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Oh, the wit. the wit.


Says the guy who bowed to the throne of Gene Smith even after selecting the following people. 


<div>Eben Britton, Derek Cox, Mike Thomas, Jarett Dillard, Zach Miller, Tiquan Underwood, Scotty McGee, Deji Karim, Austen Lane, Larry Hart, D'Anthony Amith, Tyson Alualu, Rod Issac, Chris Prosinski, Ccil Shorts, Will Rackely, Blaine Gabbert, Jeris Pendleton, Mike Harris, Bryan Anger, Andre Branch, and Justin Blackmon
I can get business cards made from VistaPrint with GM on them too.
I think you missed your calling in politics.

I offered the same level of patience to allow what Gene was doing to succeed or fail.  Nothing more.  Nothing less, Junior 
Quote:Says the guy who blames the coach after acknowledging that^^ who's-who list of nfl superstars they had to work with when they signed on.

Players not plays.

Keep in mind, our current GM got rid of 2 guys not on that list who were actually worthwhile. 
Quote:I offered the same level of patience to allow what Gene was doing to succeed or fail.  Nothing more.  Nothing less, Junior 

Yet didn't have any opinions along the way until the day he got his pink slip, meanwhile insulting those that did. Internet bully.
Quote:Yet didn't have any opinions along the way until the day he got his pink slip, meanwhile insulting those that did. Internet bully.
That's not true at all, but you've clearly adopted the same mindset that your daddy has over the years, creating a fiction and then trying to pawn it off as fact. I had plenty of opinions about personnel decisions during the Smith era.  Same with the Harris regime. 


Anyone who was insulted because I didn't subscribe to their pitchfork and torch mentality is simply not smart enough to know any better.  If you're insulted by that, maybe the shoe fits?

Quote:That's not true at all, but you've clearly adopted the same mindset that your daddy has over the years, creating a fiction and then trying to pawn it off as fact. I had plenty of opinions about personnel decisions during the Smith era.  Same with the Harris regime. 


Anyone who was insulted because I didn't subscribe to their pitchfork and torch mentality is simply not smart enough to know any better.  If you're insulted by that, maybe the shoe fits?
Best Admin alive!
Quote:Is this post via New Jersey?

Quote:[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote:Funny you should ask. It is indeed.


Wow! Y'all banned him/her? Disregarding the fact that the post came from Jersey, what evidence do you have to ban the poster besides the obvious similarities in syntax?
Quote:Wow! Y'all banned him/her? Disregarding the fact that the post came from Jersey, what evidence do you have to ban the poster besides the obvious similarities in syntax?
Confirmation from the poster?  Does that count?
Quote:Confirmation from the poster?  Does that count?

Was it a trading places sort of contact?

Well I was spot on then, huh?
Unless you have a knee jerk reaction to every situation with the team you don't know anything about football!

Quote:Unless you have a knee jerk reaction to every situation with the team you don't know anything about football!
The only correct judgment is immediate judgment, except when it's not. 
You can always count on somthing, except when you cant

You don't know what you got till it's gone-- unless you've done a cost/benefit analysis
Quote:You don't know what you got till it's gone-- unless you've done a cost/benefit analysis

So when can we all expect our PowerPoint presentations?
Quote:Keep in mind, our current GM got rid of 2 guys not on that list who were actually worthwhile.

I hope you're not talking about Terrance Knighton or Daryl Smith, both of whom we're free agents and chose which teams to go to; one was a DT with constant weight issues who had just had a pretty below-average season in a contract year, and one was a 32 year old LB that we got ten years out of..

If you're talking about Monroe, he was traded for picks because the team didn't think he would re-sign with them, and I think they were right. Not only would he have had to choose to stay on a 2 win team, but the Jaguars would've had to pay him a lot more than a team such as the Super Bowl Champion Ravens, which is right up the road from where he went to college too btw. Those picks ended up turning into young players such as Linder and Bowanko, who have played fairly decent for being rookies.

I don't mind you being critical of the FO and such, but the above statement you made was just dumb.
Oh, and I don't know why we don't just ban everyone from Jersey. I've seen South Park, I know how fast the Jersey-ites can take over if we let them.
Quote:Oh, and I don't know why we don't just ban everyone from Jersey. I've seen South Park, I know how fast the Jersey-ites can take over if we let them.

Yeah, and anyone that owns a Prius.  And don't get me started on Steven Speilberg and George Lucas.


Also, Barbara Streisand cannot be trusted, don't let her start an account.


And the future Americans can't come here either, cuz they tuck ur jebss...
And if Sally Struthers  pops in, hide your food.... and your babies...

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