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Quote:LOL, Trump is falling in the polls, so what does he do?  Try to attack Marco Rubio and tweets that he's going to "boycott" FOX News.


First of all, the attacks on Rubio are a re-hash of subjects that Marco Rubio has already addressed on a national stage.


Second, Trump got mad because he didn't get the "free publicity" after being a guest on the O'Reilly Factor show was cancelled for tomorrow.  He can "boycott" all he wants, but he's pretty foolish.  Any candidate that is serious would get any "free" air time that they can on the number one rated news shows.  Like them or not, FOX News opinion shows are watched by far more people than any other network.


  The more Donald Trump boycotts interviews on FOX News or any major media outlet,  the better for us as people that want to see Trump defeated in the Republican Primary process.  
Quote:10'S Of millions, depending on how you classify national socialism (Nazi's) then the vast majority of casualties in the 20th century warfare were in the pursuit of defeating socialist and communist dictators, not to mention the genocide and radical killing of their own populations to maintain control.
The Nazis were not socialists. Just no. They were a fascist, racist regime that exploited nationalist attitudes. Stop saying Nazis were socialists. You're making yourself look ridiculous.
From Wikipedia



 (<span style="color:#0b0080;">/ˈnɑːtsi/

), was a political party
 in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that practised Nazism
</span>. Its predecessor, the German Workers' Party
 (DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920.

The party emerged from the <span style="color:#0b0080;">German nationalist

 and populist
</span> Freikorps
 paramilitary culture, which fought against thecommunist
 uprisings in post-World War I
 Germany.<sup><span style="color:#0b0080;">[6]

</span></sup> The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism.

<sup><span style="color:#0b0080;">[7]

</span></sup> Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on <span style="color:#0b0080;">anti-big business

, and anti-capitalist
</span>rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in the 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic
 and anti-Marxist themes.<sup><span style="color:#0b0080;">[8]



<div style="font-size:12.2892px;">

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">In traditional socialism the state directly owns the means of production.  In national socialism (fascism) the state practices total control over the means of production through a private proxy.  In this case, given that the entity exercises the social mandates of the state, the losses are covered by the public and the profits are given to the proxy.  as an example, in socialism, the government owns the car company.  In a fascist system the government simply regulates the production, wages, price, and fuel standards to the point that there is no viable way to make profit aside from government subsidy ensuring compliance.  Sound familiar?  Other familiar aspects of German state theory would include nationalized healthcare and old age insurance (what we have been sheepishly tricked into calling social security, arguably the greatest running joke about a populations collective ignorance about actuarial science.)  

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">The single greatest trick that the left has ever pulled off was divorcing the nazis from the left of the political spectrum and convincing most people who don't question what their professor or teacher says that somehow on the sliding scale of the political spectrum you have a parabolic move on the right towards shrinking government & personal responsibility but somehow aliens would abduct you and take you somewhere with a massive totalitarian regime controlling every aspect of your life.  It defies the basic concept of any linear understanding of political theory.  You can tell the fix was in because if you ask 100 high school seniors what nazi actually stands for they will just look at you and stare.  

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">You're own response illustrates some of that.  Just because you are socialist/fascist doesn't mean that you aren't racist.  Just because you are socialist/fascist or believe in a massive state doesn't mean that you can't have nationalist pride.  The fork in the road exist on the left once you have a government big enough to control all aspects of the market system do you drift up and to the left towards international communism or down and to the left towards nationalist socialism.  

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">Ironically, the lack of critical understanding of what nazism is can lead to history repeating itself.  I mean you had an entire country of people turn their backs on an entire cross section of the population while they were being slaughtered just because it was thought that they were a mathematical threat to the proliferation of the new national socialist welfare state.  I mean you had Jews being literally being pulled off of the street to be killed and people would just look at them and say to themselves "It doesn't matter, they're not like us, they're not fully developed yet, they're just a clump of cells, they're just a fetus, the research we do on them might help others, the fuhrer has the right to choose."

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">Oops, i'm sorry.  I got my eugenic holocausts mixed up their a little bit at the end but i think that you can get my point.

Quote:The Nazis were not socialists. Just no. They were a fascist, racist regime that exploited nationalist attitudes. Stop saying Nazis were socialists. You're making yourself look ridiculous.

Just for fun...what would you guess is his favorite Black Sabbath song?

Bernie = Adolph

Quote:From <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party'>Wikipedia</a>,


(<a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_English'>/ˈnɑːtsi/

), was a <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party'>political party
in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that practised <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism'>Nazism
</a>. Its predecessor, the <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Workers%27_Party'>German Workers' Party
</a> (DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920.
The party emerged from the <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nationalism'>German nationalist

, <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism'>racist
and <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism'>populist
</a> <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freikorps'>Freikorps
paramilitary culture, which fought against the<a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist'>communist
</a> uprisings in post-<a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I'>World War I
</a> Germany.<sup><a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party#cite_note-stormtroopers-6'>[6]

</sup> The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism.

