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Quote:According to who? LOL.

Anyone who has watched him play?
Quote:Ansah was a project with great measurables. Despite how "raw" he is, he posted 8 sacks last year and is already at 5.5 this year while making numerous big plays for that Detroit defense. Yeah, I'd say he's lived up to a top 5 draft billing.
He's middle of the pack in sacks, I think he has 1 more than Ryan Davis, and Davis is not even a full time player.


Not saying that he's not a decent player or that he has the potential to be great, but to say that he's clearly better than Joeckel isn't right IMO.


As far as Joeckel, he isn't bad but clearly not playing like you would hope from a top 5 pick. Hopefully he improves
If he is not dominating at some point next year by mid season, I'd say he was not worth it at #2 overall.
Not really a fan of joekel. Hes not #2 pick good but that whole draft sucked pretty much. Spmething interesting to think about though would u rather have

A: Ziggy. Eugene

B Joekel, Allen Robinson, Linder
Quote:Anyone who has watched him play?
Wrong. He has been average. Very average.
Again, his play was up-and-down (with more down's than up's)...


I expected to see some improvement from the beginning of the season - but it's just not there...


The O-line, as a collective unit, has played poorly - which doesn't help the cause, but I expect the 2nd overall pick to dominate sometimes in one-on-one's.


He just looks completely soft and is easily bullied off the line.

I'm necromancing this thread to note Joeckel's recent interview proclaiming he's gained 10-12 pounds and is having a great offseason thus far.


Quote:“The biggest thing is strength and weight,” Joeckel said. “That was evident coming out of the season. That’s been the main thing, the main focus.

<p style="font-size:12px;color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;">“It’s been going really well. Having a healthy offseason has been huge.”

<p style="font-size:12px;color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;">Joeckel, the No. 2 overall selection in the 2013 NFL Draft, spoke last week at EverBank Field. The offseason conditioning program begins in two weeks, but to look at – and listen to – Joeckel is to know the process has long since begun. He has gained 10-to-12 pounds since last season, and it’s easy to see. It’s good weight, he said – weight added correctly. He feels it when he works out, when he trains.

<p style="font-size:12px;color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;">A long rehabilitation last offseason from a fractured ankle is behind him. So is the 2014 season, his first as a full-time NFL left tackle.......

<p style="font-size:12px;color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;">.....
.<span>“I can see that I can do it, but it’s having that consistency,” he said. “I’m not content with the way I played at all, and I think it’s going to be a whole lot better season.”

<p style="color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;">To look at – and to listen to – him is to know the process has long since begun.
<p style="font-family:'Arial Regular', Arial, sans-serif;"> 

(Article on homepage)
I'm not ready to give up on Joeckel yet. He is playing one of the hardest positions in the NFL and was essentially a rookie last year. As long as he shows at least moderate growth this season, he could still be our guy.


I'm necromancing this thread to note Joeckel's recent interview proclaiming he's gained 10-12 pounds and is having a great offseason thus far.


(Article on homepage)

I think this is what most here are hoping to hear.  He's gotten a bad rap for his play to date, and rightfully so.  But, there's very little context applied by a certain sect of this board when they pan his play so far.  Some have almost declared him a bust. 


Last year was basically his rookie season, and he was coming off an injury that prevented him from being able to fully participate in the off season conditioning program, so he wasn't able to bulk up and get stronger as a result.  He has that chance this year, and hopefully by doing so, it will help to make him a more effective LT. 


I think that the jury is clearly still out on this guy because he just hasn't had the opportunity to develop in the normal manner.  We'll know what we've got this year.
For a young and rebuilding team, there's 3 positions that can turn a bottom-dweller in to a contender real quick; quarterback, left tackle, and defensive end. With Bortles and Joeckel in place, the Jags are almost certain to draft the third piece of the proverbial puzzle this year. 


I can't say that Joeckel is going to work out or not. He's sucked so far, but I'm willing to be reasonable on the matter; Joeckel really hasn't had the opportunity to develop normally, just as FBT said. He definitely needed to get stronger coming out of college, and his athleticism was supposed to be his strong suit. It's hard to be athletic after you miss your first season with a broken ankle, but he did get absolutely abused last year. The thing that ticked me off the most was him, along with the rest of our crappy offensive line, didn't bother picking Bortles up after he was getting destroyed game after game. It speaks to Bortles' toughness, but it also makes me question why his guys aren't selling out for him; especially Joeckel who is supposed to be the Tony Boselli to Blake's Mark Brunell. IF Tony left Mark out to dry, he didn't make him scrape himself up off the turf afterwards. 


I think Bortles has a chance to be the most important piece for the team moving forward because he has a strong work ethic and a lot of talent. Don't get me wrong, Bortles has a lot of developing to do, which is why his work ethic is so important. He's shown the ability to make things happen when plays break down and has natural traits that can't be coached, but he has some serious question marks also. He's not very accurate when his mechanics are off, (his deep ball is overthrown A LOT), he loves to throw off his back foot, and he has a gunslinger mentality that can scare the bejeesus out of an OC. If he truly works on his flaws though, he can be a top 10 guy in this league for sure. I love his toughness. 


