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Quote:If it helps, this is what I tell my kids (same age as yours) "boys and girls love each other, but sometimes boys love boys and girls love girls."


My daughter heard my wife and I talking about the ruling today and asked "why couldn't they get married before today?"  It was an interesting conversation!

Thanks. That's just it though, when this question does come up I will tell my son something along those lines as there really is not much more to say; however, with that said I do not want my son to grow up thinking that it is normal to like other boys and perhaps that influence him into adulthood and he turns out gay. I wouldn't love him any less for it but let's be honest, what father would be glad to see his son turn out gay?


I definitely agree that there are double standards and that this is absolutely not the last step but I do not hate gays as individuals. I suppose I am ok gays marrying but to pretend that this will not have an impact on children is just crazy talk. 
I think the word "normal" is based on opinion. What may be abnormal to you, may be normal to someone else. It's open to interpretation.
Quote:Good luck with that.  If the gay mafia wants to start using tax law as a weapon, they're going to run into a buzz saw.  I almost encourage that to happen because it would stop certain progressive movements in their tracks.


The last thing democrats want to do is start using tax exempt status as a weapon.  All those black churches they pander to for the minority vote would be included in that process as well. Go ahead and open that can of worms.

I knew you were TMD in drag. The "gay mafia"! You can type that and think anyone would take you seriously? Is that how you and the boys at the country club talk?


And please supply us with this secret agenda of which you speak. I know old white guys, especially from the South, have had a tough week, but you apparently have the vapors and are now speaking in tongues.

Quote:I think the word "normal" is based on opinion. What may be abnormal to you, may be normal to someone else. It's open to interpretation.

When 96 to 98 percent of a population has one characteristic and the other 2 to 4 is divergent then that group is abnormal.
Quote:When 96 to 98 percent of a population has one characteristic and the other 2 to 4 is divergent then that group is abnormal.

My point was based on individuality, not statistics..
Quote:It's not a beginning, it's pretty much an end.  Gay rights "activists" are going to demand that church's and private property owner's "submit" to their wishes.

Be sure to look under your bed every night. You apparently believe there are monsters out to get you.


If you know any history of the court you should know that religious institutions are protected; most recently regarding "Obamacare."


But it's much more fun to hyperventilate regarding the gay mafia coming to get you.
What the GOP candidates have to say:

Quote:Mike Huckabee: "I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders acquiesced to an imperial British monarch. We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat."

Rick Santorum: "The Court is one of three co-equal branches of government and, just as they have in cases from Dred Scott to Plessy, the Court has an imperfect track record. The stakes are too high and the issue too important to simply cede the will of the people to five unaccountable justices."

Scott Walker: "I believe this Supreme Court decision is a grave mistake. Five unelected judges have taken it upon themselves to redefine the institution of marriage."

Ben Carson: "While I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court's decision, their ruling is now the law of the land."

Lindsey Graham: "I am a proud defender of traditional marriage and believe the people of each state should have the right to determine their marriage laws. However, the Supreme Court has ruled that state bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional, and I will respect the Court's decision."

Jeb Bush: "I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side."

Marco Rubio: "This decision short-circuits the political process that has been underway on the state level for years. "While I disagree with this decision, we live in a republic and must abide by the law. As we look ahead, it must be a priority of the next president to nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written and originally understood."
It's pretty pathetic that we still live in a world where people are still being judged by their peers for just trying to live their lives the way they wish to live them.. My question is, If it doesn't directly affect you, why do you care so much?

To me, these self proclaimed judges of humanity and lifestyle are nothing more than power hungry pieces of trash who feel the need for others to conform to their own beliefs, sorta like a major case of insecurity.. That actually brings a smile to my face because I guess I love discontent among the ignorant .. Makes me feel good inside for some weird reason..
While this isn't quite the topic at hand, I'm interested in knowing if this will influence weapons carrying licenses. At the moment, many States don't recognize the others' as they stand. Marriage isn't mentioned in the Constitution, after all, but guns are... and many places put limitations on them.

