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Quote:You free a country from a dictator you should get some compensation.

Or...to the victor go the spoils.

Yay for Anerican Imperialism. For real tho, they hate us for our freedom not all the invasions. I'm pretty positive about that.
Quote:Yay for Anerican Imperialism. For real tho, they hate us for our freedom not all the invasions. I'm pretty positive about that.

Truthfully I couldn't care less why they hate us so long as they fear us. Someone has to be at the top of the pecking order in this world and I'd rather it by us.


But we don't even do that part right anymore.


And for us to be so hated we sure as Hell can't seem to keep them outta here.

Quote:As someone who was at the time and even now is totally in favor of the USA taking the oil from that region, I believe the context was that the once Iraq was Democratized they would be a wealthy nation capable of paying to rebuild themselves instead of a Marshall Plan-like gimmick where the US subsidizes or directly pays for the work.

I agree with your characterization of the context, but the point remains. Reconstruction is a cost of war, and the potential for Iraq's oil revenues to help pay for the cost of the war was used as justification for invading.


Perhaps a Marshall Plan-like "gimmick" would have worked in Iraq as well as it did after WWII. The half-baked post-Iraq War plan sure didn't pan out.
Quote:Truthfully I couldn't care less why they hate us so long as they fear us. Someone has to be at the top of the pecking order in this world and I'd rather it by us.


But we don't even do that part right anymore.


And for us to be so hated we sure as Hell can't seem to keep them outta here.

Keep who? The ones that hate us aren't coming here to enjoy our lifestyle.
Quote:Keep who? The ones that hate us aren't coming here to enjoy our lifestyle.

lol I'm in suspense over who this mysterious "them" could be.
Quote:lol I'm in suspense over who this mysterious "them" could be.

Ask Oface, it's was his point.
Quote:Ask Oface, it's was his point.

His point was clear, it's yours begging the question.
Quote:His point was clear, it's yours begging the question.

Oooooo, logical fallacies. The last refuge of scoundrels. :-)
Quote:Oooooo, logical fallacies. The last refuge of scoundrels. :-)

Dodging a question, the first defense of cowards.
Quote:Dodging a question, the first defense of cowards.

That there was one heck of a good retort.
Quote:Dodging a question, the first defense of cowards.

Oface said "they hate us...", MDDN said he was in suspense about who the "them" was...


I responded that I don't care if they do and we can't keep immigrants/illegals out of the country, so it appears that they don't really hate us on the scale that he intimated. According to the Blame America First crowd we are the most hated nation on Earth, an evil pariah whom is the cause of all strife and conflict on the globe. According to Eric if we would just leave everyone else alone they would leave us alone. Neither of those positions are accurate or feasible in my humble opinion.


Hence my response that you should ask Oface who he was talking about, because I took it as that group's usual "everyone hates us 'cause we're so bad" routine.
Quote:Oface said "they hate us...", MDDN said he was in suspense about who the "them" was...


I responded that I don't care if they do and we can't keep immigrants/illegals out of the country, so it appears that they don't really hate us on the scale that he intimated. According to the Blame America First crowd we are the most hated nation on Earth, an evil pariah whom is the cause of all strife and conflict on the globe. According to Eric if we would just leave everyone else alone they would leave us alone. Neither of those positions are accurate or feasible in my humble opinion.


Hence my response that you should ask Oface who he was talking about, because I took it as that group's usual "everyone hates us 'cause we're so bad" routine.

Oface was talking about the countries we invade, or despots we prop up, not immigrants. That was clear, not so much your obtuse reference.

Quote:Oface was talking about the countries we invade, or despots we prop up, not immigrants. That was clear, not so much your obtuse reference.

Take it as you will, I have no doubt that you will see and interpret it the way that works for you.
Quote:Take it as you will, I have no doubt that you will see and interpret it the way that works for you.

As if you didn't...
Quote:Oface said "they hate us...", MDDN said he was in suspense about who the "them" was...

I responded that I don't care if they do and we can't keep immigrants/illegals out of the country, so it appears that they don't really hate us on the scale that he intimated. According to the Blame America First crowd we are the most hated nation on Earth, an evil pariah whom is the cause of all strife and conflict on the globe. According to Eric if we would just leave everyone else alone they would leave us alone. Neither of those positions are accurate or feasible in my humble opinion.

Hence my response that you should ask Oface who he was talking about, because I took it as that group's usual "everyone hates us 'cause we're so bad" routine.

Sure there would still be conflicts but a non intervention policy would significantly reduce them I don't see why that's such a bad thing? You think Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan Bosnia these where worthy conflicts? They benefited us somehow?
Dr. Ben Carson is looking like the best candidate to me.

Updated the list and added Jeb Bush.

Quote:Updated the list and added Jeb Bush.

I'm saving my Bush vote for Barbara Pierce Bush.
Quote:I'm saving my Bush vote for Barbara Pierce Bush.

You would just vote for her because she's hot.   :thumbsup:
Add Donald Trump to the list.   :yucky:

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