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Is Florida still doing the FCRAP test?
Quote:The idea of vouchers is that the money goes to the parents of each student, who can then choose any school. This puts pressure on the schools to perform. Competition breeds improvement.

In your case (and in the usual case in the US) the money goes to a school board or other elite bureaucracy, who then decides the education of each student. Each student is then stuck with what they are assigned, no matter how bad.

TED is concerned that parents will be taken advantage of by scam artists. This is certainly a concern. What he misses is that government doesn't hold public schools accountable either. Try to fire a bad teacher. You can fire a young teacher, or one who commits a crime or breaks a rule. But you can't fire a tenured teacher for poor performance.

Giving parents money to give to the school seems like a backwards way to do things. Maybe I'm missing it all but I don't really see how that helps anything?

What's wrong with students just picking a school they want to go to like normal? If its good and they do well then all is well, if its bad and they are struggling , the parents can just move them to a different one.
Quote:Is Florida still doing the FCRAP test?
It is amazing what one can learn when the twitch of every single neuron in one's mind isn't attached to a communist puppetmaster.


Welcome to the world of independent thinking.


 http://bfy.tw/9cN8 Smile
Quote:Giving parents money to give to the school seems like a backwards way to do things. Maybe I'm missing it all but I don't really see how that helps anything?

What's wrong with students just picking a school they want to go to like normal? If its good and they do well then all is well, if its bad and they are struggling , the parents can just move them to a different one.

Look at it this way, if the schools get the money directly then there is no incentive to improve. Maybe in Ireland you can go to any school you want, but in most places in the US the government assigns each student to a particular public school. If that school is terrible your child is out of luck unless you are rich enough to pay for a private school alternative. If every student was given the same stipend and the parents could choose the school, then every family could get their children into a good school, and the poor schools would go out of business.

Quote:Look at it this way, if the schools get the money directly then there is no incentive to improve. Maybe in Ireland you can go to any school you want, but in most places in the US the government assigns each student to a particular public school. If that school is terrible your child is out of luck unless you are rich enough to pay for a private school alternative. If every student was given the same stipend and the parents could choose the school, then every family could get their children into a good school, and the poor schools would go out of business.

We have cachement areas. So the the kids who live closest to the school or have siblings in the schoolc get first dibs. Then if there is any remaining spaces kids who apply but don't live in the area are selected at random.

Ah okay that makes more sense.
Quote:Giving parents money to give to the school seems like a backwards way to do things. Maybe I'm missing it all but I don't really see how that helps anything?

What's wrong with students just picking a school they want to go to like normal? If its good and they do well then all is well, if its bad and they are struggling , the parents can just move them to a different one.

Schools are mostly assigned by geography here, and richer neighborhoods generally have more funding for schools because they are paid for by local property taxes. You can't just pick a public school, you attend the school for the district where you live.
Quote:Look at it this way, if the schools get the money directly then there is no incentive to improve. Maybe in Ireland you can go to any school you want, but in most places in the US the government assigns each student to a particular public school. If that school is terrible your child is out of luck unless you are rich enough to pay for a private school alternative. If every student was given the same stipend and the parents could choose the school, then every family could get their children into a good school, and the poor schools would go out of business.

There are soooo many factors that play into what you call a "bad" school. Trust me, there is ALREADY incentive for a school to perform. We feel insane amounts of pressure, especially at this time of year.

Closing schools is an awful idea regardless of reasoning.

Schools are already competing with each other--teachers against teachers, schools vs. schools, districts vs. districts. It hasn't done any good because the problem isn't the schools.
Quote:There are soooo many factors that play into what you call a "bad" school. Trust me, there is ALREADY incentive for a school to perform. We feel insane amounts of pressure, especially at this time of year.

Closing schools is an awful idea regardless of reasoning.

Schools are already competing with each other--teachers against teachers, schools vs. schools, districts vs. districts. It hasn't done any good because the problem isn't the schools.

This teaching job would be so much better if they just got rid of the damned students.

Quote:This teaching job would be so much better if they just got rid of the damned students.

Look, if you just want to create cute little strawman arguments rather than actually discuss the subject, that's fine.

I love my job. I love my students. I work my [BLEEP] off to teach them not only reading and writing, but how to think for themselves, solve problems, communicate, and engage in society.

I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
Quote:Look, if you just want to create cute little strawman arguments rather than actually discuss the subject, that's fine.

I love my job. I love my students. I work my [BAD WORD REMOVED] off to teach them not only reading and writing, but how to think for themselves, solve problems, communicate, and engage in society.

I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
MalabarJag is a troll. Look at the EPA thread. He doesn't know what he's talking about. It's the "Alternative Truth".
Quote:MalabarJag is a troll. Look at the EPA thread. He doesn't know what he's talking about. It's the "Alternative Truth".

Typical liberal anti-science rant when they lose the argument.

Quote:Typical liberal anti-science rant when they lose the argument.

Says the guy who doesn't know Chlorine is in CFCs.
Quote:Says the guy who doesn't know Chlorine is in CFCs.

I never said it wasn't. But you are the guy who doesn't understand that the chlorine atoms in a CFC molecule can't effect ozone, they have to be released first.

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