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Quote:What's the pc term for fear of people of faith?

I don't fear people of any faith. I fear people of faith injecting their unproven beliefs into a school curriculum that is based on fact and reason. The line for separation of church and state needs to remain very clear. No public school text book should suggest the planet is 6000 years old.
Quote:I don't fear people of any faith. I fear people of faith injecting their unproven beliefs into a school curriculum that is based on fact and reason. The line for separation of church and state needs to remain very clear. No public school text book should suggest the planet is 6000 years old.
You mean like when the Colorado Schools were requiring the students to say the pledge of allegiance in Arabic?


How about the california schools telling students that they can't hold silent prayer at the flag pole every morning. (That may have been colorado also. I won't bother looking it up.)


Off religion, California schools not allowing shirts with the American flag on them because it may "offend" illegal immigrants.


Where were your fears for the past 8 years?
Quote:You mean like when the Colorado Schools were requiring the students to say the pledge of allegiance in Arabic?

How about the california schools telling students that they can't hold silent prayer at the flag pole every morning. (That may have been colorado also. I won't bother looking it up.)

Off religion, California schools not allowing shirts with the American flag on them because it may "offend" illegal immigrants.

Where were your fears for the past 8 years?
One guy changes the already amended words "under God" to "under Allah" in the pledge during a Cultural Club meeting is not requiring students to say the pledge in Arabic. (Arabic being a language and not a religion)

I have never personally cared for students "meet at the pole" sessions either way as it is not mandated by the school. If a school opts to disallow that for reasons other than safety due to the location of the pole and traffic around it, I would question why.

If a school disallows students wearing American flag shirts, it should be because it violates flag etiquette. Ask Abbie Hoffman about his American flag shirt. It went on trial in 1968.

I didn't fear religious doctrine permeating school curriculum before it started happening. The Texas school board approved text books with a clear religious slant and which makes false claims about our nation's founding. My kid will be pulled from school before she sits for a test on such rubbish.
Quote:The left cannot accept reality, because the reality is... more often than not their "solutions" are utter failures and make things worse.

The opposite is true of their counterparts... which they simply cannot accept. Therefore, Imaginationland is their only alternative for "reality."
Reality says climate change is real and primarily attributed to humans

Reality says Healthcare is a disaster in this country and it's not because of ACA.

Reality says the War on Drugs is an utter failure

Reality says that Washington has been corrupted by billionaires and multi-millionaires that do not represent the 99%

Reality says all those manufacturering jobs aren't coming back, that the American worker is too expensive, and that we need to develop a new economy

Reality says activities such as fracking damages the ecosystem and presents a environmental and a public health risk

Reality says fossils are dirty and that oil is a global commodity and that drilling will not help us achieve energy independence

Reality says that those in the LGBTQ community deserves every equal right entitled to them as expressly written in the US Constitution.

You sir don't live in reality. You live in Flatland.
Quote:You mean like when the Colorado Schools were requiring the students to say the pledge of allegiance in Arabic?

How about the california schools telling students that they can't hold silent prayer at the flag pole every morning. (That may have been colorado also. I won't bother looking it up.)

Off religion, California schools not allowing shirts with the American flag on them because it may "offend" illegal immigrants.

Where were your fears for the past 8 years?

There are Christian Arabs too. They pray to Allah as well.
Quote:One guy changes the already amended words "under God" to "under Allah" in the pledge during a Cultural Club meeting is not requiring students to say the pledge in Arabic. (Arabic being a language and not a religion)

I have never personally cared for students "meet at the pole" sessions either way as it is not mandated by the school. If a school opts to disallow that for reasons other than safety due to the location of the pole and traffic around it, I would question why.

If a school disallows students wearing American flag shirts, it should be because it violates flag etiquette. Ask Abbie Hoffman about his American flag shirt. It went on trial in 1968.

I didn't fear religious doctrine permeating school curriculum before it started happening. The Texas school board approved text books with a clear religious slant and which makes false claims about our nation's founding. My kid will be pulled from school before she sits for a test on such rubbish.

Why do schools suspend students for wearing a T-shirt that has a gun on it?  What is that teaching them?


Why do schools suspend a 7 year old kid because he ate a pop tart into the shape of a gun?  What exactly does that teach?


Why do schools suspend a kid for wearing a Star Wars T-shirt?  What is that teaching?


Why do schools ban kids from wearing shirts with OUR flag on May 5th?


Ever watch A Charlie Brown Christmas?  Is it "offensive"?  Doesn't the short movie actually "teach" what the true meaning and origins of Christmas is?  What is so wrong with teaching that?


I could go on, but my point is that in each case this was liberal policy put in place that is more damaging to children and is just a small part of what is wrong with our "education" system today.
Quote:Why do schools suspend students for wearing a T-shirt that has a gun on it?  What is that teaching them?


Why do schools suspend a 7 year old kid because he ate a pop tart into the shape of a gun?  What exactly does that teach?


Why do schools suspend a kid for wearing a Star Wars T-shirt?  What is that teaching?


