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Full Version: The Republican circus continues with Betsy DeVos showing how little she knows about Education
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Quote:I'm curious. How can your kids get into college or earn a college degree if you home school them?

That's not a dig. I'm genuinely curious.

They have these neat things called enterence exams. Examples include the SAT and the ACT.
Quote:They have these neat things called enterence exams. Examples include the SAT and the ACT.
Oh man. So neat.
Quote:She's never attended or put her kids in public schools. How can she claim to know the challenges or assess the potential solutions in public schools?

She's never had a student loan or had her kids responsible for a student loan. She is supposed to know how to fix a predatory student loan program?

She is oblivious to the ideological debates the education community has been having on how to best improve our schools. Oblivious that these debates have been even taking place. Grossly unqualified.

Her background and backers lead me to believe she would attempt to advance religious doctrine in the general curriculum. That in and of itself is a disqualifier for me. Her utter lack of experience in the field should be obvious to anyone who is looking.

So only people who have failed to fix a problem can solve it?

Quote:You are speaking from a position of extreme ignorance. Shameful.


My children are not in the system because the system does not meet my standards.


What am I teaching them that public school isn't? We work at the pace of our children's interest and ability, based on the Montesorri style. For example, my oldest is adept at mathematics and showed an interest in physics at a young age, so we started teaching him physics when he was in the 4th grade.



True. Home schooled children do typically score higher.

The simple fact is that no studies of academic achievement exist that draw from a representative, nationwide sample of homeschoolers and control for background variables like socio-economic or marital status. It is thus impossible to say whether or not homeschooling as such has any impact on the sort of academic achievement measured by standardized tests.
Quote:Is it partisan to say she is unqualified and has zero experience dealing with issues related to education?
What benefits have these so called experts gifted us in education over the last 30 or so years? The proof is in the pudding. I'm willing to give an outsider a chance to shake things up. 


Let me be fair to you though. The reason education sucks isn't anything we are doing in education. Education is downstream from CULTURE. If you break up the American nuclear family, and replace the father with a negligent government, you will get plenty of messed up people as a result. Anything that we do in education will only yield marginal improvements until you address the culture. The destruction of families has been the result of the great society programs going back to the 1960s, now it simply compounds as generational poverty and slums in major cities.  
Where do 90 to 95% of children get their education? The public school system. 


Does DeVos know anything about the public education system?


Does she have any formal training or course work in education?


Does she have any advanced degree in Education Administration and Policy?


Has she taught a class?


Has she counseled children?


Has she been a school administrator? 


Has she been to PTA meeting? 


What has her interaction been with normal working class families and their children been in a school setting?


I wish one of the Democratic senators had asked her what a FAFSA is. 


I bet she wouldn't know. 


It would seem to me is her only qualification is being rich.

Quote:So only people who have failed to fix a problem can solve it?

What job paying more than minimum wage has no prerequisites? She has no real life experience in the field she is tasked with fixing. If this were not an appointed position, her resume would never pass to a hiring manager.

Would you hire a lawn maintenance guy to manage your hedge fund? Why not? He has experience with hedges. I'll tell you why not. He's not [BLEEP] qualified to do the job. He isn't qualified to answer questions about what he thinks the job is.

It's called common sense. You lack it.
"DeVos was one of the architects of the Detroit charter school system[5][6] and she is a member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She has served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice and heads the All Children Matter PAC."

I wouldn't say she's totally unqualified based on her Wikipedia. As dumb as that sounds.
Quote:"DeVos was one of the architects of the Detroit charter school system[5][6] and she is a member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She has served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice and heads the All Children Matter PAC."

I wouldn't say she's totally unqualified based on her Wikipedia. As dumb as that sounds.





The last, respectable, decent Democrat of our lifetime stands up for the worthy DeVos.


A lot could be learned from him.  If continuous education was a priority for brainwashed leftists.



Quote:"DeVos was one of the architects of the Detroit charter school system[5][6] and she is a member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She has served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice and heads the All Children Matter PAC."

I wouldn't say she's totally unqualified based on her Wikipedia. As dumb as that sounds.