<sup><a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party#cite_note-stormtroopers2-7'>[7]

</sup> Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_business'>anti-big business

, <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourgeoisie'>anti-bourgeois
, and <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-capitalism'>anti-capitalist
</a>rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in the 1930s the party's focus shifted to <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism'>anti-Semitic
</a> and anti-Marxist themes.<sup><a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party#cite_note-mcdonough-8'>[8]


In traditional socialism the state directly owns the means of production. In national socialism (fascism) the state practices total control over the means of production through a private proxy. In this case, given that the entity exercises the social mandates of the state, the losses are covered by the public and the profits are given to the proxy. as an example, in socialism, the government owns the car company. In a fascist system the government simply regulates the production, wages, price, and fuel standards to the point that there is no viable way to make profit aside from government subsidy ensuring compliance. Sound familiar? Other familiar aspects of German state theory would include nationalized healthcare and old age insurance (what we have been sheepishly tricked into calling social security, arguably the greatest running joke about a populations collective ignorance about actuarial science.)

The single greatest trick that the left has ever pulled off was divorcing the nazis from the left of the political spectrum and convincing most people who don't question what their professor or teacher says that somehow on the sliding scale of the political spectrum you have a parabolic move on the right towards shrinking government & personal responsibility but somehow aliens would abduct you and take you somewhere with a massive totalitarian regime controlling every aspect of your life. It defies the basic concept of any linear understanding of political theory. You can tell the fix was in because if you ask 100 high school seniors what nazi actually stands for they will just look at you and stare.

You're own response illustrates some of that. Just because you are socialist/fascist doesn't mean that you aren't racist. Just because you are socialist/fascist or believe in a massive state doesn't mean that you can't have nationalist pride. The fork in the road exist on the left once you have a government big enough to control all aspects of the market system do you drift up and to the left towards international communism or down and to the left towards nationalist socialism.

Ironically, the lack of critical understanding of what nazism is can lead to history repeating itself. I mean you had an entire country of people turn their backs on an entire cross section of the population while they were being slaughtered just because it was thought that they were a mathematical threat to the proliferation of the new national socialist welfare state. I mean you had Jews being literally being pulled off of the street to be killed and people would just look at them and say to themselves "It doesn't matter, they're not like us, they're not fully developed yet, they're just a clump of cells, they're just a fetus, the research we do on them might help others, the fuhrer has the right to choose."

Oops, i'm sorry. I got my eugenic holocausts mixed up their a little bit at the end but i think that you can get my point.

"Your point" LOL

Yes, that's exactly how history will judge the Left.
Trump vs Bernie..omg omg omg omg......doomed either way...those two are goosestepping hand in hand. Hey...maybe they'll fix our highways and build an autobahn. Make Oktoberfest a national holiday. heck with a chicken in every pot, a VW in every driveway.. make fussball our national past time...omg omg omg



Quote:maybe they'll fix our highways and build an autobahn. Make Oktoberfest a national holiday. heck with a chicken in every pot, a VW in every driveway

I am OK with this.
I don't trust Trump or Carly. Personally I'd like to see Carson and Kasich as a ticket.

Quote:I don't trust Trump or Carly. Personally I'd like to see Carson and Kasich as a ticket.

I don't get the Carson thing at all. This stage is clearly too big for him. What is there to like about him?
Quote:I don't get the Carson thing at all. This stage is clearly too big for him. What is there to like about him?


I feel he has America's, and not his own, best interests at heart. He also aligns with my political (albeit not my scientific) views, and I feel like he really gets the big picture from his humble beginnings through hard work and ultimately aquiring the American dream. He's also succeeded under the most stressful conditions with his work. I kind of like that he's not a career politiclan.

Quote:I feel he has America's, and not his own, best interests at heart. He also aligns with my political (albeit not my scientific) views, and I feel like he really gets the big picture from his humble beginnings through hard work and ultimately aquiring the American dream. He's also succeeded under the most stressful conditions with his work. I kind of like that he's not a career politiclan.


It is okay to come from outside politics to hold elected office. I think it is a good mix to have. But at least someone like Mitt Romney had served as governor of a state.


Carson from all accounts was a brilliant surgeon and he should be commended for it. That does not make him qualified to be leader of the free world.


Have you heard him speak or see him interviewed? 
Quote:It is okay to come from outside politics to hold elected office. I think it is a good mix to have. But at least someone like Mitt Romney had served as governor of a state.


Carson from all accounts was a brilliant surgeon and he should be commended for it. That does not make him qualified to be leader of the free world.


Have you heard him speak or see him interviewed? 


Yes, and unlike figures such as Trump and Obama, he's very respectful of others and wouldn't embarrass America when meeting with dignitaries and other world leaders.

Speaking well and giving a good interview doesnt qualify you to be leader of the free world
Quote:Speaking well and giving a good interview doesnt qualify you to be leader of the free world

Looking competent is part of it. He looks incompetent and that the stage it too big for him. Just like Rick Perry did last time.
Quote:Speaking well and giving a good interview doesnt qualify you to be leader of the free world

I agree with Bon Jangley to an extent. I think you do need to have some charisma and persuasive ability to lead congress and get the US population to support your cause. You can listen to Carson speak and it is clear his position, but he doesn't exactly get you fired up to go and vote for him or believe in his cause if you oppose it.


I mean, I would still vote for him if he was on the ticket, but I can see how others wouldn't get enthusiastic about it simply because of his demeanor.
He's not over the top, but he can still be inspirational. Besides, they're not exactly in debates like this once in office. Of all the candidates up there, he's the one that I can truly trust has my best interests at heart.

Quote:He's not over the top, but he can still be inspirational. Besides, they're not exactly in debates like this once in office. Of all the candidates up there, he's the one that I can truly trust has my best interests at heart.
I'm to the point where I would sooner vote for Cruz than Carson, and as JIB and D6 can tell you, that's saying something.
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