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Quote:You concede to framing your argument on a point that has no basis for fact, reality, or the basis for how the law works.

Great. Well done.

Basically, you have avoided the issues at all cost, ignored points and questions as to your own argument. Like I said, disingenuous, and frankly a dishonest way to discuss an issue. And again.... You have fooled no one.

Only a fool really believes innocent people haven't been executed. That really isn't even your point anymore, though, and everyone sees right through this.

At the end, all you've done is certainly proven the point you are A-ok with innocent people being executed, which goes against everything our nation is based on.

Well done there as well. Thank you for making it so obvious
I have avoided nothing. You work within the corrupt system, so look it up for yourself. No people have been executed, then exonerated. You can be mad at me all you want for that, but then again, I'm not the fool who sold my soul to be a part of the game. I merely point out the fact that your precious system would never actually admit that an innocent person were executed. You are a part of that. You live it, You breathe it. You cash your check from it. So get the hell off of your high horse if you think you're so right about this, because you aligned yourself with it. 


I stand behind everything I have said, and you know damn good and well that every person executed was tried, judged, appealed dozens of times, withstood scrutiny from the executive branches, and gone through the ringer a multitude of times. If you fools aren't smart enough to get someone who is so clearly innocent from frying in the chair, or keep the needle out of their arm, maybe you should look in the mirror, pal. You all suck at what you do if you let an innocent person fry. The fact that you all refuse to publicly admit it  as a system means that you are it never happened as far as you all are concerned. It's your game. It's your rules. Quit getting so Pi$$ed off if it doesn't suit your argument.


No innocent person has been executed. I will say it until I am blue in the face.


You can hate me. You can hate my words. But deep down, you know it's the cold hard truth.


There are no innocent inmates executed in this country. If there were, and you believed that as much as you portray, you would quit your job in shame for being a part of it. You know better than that though, and I know better too.
Quote:I have avoided nothing. You work within the corrupt system, so look it up for yourself. No people have been executed, then exonerated. You can be mad at me all you want for that, but then again, I'm not the fool who sold my soul to be a part of the game. I merely point out the fact that your precious system would never actually admit that an innocent person were executed. You are a part of that. You live it, You breathe it. You cash your check from it. So get the hell off of your high horse if you think you're so right about this, because you aligned yourself with it. 


I stand behind everything I have said, and you know damn good and well that every person executed was tried, judged, appealed dozens of times, withstood scrutiny from the executive branches, and gone through the ringer a multitude of times. If you fools aren't smart enough to get someone who is so clearly innocent from frying in the chair, or keep the needle out of their arm, maybe you should look in the mirror, pal. You all suck at what you do if you let an innocent person fry. The fact that you all refuse to publicly admit it  as a system means that you are it never happened as far as you all are concerned. It's your game. It's your rules. Quit getting so Pi$$ed off if it doesn't suit your argument.


No innocent person has been executed. I will say it until I am blue in the face.


You can hate me. You can hate my words. But deep down, you know it's the cold hard truth.


There are no innocent inmates executed in this country. If there were, and you believed that as much as you portray, you would quit your job in shame for being a part of it. You know better than that though, and I know better too.

So really, it comes down to you don't like lawyers. Meh. The system is currupt. That. Is. Part. Of. The. Reason. Innocent. People. Get. Convicted. Seems like you are A-ok with that.

To say that there are no innocent inmates executed puts you on a very small island of people who believe that. Common sense, logic, and all of the evidence says you are wrong. And it is far from the truth. Everyone----everyone gets it but you. I've explained time and time again the practical realities, and quite nicely, I might add, of the fact a case doesn't go back to court after someone were to be EXHONERATED after execution. This is just the mechanism of the system. It doesn't work that way. I don't really believe you don't get this and are really taking a dishonest position here. Pretty sure everyone else sees through this nonsense as well. Innocent people have been put to death,

I think I've given you too much credit in saying you surely have too much intelligence to believe that nonsense.

Basically, your arguments sound like those of the very guilty inmates, who cannot grasp that their actions will place them in prison, and that you can run from the facts, but they will catch up with you. Your argument is VERY similiar to those criminals.

I'm not the one PO'd, either, and that is obvious to all as well. I'm not the one resorting to name-calling, after all. You trying to be the "Internet tough guy" is just sad and lame.

As far as "quitting my job in shame goes," that's called being a quitter, and a coward. I believe in the words I say, take great pride in fighting for justice, have no illusions that many/most of my clients were very guilty. They absolutely deserved representation, if you believe in our nation's ideals, and i loved and chose this battle:

Me and my client V. Everything the State of Florida or other agency could bring to bear, every officer, every agent, every investigator, every lab tech, every scientist, every state attorney.