Did you watch any of her inquiry? She failed to demonstrate basic knowledge of the topics she would be tasked with calling the shots on. The questions regarding her experience with the Alliance for School Choice specific to what needs to be given up before vouchers are provided she deflected hard on. And her bedfellows are as alarming as her lack of experience. Agenda driven zealots who want to allow religious doctrine to weave into the general curriculum. She is equally qualified to be our new WRs coach as she is to be head of the Dept of Education.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29/us/for-detroits-children-more-school-choice-but-not-better-schools.html'>https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29/us/for-detroits-children-more-school-choice-but-not-better-schools.html</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2015/03/25/detroit-charters-credo-research-improving-better/70467120/'>http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2015/03/25/detroit-charters-credo-research-improving-better/70467120/</a>

I don't care enough to debate about her too much but the study which the guy in the first article uses says in the conclusion that:

"Based on the findings presented here, the typical student in Michigan charter schools gains more learning in a year than his TPS counterparts, amounting to about two months of additional gains in reading and math. These positive patterns are even more pronounced in Detroit, where historically student academic performance has been poor. These outcomes are consistent with the result that charter schools have significantly better results than TPS for minority students who are in poverty.
Quote:Did you watch any of her inquiry? She failed to demonstrate basic knowledge of the topics she would be tasked with calling the shots on. The questions regarding her experience with the Alliance for School Choice specific to what needs to be given up before vouchers are provided she deflected hard on. And her bedfellows are as alarming as her lack of experience. Agenda driven zealots who want to allow religious doctrine to weave into the general curriculum. She is equally qualified to be our new WRs coach as she is to be head of the Dept of Education.

No I don't know her at all but I'm sure she's an [BLEEP]. Just don't think you can accurately say she's totally unqualified for the job when she definitely has a consistent (even if its feigned) interest in education reform.
Quote:So why is it then?

Care to show or cite evidence of that?
It's not hard to find the quote of her wanting to bring about a certain kingdom through the school system. rules here don't allow me to link but of course you knew that, that's why you asked for it. I used to think you were playing dumb, now I'm not so sure. Maybe that's what one has to do to support such a buffoon.
She's for vouchers she's got my support
Quote:No I don't know her at all but I'm sure she's an [BAD WORD REMOVED]. Just don't think you can accurately say she's totally unqualified for the job when she definitely has a consistent (even if its feigned) interest in education reform.

Being aligned with education reform to increase educational standards is one thing. Being aligned with education reform so your cronies can get awarded contracts through policy change you enact or to allow religious doctrine to infiltrate text books is another.

As I have stated before, if this were not an appointed position, her resume would not qualify her for an interview based on what the job title would list as required prerequisites.
Quote:She's for vouchers she's got my support

Did you catch the discussion on special needs kids and vouchers?
Quote:Being aligned with education reform to increase educational standards is one thing. Being aligned with education reform so your cronies can get awarded contracts through policy change you enact or to allow religious doctrine to infiltrate text books is another.

As I have stated before, if this were not an appointed position, her resume would not qualify her for an interview based on what the job title would list as required prerequisites.

If look back at past people in her position her resume isn't really that different. She might be terrible for all i know just seems you are looking at it all a little biasedly.
Quote:If look back at past people in her position her resume isn't really that different. She might be terrible for all i know just seems you are looking at it all a little biasedly.

As mentioned, my mother taught for decades here. Got her doctorate in education and curriculum. This post hasn't been filled by a great advocate for what the front line truly needs in a while. But I cannot recall someone in this post before who simply doesn't know the main points of the discussion that has been had for years.
Quote:Being aligned with education reform to increase educational standards is one thing. Being aligned with education reform so your cronies can get awarded contracts through policy change you enact or to allow religious doctrine to infiltrate text books is another.

As I have stated before, if this were not an appointed position, her resume would not qualify her for an interview based on what the job title would list as required prerequisites.

Its the same as being aligned with the union to promote croneyism. We've seen enough of your side of this, its time for something new. That you are up in arms about her means she's ideal for what must be done to destroy the failed model we have in place.
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