So Ted Cruz said that between the Obamacare ruling and marriage equality, we're facing "the worst 24 hours in our country's history."


I'll be sure to pass the message along to 9/11 victims.

Quote:So Ted Cruz said that between the Obamacare ruling and marriage equality, we're facing "the worst 24 hours in our country's history."


I'll be sure to pass the message along to 9/11 victims.

Well a few people did say this was their 9/11.  

I like how the candidates are calling this a fight for religious liberty.  As if their liberty includes the right to push their religion on everyone else.  
Quote:Well a few people did say this was their 9/11.

I like how the candidates are calling this a fight for religious liberty. As if their liberty includes the right to push their religion on everyone else.

This just reaks of that whole insecurity thing I mentioned. When people feel threatened, they go on the auto defensive.. Just the way it is..
Quote:Well a few people did say this was their 9/11.  

I like how the candidates are calling this a fight for religious liberty.  As if their liberty includes the right to push their religion on everyone else.  
In fairness, they could say that marriage between same-sex individuals forces "the gay mafia's" agenda on them. In fact, a few people in this thread are doing so in the most loud, meat-headed fashion they can. I guess the way I was raised, someone doing something that has no effect on you whatsoever is completely different from you forcing someone else not to do something that would have no effect on you whatsoever. I don't see how allowing two committed individuals to enter into a lifelong relationship is even on the same plane as arbitrarily telling those same individuals that they can't.
Quote:While this isn't quite the topic at hand, I'm interested in knowing if this will influence weapons carrying licenses. At the moment, many States don't recognize the others' as they stand. Marriage isn't mentioned in the Constitution, after all, but guns are... and many places put limitations on them.

Just when we were all in agreement and about to sing Kumbaya...
Quote:In fairness, they could say that marriage between same-sex individuals forces "the gay mafia's" agenda on them. In fact, a few people in this thread are doing so in the most loud, meat-headed fashion they can. I guess the way I was raised, someone doing something that has no effect on you whatsoever is completely different from you forcing someone else not to do something that would have no effect on you whatsoever. I don't see how allowing two committed individuals to enter into a lifelong relationship is even on the same plane as arbitrarily telling those same individuals that they can't.

No wedding cake for you!
Quote:Thanks. That's just it though, when this question does come up I will tell my son something along those lines as there really is not much more to say; however, with that said I do not want my son to grow up thinking that it is normal to like other boys and perhaps that influence him into adulthood and he turns out gay. I wouldn't love him any less for it but let's be honest, what father would be glad to see his son turn out gay?
My grandfather, may he rest in peace, was one of the most hard-edged Catholics you could ever hope to meet, and he never once expressed dismay, anger, sadness or remorse at his son growing into a gay man. If I have a son someday and he grows into a gay man, hey, he's still my son, and I still love him, and I completely respect who he is. I would be no more or less proud of him than if he were straight.


Is it normal to be homosexual? Clearly not, and the numbers alone tell you that. Is it normal, statistically speaking, to be black in America? No, but that doesn't make it alright to teach your kids that being black is not ok. Most people love people of the opposite sex; some people love people of the same sex. There's nothing wrong with those people, and in virtually every other way, they're no different from you or me. There's nothing anyone can do to change it, nor is it anyone's place to judge them for it, so live and let live. If it bothers you that much, look the other direction and move on with life. That's how I'd handle the conversation.
Quote:No wedding cake for you!
Rollerjag, semi-serious question, how banned would I be if I changed my member title to "The Gay Mafia"? Big Grin
Gay Mafia?? what is this guy on about. It is a legitimate question why the Catholic Church as one of the biggest businesses in the world has tax exempt status... Not sure what that has to do with being gay or not. 

Quote:And two dudes getting married sets a good example? What do I tell my 5-year old when we are out and about and he asks me why two men are holding hands, kissing and walking with each other?

I'm not sure whether we are all born homo or heterosexual but if we are not I definitely do not want my children to grow up thinking that it is okay to be gay.

When did black and gay become the same thing?
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