Loved every day I did it and miss those trials daily. I miss days like Angela Corey herself cursing at me as the jury left the courtroom as I walked a crying little old man out of the courtroom to his family. Factor that in in relation to, "ughhhh, you must suck at what you do if an innocent person fries." This again is evidence of your obliviousness as to how the system works.

That's just being so willfully oblivious and uninformed it is clear that your head is buried so far in the sand that it is clear you do not have the factual tools to argue or even discuss things reasonably. My apologies for not realizing this earlier. It may be impossible to expect you to get how things actually work, although your bravado and bluster of claiming knowledge you don't really have makes it difficult. Clearly you think an appeal is another complete bite at the apple, and that is incorrect, for example.

As far as "selling my soul goes," you have it all wrong. Being a lawyer is where I found it.

Finally, the "quitting my job," notion is called being a coward. Maybe that is the path you'd choose, being a quitter, but that's not me. I wake up every day and have a cause to fight for I believe in. It is something I dreamed of doing since I was in junior high. Kinda a far cry from a "high horse."

I'd rather be part of the solution than be a quitter who sits on the sideline and bemoans the perceived injustices.
Quote:So really, it comes down to you don't like lawyers. Meh. The system is currupt. That. Is. Part. Of. The. Reason. Innocent. People. Get. Convicted. Seems like you are A-ok with that.

To say that there are no innocent inmates executed puts you on a very small island of people who believe that. Common sense, logic, and all of the evidence says you are wrong. And it is far from the truth. Everyone----everyone gets it but you. I've explained time and time again the practical realities, and quite nicely, I might add, of the fact a case doesn't go back to court after someone were to be EXHONERATED after execution. This is just the mechanism of the system. It doesn't work that way. I don't really believe you don't get this and are really taking a dishonest position here. Pretty sure everyone else sees through this nonsense as well. Innocent people have been put to death,

I think I've given you too much credit in saying you surely have too much intelligence to believe that nonsense.

Basically, your arguments sound like those of the very guilty inmates, who cannot grasp that their actions will place them in prison, and that you can run from the facts, but they will catch up with you. Your argument is VERY similiar to those criminals.

I'm not the one PO'd, either, and that is obvious to all as well. I'm not the one resorting to name-calling, after all. You trying to be the "Internet tough guy" is just sad and lame.

As far as "quitting my job in shame goes," that's called being a quitter, and a coward. I believe in the words I say, take great pride in fighting for justice, have no illusions that many/most of my clients were very guilty. They absolutely deserved representation, if you believe in our nation's ideals, and i loved and chose this battle:

Me and my client V. Everything the State of Florida or other agency could bring to bear, every officer, every agent, every investigator, every lab tech, every scientist, every state attorney.

Loved every day I did it and miss those trials daily. I miss days like Angela Corey herself cursing at me as the jury left the courtroom as I walked a crying little old man out of the courtroom to his family. Factor that in in relation to, "ughhhh, you must suck at what you do if an innocent person fries." This again is evidence of your obliviousness as to how the system works.

That's just being so willfully oblivious and uninformed it is clear that your head is buried so far in the sand that it is clear you do not have the factual tools to argue or even discuss things reasonably. My apologies for not realizing this earlier. It may be impossible to expect you to get how things actually work, although your bravado and bluster of claiming knowledge you don't really have makes it difficult. Clearly you think an appeal is another complete bite at the apple, and that is incorrect, for example.

As far as "selling my soul goes," you have it all wrong. Being a lawyer is where I found it.

Finally, the "quitting my job," notion is called being a coward. Maybe that is the path you'd choose, being a quitter, but that's not me. I wake up every day and have a cause to fight for I believe in. It is something I dreamed of doing since I was in junior high. Kinda a far cry from a "high horse."

I'd rather be part of the solution than be a quitter who sits on the sideline and bemoans the perceived injustices.

You guys need readers digest versions. But no one likes attorneys, like you said. Until they need one.
It's understandable. Generally, you make your living off of other's suffering. Even a not guilty means stress, potential loss of a job, stigma, etc..

I tell my current clients all of the time the best I can do for you is get you what you already feel entitled to or deserve. And you'll have to pay thousands to do it. It boggles my mind daily how much people spend on civil litigation.

Criminal cases, generally you get.
Rick Scott looks like a lizard..
Adrian wyllie comon people we don't have to limit our choices vote third party for the love of god
Quote:So really, it comes down to you don't like lawyers. Meh. The system is currupt. That. Is. Part. Of. The. Reason. Innocent. People. Get. Convicted. Seems like you are A-ok with that.