Why do schools ban kids from wearing shirts with OUR flag on May 5th?


Ever watch A Charlie Brown Christmas?  Is it "offensive"?  Doesn't the short movie actually "teach" what the true meaning and origins of Christmas is?  What is so wrong with teaching that?


I could go on, but my point is that in each case this was liberal policy put in place that is more damaging to children and is just a small part of what is wrong with our "education" system today.

I went to a private school mostly growing up. We had to wear ties and slacks everyday. I think having a serious business kind of environment made us take school more seriously and it taught us how to be professionals. To this day, I could show you 10 different ways to tie a tie. Children need structured environments, you cannot let them make the rules because they have no idea what is best for them, they only know what they want. If the rules are okay with them wearing a t-shirt, i agree sending them home for wearing one with a gun on it seems over the line, but this entire issue would not be on the table if we had any semblance of formality and respect in public schools. 


While we waste academic learning time discussing a star wars t-shirt, we are getting passed by every other industrialized nation.Kids go to school 180 days out the year, that is a little less than half the year, and those days are filled with pep rallies and events that have nothing to do with actual learning. Maybe American students do poorly at school because they don't really do real learning as much as other places.

Quote:I went to a private school mostly growing up. We had to wear ties and slacks everyday. I think having a serious business kind of environment made us take school more seriously and it taught us how to be professionals. To this day, I could show you 10 different ways to tie a tie. Children need structured environments, you cannot let them make the rules because they have no idea what is best for them, they only know what they want. If the rules are okay with them wearing a t-shirt, i agree sending them home for wearing one with a gun on it seems over the line, but this entire issue would not be on the table if we had any semblance of formality and respect in public schools. 


While we waste academic learning time discussing a star wars t-shirt, we are getting passed by every other industrialized nation.Kids go to school 180 days out the year, that is a little less than half the year, and those days are filled with pep rallies and events that have nothing to do with actual learning. Maybe American students do poorly at school because they don't really do real learning as much as other places.

I can relate.  I went to a private (religious) school during my sophomore year of high school.  Our dress code was pretty much the same (slacks, button up shirt, tie) during the week and on Sundays we had to wear a suit to church.  We went to church every day and had a total of 8 classes throughout the school-day.  We also had mandatory study hall at night for 2 hours where we did "homework" (it was a boarding school as well) as well as assigned "chores" that had to be done.  To this day I kind of regret choosing to not go back there to finish my high school education.  When I went back to public school I was far more advanced than my peers.


It was my decision to go there in the first place and my decision to not go back.  The main reason I chose not to go back had more to do with my hormones than anything else (I discovered sex and girls and had a girlfriend at the time in public school).


My point relates to exactly why I call public schools indoctrination centers.  They spend more time and effort teaching kids to be PC and "everybody gets a trophy" rather than teaching.
Quote:Reality says climate change is real and primarily attributed to humans

Reality says Healthcare is a disaster in this country and it's not because of ACA.

Reality says the War on Drugs is an utter failure

Reality says that Washington has been corrupted by billionaires and multi-millionaires that do not represent the 99%

Reality says all those manufacturering jobs aren't coming back, that the American worker is too expensive, and that we need to develop a new economy

Reality says activities such as fracking damages the ecosystem and presents a environmental and a public health risk

Reality says fossils are dirty and that oil is a global commodity and that drilling will not help us achieve energy independence

Reality says that those in the LGBTQ community deserves every equal right entitled to them as expressly written in the US Constitution.

You sir don't live in reality. You live in Flatland.

Your're again proving the failure of our public schools.


Unbelievably so, I might add.
Quote:Your're again proving the failure of our public schools.

Unbelievably so, I might add.

I had a great experience in Public schools. But what is more important than whether a school is public or private, is how involved parents are outside the classroom. My parents were very involved in my schooling, and always taught me to think critically. They were immensely involved in my education.

I had a great time at MLK/JWJ/Paxon etcetc
Quote:Why do schools suspend students for wearing a <a class="bbc_url" href='http://eagnews.org/student-suspended-after-wearing-military-memorial-shirt-honoring-marine-brother/'>T-shirt that has a gun on it</a>? What is that teaching them?

Why do schools suspend a 7 year old kid because <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cbsnews.com/news/examiner-recommends-school-board-uphold-pop-tart-suspension/'>he ate a pop tart into the shape of a gun</a>? What exactly does that teach?

Why do schools suspend a kid for wearing a <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/12/13/7th-grader-banned-from-wearing-star-wars-t-shirt-at-school/?utm_term=.e8278298df5b'>Star Wars T-shirt</a>? What is that teaching?

Why do schools ban kids from <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/06/california-students-sent-home-wearing-flags-cinco-mayo.html'>wearing shirts with OUR flag on May 5th</a>?

Ever watch A Charlie Brown Christmas? Is it "offensive"? Doesn't the short movie actually "teach" what the true meaning and origins of Christmas is? What is so wrong with teaching that?

I could go on, but my point is that in each case this was liberal policy put in place that is more damaging to children and is just a small part of what is wrong with our "education" system today.

