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Quote:Then you can attribute that to any coaching staff we've had in the past what, 14 years? I give 2007 a pass because we were pretty good, and god forbid David Garrard actually had some decent people to throw to, who knows what we would have been able to do that year.


But seriously, like I said already, this team is like in an abyss. There's just no helping it no matter who we have for coach. 
That's where I disagree. I honestly think there's a good chance that Fisch is the first casualty of this regime. Somebody is gonna have to take the fall. That's the other thing we aren't talking about actually. Say Henne starts the rest of the way, and it goes poorly. If Fisch is let go, then Bortles is going to go into his first year starting having had to learn an entirely new system.


Wouldn't it be better to see how he functions in Fisch's offense this year? If it goes bad it goes bad. But if it goes well, then we aren't having him learn a new system next year for no reason.
I'm surprised at the results thus far.  Far more people on the fence and voting no than I would have expected.

Quote:That's where I disagree. I honestly think there's a good chance that Fisch is the first casualty of this regime. Somebody is gonna have to take the fall. That's the other thing we aren't talking about actually. Say Henne starts the rest of the way, and it goes poorly. If Fisch is let go, then Bortles is going to go into his first year starting having had to learn an entirely new system.


Wouldn't it be better to see how he functions in Fisch's offense this year? If it goes bad it goes bad. But if it goes well, then we aren't having him learn a new system next year for no reason.

People have been talking about Fisch's inabilities since he started here. That excuse doesn't work here anymore. This team can't afford another 100 years of excuses. Literally. 


If this was Dallas, San Francisco, New York as an examply it'd be different. 
Come on guys, I think we are all being a bit too critical here. I mean, how can we expect our guys to compete against the other team when they're already busy "competing against themselves"?

It's the second game of his second year coaching a teams that was arguably the least talented team...of all time...when he came here.  Everybody played like [BLEEP], and for those calling for Bortles, I understand your pain.  But Joe Montana, Dan Marino, and a combination of Joe Montana and Dan Marino on steroids wouldn't win a game with the performance our O-Line gave today.  Personally, I'd rather let Henne go out there and die for a few more months before Bortles comes in.  Honestly, I'm okay if Bortles sits the whole year.


On a plus side, we can more than likely sign Alex Mack next year and I think we can all agree in round 1 or 2 we're getting another O-Lineman.  Hopefully both rounds.  These players love Bradley and he created that Seattle D.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so everybody chill.

Quote:It's the second game of his second year coaching a teams that was arguably the least talented team...of all time...when he came here.  Everybody played like [BAD WORD REMOVED], and for those calling for Bortles, I understand your pain.  But Joe Montana, Dan Marino, and a combination of Joe Montana and Dan Marino on steroids wouldn't win a game with the performance our O-Line gave today.  Personally, I'd rather let Henne go out there and die for a few more months before Bortles comes in.  Honestly, I'm okay if Bortles sits the whole year.


On a plus side, we can more than likely sign Alex Mack next year and I think we can all agree in round 1 or 2 we're getting another O-Lineman.  Hopefully both rounds.  These players love Bradley and he created that Seattle D.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so everybody chill.

That's the problem. There isn't anyone that we can tank for this year in the 2015 draft. It's not loaded and we already have our QB. Bortles needs experience. And as others have said that you have missed, Bortles will probably make our O Line look a lot better since he won't take half the sacks that Henne has. 

Quarterbacks dictate a lot of things.  Whether or not to change the play, where receivers line up, the pace of the game, who gets the ball, how quickly the ball comes out, etc. Everything can change with competent quarterback play. Until he gets in there, there's no way of knowing how the line will respond. Having a better athlete out there certainly couldn't hurt, in many respects.

You know, I was railed on by a select few because I was fully in support of starting Bortles and went against the grain of this staff. I was mocked, called names, etc by certain posters for thinking the team was wrong in sitting him versus letting him learn on the field and grow with the rest of the team because they see Blake more than me, they must be correct. They couldn't possibly be incorrect.

Did you see how the staff has ran the show the majority of the first two weeks? Bradley has coached like he has his head stuck up his butt. He can't even call timeouts correctly so far. Forgive me for questioning certain things they do.
I'm not trying to say I'm smarter or know better than them but that it's not outrageous to be skeptical and argue about certain decisions. This staff hasn't proved anything to me yet. I had my blinders on with GM Gene and I'd prefer not to be that way this go around.

You not doing a good job!  Are you any good at selling cars.  PUT BLAKE IN, LET THE KID DEVELOP, and try something else cause what you're doing isn't working!


You not doing a good job!  Are you any good at selling cars.  PUT BLAKE IN, LET THE KID DEVELOP, and try something else cause what you're doing isn't working!
Behind our o-line, the only thing he will develop is a complex.
Why do I get the feeling the o line will magically get better when they stop following this ridiculous not playing the best qb theory
Quote:Behind our o-line, the only thing he will develop is a complex.
be informed, brother



Quote:be informed, brother



2 screen shots?


We passed the ball 28 times with 10 sacks and you call two screen shots informed?


I watched the game. I don't need your dim witted screenshots.
So you watching the game leads you to blame the OL and not Henne?


i dont think you really know that much about the game, brother.

Quote:So you watching the game leads you to blame the OL and not Henne?


i dont think you really know that much about the game, brother.
So looking at two screen shots makes you put all the blame on Henne and not the pathetic performance of the o-line in both run and pass blocking?


You don't know much about anything.
Are you paying attention here?


i watched the game, not basing this off of screenshots


now explain to me why Beadles looked much better in Denver and now he's "appears" to be looking bad now?



hmmmm, i wonder what the difference is?


hmmmmm, i wonder why guys like Brady, Manning, Brees don't get sacked so much



A year removed from "changing the culture," everyone, from the coaching staff to the players, is saying this team has more talent than they are showing. And yet we are still having embarrassing blowouts. One game removed from saying the second half of the Eagles game was "unacceptable," we have an entire game of unacceptable. This offseason we added "veteran leadership" and the team exhibits NO leadership.

Therefore, this is on the coaching staff. This team is not ready to play these games. They are not prepared to go out there and compete.

It's not Chad Henne. It's the entire team. Therefore, the fault lies with the coaching staff.
Quote:Are you paying attention here?


i watched the game, not basing this off of screenshots


now explain to me why Beadles looked much better in Denver and now he's "appears" to be looking bad now?



hmmmm, i wonder what the difference is?


hmmmmm, i wonder why guys like Brady, Manning, Brees don't get sacked so much


I wonder why Henne doesn't have a career with a bunch of 10 sack games? Obviously if it were on him he would have these type of games before in his 7 year career? So why hasn't that happened? Throws your little theory for a loop.


Beadles has looked good 1 season in his career. If it was all Manning then why was he so pedestrian playing with Manning last year?


Sorry to blow your little pea brain with some common sense.
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