I think this team drafts Vic Beasley this year, with the hopes of him turning in to our version of DeMarcus Ware. If Joeckel somehow rights his ship (I'm not a huge believer), Bortles lives up to his potential (and magically stays healthy), and the Jags get that impact sack-master, watch out. Even if they don't draft Beasley, it's reasonable to expect a pass rusher in this draft. If they can at least hit 2 out of 3 of these guys, this team is going to turn around a lot faster than people think. In fact, this is a playoff team if Bortles maximizes his 2nd year potential, Joeckel becomes a dominant LT, and the rookie we draft is a dominant pass rusher. 

Quote:I think this is what most here are hoping to hear. He's gotten a bad rap for his play to date, and rightfully so. But, there's very little context applied by a certain sect of this board when they pan his play so far. Some have almost declared him a bust.

Last year was basically his rookie season, and he was coming off an injury that prevented him from being able to fully participate in the off season conditioning program, so he wasn't able to bulk up and get stronger as a result. He has that chance this year, and hopefully by doing so, it will help to make him a more effective LT.

I think that the jury is clearly still out on this guy because he just hasn't had the opportunity to develop in the normal manner. We'll know what we've got this year.


I think there's already a few who have crossed that bridge.
He is not good right now.  I hope it can change.  He didn't play good when he was a rookie, and didn't play good last year.  We'll see. 




"This is the most pass rush wins I have ever had in a game in my career."  -Terell Suggs on Sound FX

He looked soft and overmatched for most of the season. Hopefully Marron is able to get something out of him.


His rookie year was basically a lost year.


And then last year we really did not even see many glimpses of promise.


Fingers crossed.


I think there's already a few who have crossed that bridge.

After two years, one in which he was injured most of the year, and one where he was starting at LT for the first time when it was very, VERY clear that he needed to get A LOT stronger? You think, after a serious ankle injury, he was able to gain the lower leg strength he needed to play in the NFL? 


Ill agree that he has sucked so far. No doubt about it, the guy hasn't had many high points so far in his career. The people calling him a bust however, are impatient simpletons with extremely unrealistic expectations. There's not really any arguing that, logically. 
Below league average for LT so far.

Huge disappointment for a #2 overall.

It would be huge if he could just be an average LT. Still would be a crap pick but that would be a big difference going forward.
Quote:I'm necromancing this thread to note Joeckel's recent interview proclaiming he's gained 10-12 pounds and is having a great offseason thus far.




(Article on homepage)

I wonder why he got pushed around so much:

"Joeckel said at one point while injured early in 2014 he was down to 280 pounds. He played last season around 300 and plans to play around 310-to-315 this season."
He's in a prove it year as is most of this organization.
He had a bad year but his only problem really is hand placement. He struggles to get those palms under someone's shoulders and that's a huge element of whether you successfully block someone or not.

Outside of that his footwork is pretty polished for such a young player, and he has phenomenal athletic traits. Not many OT's can really move like he can in the running game. Once he gets his hands in the right spot he completely mirrors the guy and controls the point of attack. But when he doesn't, Blake is usually running for his life.

To call him a bust already after 19 games, though, is ignorant to all the things he does well, that most young OL do not. In the NFL it's not like you're either perfect at everything or you get cut. There are a lotttt of details that go into being a good pass protector and Joeckel has most of them. Everybody has flaws and shortcomings -- becoming a good player means learning how to use your skillset to your advantage. It means overcoming those few flaws that make you look bad even though you're solid everywhere else. It means studying film to catch up with the opponent mentally and working hard in the weight room to catch up physically. Joeckel still has plenty of time and potential for major improvements. He's not even 24 yet, he came to the league a year ahead of most prospects.

Just because he's allowing sacks now doesn't mean he isn't showing the coaching staff some signs that he's worth working on. If he takes another two years to blossom? He definitely wouldn't be the only one. OT is just a very hard, high pressure, and nuanced position to learn, and let's not forget the guy who got picked over Joeckel, OT Eric Fisher, is also still sucking and he wasn't even injured his rookie year.
Quote:He's in a prove it year as is most of this organization.

Nah he'll get two years. He was a 2nd overall pick, the Jags are gonna let him play out his rookie contract at least.
Quote:He had a bad year but his only problem really is hand placement. He struggles to get those palms under someone's shoulders and that's a huge element of whether you successfully block someone or not.

Outside of that his footwork is pretty polished for such a young player, and he has phenomenal athletic traits. Not many OT's can really move like he can in the running game. Once he gets his hands in the right spot he completely mirrors the guy and controls the point of attack. But when he doesn't, Blake is usually running for his life.

This is what Mark Schlereth said a month or so back on NFL live, he was studying Eric Fisher and Luke Joeckel and said LJ's technique and athleticism are off the charts, his upper body strength and "initial punch" off the line of scrimmage need work, basically he lacks strength required to handle the bull-rush  and isn't "nasty" enough, I'm expecting a big jump in Luke's play this year after an off-season where he can focus on getting stronger.
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