To say that there are no innocent inmates executed puts you on a very small island of people who believe that. Common sense, logic, and all of the evidence says you are wrong. And it is far from the truth. Everyone----everyone gets it but you. I've explained time and time again the practical realities, and quite nicely, I might add, of the fact a case doesn't go back to court after someone were to be EXHONERATED after execution. This is just the mechanism of the system. It doesn't work that way. I don't really believe you don't get this and are really taking a dishonest position here. Pretty sure everyone else sees through this nonsense as well. Innocent people have been put to death,

I think I've given you too much credit in saying you surely have too much intelligence to believe that nonsense.

Basically, your arguments sound like those of the very guilty inmates, who cannot grasp that their actions will place them in prison, and that you can run from the facts, but they will catch up with you. Your argument is VERY similiar to those criminals.

I'm not the one PO'd, either, and that is obvious to all as well. I'm not the one resorting to name-calling, after all. You trying to be the "Internet tough guy" is just sad and lame.

As far as "quitting my job in shame goes," that's called being a quitter, and a coward. I believe in the words I say, take great pride in fighting for justice, have no illusions that many/most of my clients were very guilty. They absolutely deserved representation, if you believe in our nation's ideals, and i loved and chose this battle:

Me and my client V. Everything the State of Florida or other agency could bring to bear, every officer, every agent, every investigator, every lab tech, every scientist, every state attorney.

Loved every day I did it and miss those trials daily. I miss days like Angela Corey herself cursing at me as the jury left the courtroom as I walked a crying little old man out of the courtroom to his family. Factor that in in relation to, "ughhhh, you must suck at what you do if an innocent person fries." This again is evidence of your obliviousness as to how the system works.

That's just being so willfully oblivious and uninformed it is clear that your head is buried so far in the sand that it is clear you do not have the factual tools to argue or even discuss things reasonably. My apologies for not realizing this earlier. It may be impossible to expect you to get how things actually work, although your bravado and bluster of claiming knowledge you don't really have makes it difficult. Clearly you think an appeal is another complete bite at the apple, and that is incorrect, for example.

As far as "selling my soul goes," you have it all wrong. Being a lawyer is where I found it.

Finally, the "quitting my job," notion is called being a coward. Maybe that is the path you'd choose, being a quitter, but that's not me. I wake up every day and have a cause to fight for I believe in. It is something I dreamed of doing since I was in junior high. Kinda a far cry from a "high horse."

I'd rather be part of the solution than be a quitter who sits on the sideline and bemoans the perceived injustices.
And my position is backed up by trials, appeals, and executive review. Your position is backed up by?


And I'm the crazy one?
Quote:There is still no proof of innocence. Legally, every one of those names are still listed as guilty of their crimes. If that is a problem for you, your issue is not with me for pointing it out, but with the legal system. Perhaps you "smart people" should challenge the legal system as to why they won't exonerate an innocent person, even if they have been executed. 


The reason it would never happen is that the legal system and the legal fraternity is and will always be self-serving first. It is a perversion of what the founding founders intended it to be, and they would rightfully be ashamed at what it has become.


So, remember, no matter what you say, you will never be able to win this because those people are legally judged guilty. They were never proven innocent. Until then, you simply have no argument. If and when that changes, I will gladly concede.
Again with the "proven innocent" schtick. A person that did not commit the crimes they were executed for is innocent regardless of what the court "lists" them as in order to save face.

Quote:Again with the "proven innocent" schtick. A person that did not commit the crimes they were executed for is innocent regardless of what the court "lists" them as in order to save face.
I have a trial for each and every one, plus multiple appeals, and dozens of reviews to back up what I am saying.


You have squat. Just because you say they are innocent doesn't make it so. I know this is a concept that you seem to be unable to process, but thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent on each executed person. It's not just a bunch of straw chewin' hillbillies like some here would have you believe. Just because your butthurt over the facts, doesn't change them.


It is a hurdle you cannot possibly cross.


Welcome to reality, son.

Quote:I have a trial for each and every one, plus multiple appeals, and dozens of reviews to back up what I am saying.


You have squat. Just because you say they are innocent doesn't make it so. I know this is a concept that you seem to be unable to process, but thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent on each executed person. It's not just a bunch of straw chewin' hillbillies like some here would have you believe. Just because your butthurt over the facts, doesn't change them.


It is a hurdle you cannot possibly cross.


Welcome to reality, son.

You are apparently completely uninformed of how criminal cases work.

Look man, if it helps you think you can walk away with a measure of pride, you are correct, they do not have a hearing after new evidence comes to light Exhonerating someone to say they are innocent, after all.

