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need more [BAD QB REMOVED]
Quote:Hurns ran a great route, totally smoke the CB, but dropped a sure TD.


Then the Offense went into a prevent mode.


If Gus doesn't see the fact that his OC is totally in over his head, he needs to be on the hot seat.


Gus should be screaming at his OC every single drive to be aggressive.  If he can't see that the play calling is way to easy to predict he and Fish need to be fired.


I'm sorry, but that's just how I see it.  
Thats what he should do.  In reality he probably gives him a high-five and yells good effort at him.
Here is a reality check:


Since Gus has taken over.  This team has been outscored by


274(points for) to 524(points against)


^^^^^ Thats the real definition of suck

I will not lose faith until he has a complete team to coach and we lose like this consistently. We are starting rookies all over the field. Last year our o line were veterans and played solid. Now center,RG and RT are newbies and they suck.
Quote:I will not lose faith until he has a complete team to coach and we lose like this consistently. We are starting rookies all over the field. Last year our o line were veterans and played solid. Now center,RG and RT are newbies and they suck.
This team has had 2 offseasons and still getting man handled all over the field.  You got to be blind to see the coaches are a major concern.  I am not talking just gus but the OC, DC, and training staff.
Quote:I will not lose faith until he has a complete team to coach and we lose like this consistently. We are starting rookies all over the field. Last year our o line were veterans and played solid. Now center,RG and RT are newbies and they suck.

And whose fault is that?
Quote:This team has had 2 offseasons and still getting man handled all over the field.  You got to be blind to see the coaches are a major concern.  I am not talking just gus but the OC, DC, and training staff.

You're right, the coaches should've been much more active with all those players who weren't here last year. :yes:
Talent aside, this is a very poorly coached team.  The number of mistakes made, including blown coverages and misstackles, is glaring.

Quote:And whose fault is that?

Their parents for not birthing them 3 years earlier?

Quote:You're right, the coaches should've been much more active with all those players who weren't here last year. :yes:
They had the same core players return and upgraded other positions.  The excuses are getting real old
Quote:They had the same core players return and upgraded other positions.  The excuses are getting real old

Then you should probably find something else to do with your Sundays. They've repeatedly said they were taking this build slowly and not playing Bortles. Maybe you just haven't been listening to them to expect something other than what we all knew was coming this year?
I'm not ready to can Gus just yet. It's only the 2nd season folks, get a grip! Yes, we've been led to believe that the team was on an upward trend, that things would not be quite so dismal this season....we were mislead in thinking this. A team lives or dies by the action of it's offensive line. Even the defense lives or dies by the action of the offensive line because (as we all know now too well...) if the defense is on the field too much they get gassed! A decent offensive line will make a mediocre quarterback look pretty good; but a bad o-line will make a mediocre quarterback look awful. This wasn't adequately addressed in the draft/fa and we're paying for it now... Seriously, do you really want to put our rookie quarterback at the mercy of this o-line? He could easily end up hurt like Allen Hurns...

I'm not happy with Jedd Fisch's play calling; but, like Gus, I'm not ready to give up on him as an offensive coordinator... yet. Face it folks, our o-line plays like (bad word removed)! Without a decent line, there's very little anyone can do with our offense. That being said, Jedd needs to stop wasting downs trying to run Gerhardt. We don't have a line to facilitate a runner likeToby this year! He should only be on the field for special situations like 1 and goal... which is to say he needn't be on the field much at all this season. We should be running DRob instead; he's fast enough to do the outside runs and has the moves. I don't know why Jedd keeps trying Toby; it's like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

Anyway, I hope for some improvement as the season progresses. We are getting more sacks. Of course in this past game the 'skins set a new franchises record for the most quarterback sacks. great. If we don't show significant improvement by the *end* of the season, then maybe it's legitimately time to get angry. (b. anger had two poor punts in this game also; an all-around bad showing from the Jaguars) way to get your team ready Gus...

Quote:Then you should probably find something else to do with your Sundays. They've repeatedly said they were taking this build slowly and not playing Bortles. Maybe you just haven't been listening to them to expect something other than what we all knew was coming this year?

I thought mild improvement was coming this year...


Gus Juice is leaving a bad taste in my mouth

Quote:Then you should probably find something else to do with your Sundays. They've repeatedly said they were taking this build slowly and not playing Bortles. Maybe you just haven't been listening to them to expect something other than what we all knew was coming this year?
They said alot of things and it's still not achieving the results they desire.  Going blindly with the plan is what got us here now
Quote:This team has had 2 offseasons and still getting man handled all over the field.  You got to be blind to see the coaches are a major concern.  I am not talking just gus but the OC, DC, and training staff.
Man handled?  That has to do with young rookies going up against grown men.  I did see blown coverages by a young secondary that is missing one of it's leaders.  Talent and experience matters.
I wonder how long it will be until "the plan" and "gus juice", go into the pile with "in gene we trust"    all it really means is I will parrot whatever the current FO says.  and this comes from a fan who brought an alualu jersey the first day it was available.

Quote:Man handled?  That has to do with young rookies going up against grown men.  I did see blown coverages by a young secondary that is missing one of it's leaders.  Talent and experience matters.
Excuses.  Every team has injuries.  Yes this oline and dline got man handled
Quote:And whose fault is that?
Umm fate of the draft?  you can only draft what you can...  the oline will be fixed.
Quote:I wonder how long it will be until "the plan" and "gus juice", go into the pile with "in gene we trust"    all it really means is I will parrot whatever the current FO says.  and this comes from a fan who brought an alualu jersey the first day it was available.
I will add "all in" and all the other garbage mottos
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