point?
Quote:Your father was around in the 1960s? You seem a lot younger than that.

I seem? My father was born in 1950.
Quote:I seem? My father was born in 1950.

Wasn't your latest claim to be in grad school? It's hard to keep up.

If so, you'd be around 26 (say) and were born about 1990. That means your father would have been around 40 when you were born. It's certainly not unheard of the father a child at 40, but not common either.


That explains my use of the word "seem." 


Even if born in 1950 your father was a youngster when he was treated wrongly. Fortunately, things have changed a lot since then. A black man was elected president. Maybe you didn't notice.


Sure, in 2016 some small percentage of cops discriminate against blacks, and some discriminate against whites. Some are equal-opportunity jerks who treat everyone like they are presumed guilty. But the BLM narrative is a lie, a lie that drives some to riot, and even murder. There was no "hands up, don't shoot." If you limit it to criminal arrests a higher percentage of whites are killed by cops than blacks (if you don't limit it to criminal arrests then the data show the police hugely discriminate against men as compared to women since almost every person shot by a cop is male).

Quote:Wasn't your latest claim to be in grad school? It's hard to keep up.

If so, you'd be around 26 (say) and were born about 1990. That means your father would have been around 40 when you were born. It's certainly not unheard of the father a child at 40, but not common either.

That explains my use of the word "seem."

Even if born in 1950 your father was a youngster when he was treated wrongly. Fortunately, things have changed a lot since then. A black man was elected president. Maybe you didn't notice.

Sure, in 2016 some small percentage of cops discriminate against blacks, and some discriminate against whites. Some are equal-opportunity jerks who treat everyone like they are presumed guilty. But the BLM narrative is a lie, a lie that drives some to riot, and even murder. There was no "hands up, don't shoot." If you limit it to criminal arrests a higher percentage of whites are killed by cops than blacks (if you don't limit it to criminal arrests then the data show the police hugely discriminate against men as compared to women since almost every person shot by a cop is male).

I'm a 30 year old, 4th year doctoral student.
Everyone on the internet has a Masters in something. 

Quote:Everyone on the internet has a Masters in something.

Most of them are in Baiting.

Quote:Most of the are in Baiting.

Eh, eh, you clever guy you. I must go master something. Be back in two shakes of a stick.
Quote:My mother was physically slapped in the face if she spoke Spanish while in grade school. That was a public school by the way. Her lunch was taken away if it was beans and tortillas and not a "proper lunch". So what's your point?

Do I owe you something because you're black? Did you suffer anything worse than me growing up (though I imagine you're still growing up)? My parents also had to deal with discrimination years ago. I even had to deal with it some as I was growing up. Yes, blacks claim that they have had it so wrong for so many years... take a look at what us Hispanics had to deal with.

The crying and whining by groups such as BLM is pretty much irrelevant. The racial divide that was real back in the 1950's and earlier doesn't really exist today, except for the select few that are BLM.

Don't give me this "my father couldn't go to a white restroom" [BAD WORD REMOVED]. People of my race were discriminated against just as much as blacks were. The difference is, we don't "throw it in the face" of people and we don't "demand" reparations.
BLM isn't real big on reality. Too many blacks refuse to accept the reality of the history of slavery. They blame white people for it. The reality is that slavery started way before America even existed. Back then, it was common for rival tribal communities to invade neighboring communities and take rivals captive. They would sell the captives off as slaves. It is still happening to this day in places in Africa. Eventually, it trickled over to other countries like America. That is reality.

What is more important, as far as America is concerned, slavery as they describe it is long gone. Most blacks have moved on and made lives for themselves. The ones hanging on to slavery are stuck in the past, which is why they have no futures. Yes this is blunt, but it is not hatred and not racism. It is the simple reality that too many refuse to accept.
Quote:I'm a 30 year old, 4th year doctoral student.

That explains a lot about why you are so misguided.