Not sure how we got here.. but I know many schools have a code of conduct which prohibits the display of weapons on clothing.

The Marine shirt and the pop tart seem to be overkill. The Star Wars one slightly less so, but more enforceable in my opinion as a stormtrooper has a weapon in hand. I've already stated, wearing the flag violates flag etiquette. Do I think someone should be suspended for that? No. I don't find the Charlie Brown Xmas offensive. I find it boring.

In all of these cases it's important to point out someone made a decision to act. Whether or not there was genuine complaint or offense, someone said something was a violation and enforced a rule they may have been misinterpreting or exaggerating. The only one I can kinda get is the Star Wars one, though all of these are pretty ridiculous.
Quote:Your're again proving the failure of our public schools.

Unbelievably so, I might add.

What he said seems pretty grounded in reality to me. Where was his failure?
Quote:Reality says climate change is real to liberals
and primarily attributed to humans

Nothing proven only opinion.

Reality says Healthcare is a disaster in this country and it's not
because of ACA the.failed legislation disaster known as obamacare

The fact is, health insurance costs have risen dramatically ever since the failed obamacare bill was passed  forced down our throats along party lines by a liberal congress.

Reality says the War on Drugs is an utter failure

While somewhat true, the fact of the matter is illegal drug use is a high contributor to crime and ruining people's lives.

Reality says that Washington has been corrupted by billionaires and multi-millionaires that do not represent the 99%

This is also a huge reason that Hillary was rejected.  The Clintons are some of the worst culprits.

Reality says all those manufacturering jobs aren't coming back, that the American worker is too expensive, and that we need to develop a new economy

Manufacturing jobs could very easily come back here if you get rid of unions and needless regulation.  Those two items are the reason jobs like that left.  Capitalism is what made this country great and we need to encourage it.

Reality says activities such as fracking damages the ecosystem and presents a environmental and a public health risk

An OPINION by anti-capitalist leftists with no basis in FACT.

Reality says fossils are dirty and that oil is a global commodity and that drilling will not help us achieve energy independence

While some fossils are dirty, the fact of the matter is that there is technology in place that improves the way that they are used.  Nuclear and natural gas are two sources of fuel that are highly under-utilized right now.  It's also a FACT that we sit on top of a very large amount of oil.  If we started to harvest the natural resource right under our feet, global oil prices would drop much the same way that it did when the fracking process started.  The liberal pipe dream of solar and wind power is not a viable solution.

Reality says that those in the LGBTQ community deserves every equal right entitled to them as expressly written in the US Constitution.

The FACT of the matter is that gays have every equal right under The Constitution that every other citizen has.

You sir don't live in reality. You live in Flatland.

Perhaps that clears it up for you a bit.
I wonder how conservatives would feel if teachers taught the 'true meaning of Ramadan'

Quote:Not sure how we got here.. but I know many schools have a code of conduct which prohibits the display of weapons on clothing.

The Marine shirt and the pop tart seem to be overkill. The Star Wars one slightly less so, but more enforceable in my opinion as a stormtrooper has a weapon in hand. I've already stated, wearing the flag violates flag etiquette. Do I think someone should be suspended for that? No. I don't find the Charlie Brown Xmas offensive. I find it boring.

In all of these cases it's important to point out someone made a decision to act. Whether or not there was genuine complaint or offense, someone said something was a violation and enforced a rule they may have been misinterpreting or exaggerating. The only one I can kinda get is the Star Wars one, though all of these are pretty ridiculous.

The thing is, those are all examples of liberal policy put in place and enforced by liberals.  THIS is what our education system is doing and "teaching".  Each case is complete [BLEEP] even the Star Wars case.  An imaginary "soldier" is holding an imaginary "weapon".


That's what government involvement gets you.  Rather than teach "real life", they teach nonsense.
Seems like they home school now worried that their kids may stray from their narrow world view
Quote:I wonder how conservatives would feel if teachers taught the 'true meaning of Ramadan'

The thing is, we don't celebrate Ramadan in this country and it isn't a Federal Holiday.  Quite frankly, it's probably not a bad lesson to teach since it gives insight and understanding as to why radical Islam is such a problem.
Quote:The thing is, those are all examples of liberal policy put in place and enforced by liberals. THIS is what our education system is doing and "teaching". Each case is complete [BAD WORD REMOVED] even the Star Wars case. An imaginary "soldier" is holding an imaginary "weapon".

That's what government involvement gets you. Rather than teach "real life", they teach nonsense.

If it's in the student code of conduct, how is it a liberal thing? Those things have been pretty much the same for decades. It doesn't matter if it's a space gun or a real gun. If it's disallowed, it's enforceable. Like I said.. these are all pretty ridiculous and extremely rare instances.

Truth be told.. a stormtrooper with a weapon isn't too dangerous. They don't hit 10% of what they aim at.
I had a World Religion class in high school at a public school. We learned about a lot of different religions.
Quote:I had a World Religion class in high school at a public school. We learned about a lot of different religions.

Nothing wrong with that. Putting Noah's Ark in a history book is another story.
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