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Quote:Well, Cruz's parents weren't anti-American radicals either. Put the two together, along with Obama's refusal to release the normal background documents expected of a candidate, and it does have an unseemly appearance from the outside.

Anti-American radicals? So you're drinking that Kool-Aid, too?


Obama posted a copy of his birth certificate on the internet in 2008.


If you want to believe something, it's easy to take a few prejudiced suspicions and mold them into "facts."
Quote:I don't think anyone who was hired before this decision should be fired or quit because they don't agree morally/religiously. They should be grandfathered in as they were hired prior to a job description they have this issue with. If people want to quit or are fired just because they are generally opposed to gays/gay marriage is a different story.

How do you make the distinction between "generally opposed" and "don't agree morally/religiously"?


If a person doesn't want to do their job, they should be free to quit. I wonder how many of those serving on the morality police force had similar reservations over issuing marriage licenses to, say, potential spousal abusers.
Quote:How do you make the distinction between "generally opposed" and "don't agree morally/religiously"?


If a person doesn't want to do their job, they should be free to quit. I wonder how many of those serving on the morality police force had similar reservations over issuing marriage licenses to, say, potential spousal abusers.

Or adulterers, or to divorced people...both big no no's too.
Quote:Ted Cruz has had his country of birth called into question.

  Ted Cruz exposed Katie Couric earlier this week.   Yet another reason why I'm proud to support Ted Cruz's Presidential Campaign:




  Cruz DESTROYS Couric: Hillary Started the Anti-Obama Birther Movement

 07.01.2015 | Alicia Powe |

Quote:Anti-American radicals? So you're drinking that Kool-Aid, too?

Obama posted a copy of his birth certificate on the internet in 2008.

If you want to believe something, it's easy to take a few prejudiced suspicions and mold them into "facts."

Obaam didn't post his certificate until 2010. He's still never posted his college transcripts. His parents were 60s Anti-American radicals. These aren't assumptions, they're historical facts.
Quote:Obaam didn't post his certificate until 2010. He's still never posted his college transcripts. His parents were 60s Anti-American radicals. These aren't assumptions, they're historical facts.

He released it in 2008
Quote:Obaam didn't post his certificate until 2010. He's still never posted his college transcripts. His parents were 60s Anti-American radicals. These aren't assumptions, they're historical facts.
They'd be so proud of the way he's spent the last seven years bringing down the country.


Oh, wait...
Quote:Obaam didn't post his certificate until 2010. He's still never posted his college transcripts. His parents were 60s Anti-American radicals. These aren't assumptions, they're historical facts.


His campaign posted his birth certificate on the web in 2008.


Define anti-American radicals. His father was educated in the U.S. but spent most of the 60s working as an economist in the Kenyan government. I suppose a bureaucrat in a socialist government is technically anti-American in a John Birch mindset. His mother was also well educated, and has an impressive resume. We're talking about two people who attended American universities in the early 60s. If they are anti-American radicals because they may have espoused some anti-government ideas, Tea Partyers are anti-American radicals, too.


George Bush didn't post his transcripts, either. So? What does that have to do with his citizenship?

Quote:How do you make the distinction between "generally opposed" and "don't agree morally/religiously"?


If a person doesn't want to do their job, they should be free to quit. I wonder how many of those serving on the morality police force had similar reservations over issuing marriage licenses to, say, potential spousal abusers.
You can usually tell the difference between the two. 
Quote:If someone is hired into a government job to issue marriage licenses and they refuse to do so, why should they be allowed to continue drawing a check against taxpayer dollars? Should a DMV clerk be allowed to refuse to issue driver's licenses to teenagers because they believe that no one should be allowed to drive until they graduate from high school?
That's not a moral/religious reason. That's a personal preference.
My beliefs are my beliefs. I guess we can agree to disagree. 

Quote:If someone is hired into a government job to issue marriage licenses and they refuse to do so, why should they be allowed to continue drawing a check against taxpayer dollars? Should a DMV clerk be allowed to refuse to issue driver's licenses to teenagers because they believe that no one should be allowed to drive until they graduate from high school?

If someone is hired into any job, they do what they're employer tells them or they don't have that job anymore.   Seems pretty simple to me.

It's basically saying "Discrimination is okay so long as it's religious."  I mean what happens if Bob and Joe issue marriage certificates, and both happen to refuse a gay couple a marriage certificate.  What happens then?  Are the gay couple unable to get married because employees decided that their religion is more important than someone else's rights.  They should not be working there.  

You have your rights until it interferes with someone else's rights.
Quote:You have your rights until it interferes with someone else's rights.
This, pretty much. If a government clerk doesn't want to issue a marriage license to a gay couple, they should turn in their resignation (and their cushy benefits and pension plan) and try to avoid letting the door hit them in the tailpipe on the way out.
Quote:You have your rights until it interferes with someone else's rights.

How is that any different than asking a Christian / Muslim baker to bake a homosexual wedding cake?
Quote:How is that any different than asking a Christian / Muslim baker to bake a homosexual wedding cake?
It's not, that's where the left goes off track. Absolutely government employees don't have the authority to decide which laws they should enforce. You work for the government you issue the licenses regardless of how it makes you feel. Now If you own your own business and don't want to offer services for gay weddings so be it.

Sadly while I'm all for marriage equality the next step is where I draw the line. The next political battle so to speak will be if private institutions or religious institutions have the right to refuse service.
Quote:This, pretty much. If a government clerk doesn't want to issue a marriage license to a gay couple, they should turn in their resignation (and their cushy benefits and pension plan) and try to avoid letting the door hit them in the tailpipe on the way out.
So, a person of faith shouldn't be permitted to have a government job? 


Really into the whole rights thing, aren't you?  Encouraging discrimination in hiring practices shows a real high level of tolerance.
Quote:So, a person of faith shouldn't be permitted to have a government job? 


Really into the whole rights thing, aren't you?  Encouraging discrimination in hiring practices shows a real high level of tolerance.

Quite a leap there. And one that nobody has said.
Quote:  Ted Cruz exposed Katie Couric earlier this week.   Yet another reason why I'm proud to support Ted Cruz's Presidential Campaign:




  Cruz DESTROYS Couric: Hillary Started the Anti-Obama Birther Movement

 07.01.2015 | Alicia Powe |

LOL, just watching her reaction is priceless.
Quote:So, a person of faith shouldn't be permitted to have a government job?

Really into the whole rights thing, aren't you? Encouraging discrimination in hiring practices shows a real high level of tolerance.
If the person's faith prohibits them from doing the job then they should change, not the job, and I say this as a person of deep faith. Now if the person of faith owns the business then it's their business and forcing them to change is a violation of their rights. Ownership rights should always trump customer rights, but we've got that backwards in our society with all these accommodation laws. The weakening of personal private property rights will be what destroys our civilization, eventually it will lead to the government owning everything, in practice if not in fact.
Quote:You have your rights until it interferes with someone else's rights.

So do the rights of this couple matter?  Should they, via their private business be forced to do something that is against their belief?  Is it fair to fine them $135,000 and award it to the gay couple because of the "emotional suffering" the gay couple supposedly experienced?
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