It simply isn't the way it works, and wheeling the decomposing body of the wrongfully executed would be viewed in poor taste.


Do you recall the point of the discussion, really? People who were not guilty have been executed.

You are the only one who doesn't get it.

To put it in your type of terms, just because you say it hasn't happened doesn't make it so. Modes that help you?

Heck, some of the cases even have detectives and cops coming out saying the wrong guy was murdered by the state.

If they can admit a very simple concept based upon the facts, perhaps you should come off the sticking your fingers in your ear and going, "Lalalalalalalalalalal." That, when it comes down to it, is your argument.

Other than playing the Internet tough guy.
Quote:I have a trial for each and every one, plus multiple appeals, and dozens of reviews to back up what I am saying.


You have squat. Just because you say they are innocent doesn't make it so. I know this is a concept that you seem to be unable to process, but thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent on each executed person. It's not just a bunch of straw chewin' hillbillies like some here would have you believe. Just because your butthurt over the facts, doesn't change them.


It is a hurdle you cannot possibly cross.


Welcome to reality, son.

"Welcome to reality" says the guy who thinks our justice system is perfect. You're the only one not in reality.
Quote:"Welcome to reality" says the guy who thinks our justice system is perfect. You're the only one not in reality.
I never said our justice system is perfect. I would love for you to show where I have ever said such a thing.


And actually, I AM the one in reality.


Everything I have stated is indeed true. Every executed inmate had been judged guilty. Everyone has faced multitudes of appellate and executive review.


You come with zip to back up your claims.


Again, you need to realize that you have zip, zero, nada, to refute what I have just wrote. If that is a problem for you, it is exactly that, your problem.
Quote:I never said our justice system is perfect. I would love for you to show where I have ever said such a thing.


And actually, I AM the one in reality.


Everything I have stated is indeed true. Every executed inmate had been judged guilty. Everyone has faced multitudes of appellate and executive review.


You come with zip to back up your claims.


Again, you need to realize that you have zip, zero, nada, to refute what I have just wrote. If that is a problem for you, it is exactly that, your problem.

Logic and basic reasoning is not your strong point is it? I'm done here, what myself and a couple of others have presented is far more than enough for any reasonable person. You, unfortunately, just aren't reasonable.
Quote:I never said our justice system is perfect. I would love for you to show where I have ever said such a thing.


And actually, I AM the one in reality.


Everything I have stated is indeed true. Every executed inmate had been judged guilty. Everyone has faced multitudes of appellate and executive review.


You come with zip to back up your claims.


Again, you need to realize that you have zip, zero, nada, to refute what I have just wrote. If that is a problem for you, it is exactly that, your problem.

No one buys your nonsense.

Simple question:

Has a person who did not commit the crime he was convicted of been executed, either in Florida or any other state?


I can only say things so many times. You have theories, and I have trials, appeals, and executive review.


It's been fun, but this is beginning to be too much like work. Have fun in fantasy land kids.



I can only say things so many times. You have theories, and I have trials, appeals, and executive review.


It's been fun, but this is beginning to be too much like work. Have fun in fantasy land kids.

Classic. Totally avoiding the question. What you mean is that you can only attempt to avoid other people's inquiry to your viewpoint, because it is a challenge you cannot take. No one is fooled. Your argument is hollow, your reasoning and logic is hollow and shallow, and you have made nothing but a disingenuous sham of your own point.

Proving so much, yet telling each and every person what they already knew.

It actually is like you are doing a poor job imitating a politician. Especially when the facts contradict them. But a poor job nevertheless.
Back to the governors race. Recent polls show Scott ahead by a slim margin. Potential voters say they trust nether however.

It is time to go 3rd party. It could be done. But won't. Too many party loyalists.

Great choices. It's like a choice between Henne and Gabbert for QB.
Quote:Back to the governors race. Recent polls show Scott ahead by a slim margin. Potential voters say they trust nether however.

It is time to go 3rd party. It could be done. But won't. Too many party loyalists.

Great choices. It's like a choice between Henne and Gabbert for QB.

Yes 3rd party if there was EVER a time to vote 3rd party this is it! Two rotten choices from the Republicans and Democrats. Heck I don't even like everything Adrian Wyllie suggest but damn it I'm going 3rd party.
Quote:Yes 3rd party if there was EVER a time to vote 3rd party this is it! Two rotten choices from the Republicans and Democrats. Heck I don't even like everything Adrian Wyllie suggest but damn it I'm going 3rd party.

The problem is that people still have a preference. If people viewed them as equally rotten choices a third party candidate might have a chance, but they don't so people will vote for whichever of the two they view as the lesser of two evils.
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