Quote:BLM isn't real big on reality. Too many blacks refuse to accept the reality of the history of slavery. They blame white people for it. The reality is that slavery started way before America even existed. Back then, it was common for rival tribal communities to invade neighboring communities and take rivals captive. They would sell the captives off as slaves. It is still happening to this day in places in Africa. Eventually, it trickled over to other countries like America. That is reality.

What is more important, as far as America is concerned, slavery as they describe it is long gone. Most blacks have moved on and made lives for themselves. The ones hanging on to slavery are stuck in the past, which is why they have no futures. Yes this is blunt, but it is not hatred and not racism. It is the simple reality that too many refuse to accept.

The other thing that people don't realize and it's never taught, slaves were generally treated well by their owners.  I've used the analogy before and I don't mean it in a disrespectful or insulting way, but slaves were more-or-less considered livestock.  A rancher doesn't abuse his cattle and slave owners, for the most part, didn't abuse their slaves.  They actually wanted to keep them healthy, encouraged families and wanted them to reproduce.


I'm not saying that the practice was right or justified, but people must understand that it was a very different time in history.  The practice was overcome by giving black people the freedom that they deserve, and it took many years before they were given equal rights as citizens.


The problem today is that there are far too many people that "live in the past" when it comes to race relations.  That goes for whites, blacks, Hispanics, etc.  This is 2017 and we all have the same unalienable Rights that are endowed to us by our Creator, those being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  "What we are" shouldn't identify us, rather it should be "who we are".  The day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about is here.  People need to learn to embrace it.
Quote:The day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about is here.  People need to learn to embrace it.

Having no crusade means there's no need for crusaders. And where else can they make that kind of money and gain that kind of prestige?
Quote:My mother was physically slapped in the face if she spoke Spanish while in grade school. That was a public school by the way. Her lunch was taken away if it was beans and tortillas and not a "proper lunch". So what's your point?

Do I owe you something because you're black? Did you suffer anything worse than me growing up (though I imagine you're still growing up)? My parents also had to deal with discrimination years ago. I even had to deal with it some as I was growing up. Yes, blacks claim that they have had it so wrong for so many years... take a look at what us Hispanics had to deal with.

The crying and whining by groups such as BLM is pretty much irrelevant. The racial divide that was real back in the 1950's and earlier doesn't really exist today, except for the select few that are BLM.

Don't give me this "my father couldn't go to a white restroom" [BAD WORD REMOVED]. People of my race were discriminated against just as much as blacks were. The difference is, we don't "throw it in the face" of people and we don't "demand" reparations.

I find it interesting that you are a vocal trumpette and pro wall.

You not the least concerned that people may view you as less of an American due to your background in the current toxic climate?
Quote:I find it interesting that you are a vocal trumpette and pro wall.

You not the least concerned that people may view you as less of an American due to your background in the current toxic climate?
The climate is only toxic for people like you. America is finally healing and doing better than ever now that it has some true leadership.


It's only the liberal radicals that refuse to see reality for what it is. It's not that difficult to figure out who they are.


You fools would rue the day if President Trump decided to treat some of you as badly as you treat him. He is even looking out for the radical vermin.


The sign of a greater man than any of you wacko liberals could ever dream of being.
Quote:I find it interesting that you are a vocal trumpette and pro wall.

You not the least concerned that people may view you as less of an American due to your background in the current toxic climate?

Why? Because he's (at least part) Hispanic? You don't see the hypocrisy in that statement?


Decisions shouldn't be made on how someone will look as a result of it.
Quote:Everyone on the internet has a Masters in something. 

no :/  just an almost worthless Bachelors Degree, CNA license, and Real Estate license.  O and Va healthcare.
Quote:I find it interesting that you are a vocal trumpette and pro wall.

You not the least concerned that people may view you as less of an American due to your background in the current toxic climate?

You can be pro wall and also pro immigration.  There are legal ways to enter this country and become a citizen, many of us are just sick of the illegal variety that don't take that path.  It paints all immigrants in a negative light and disrespects the struggles the legal immigrants made to become a legal citizen.
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