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Quote:I'm having a lot of fun watching you "small government conservatives" cheer on the Chief Executive-to-be as he threatens and blusters against private enterprise and foreign states.

You had us fooled for a while, but it turns out that many of you are simply fan boys who haven't had a reason to feel good about yourself in a long time. Now you get to root for your Daddy. Makes your criticisms about Obama ring real hollow.

I didn't vote for either of The Big Two Liars. Seems as if most of you did. Now you get to own it. Pure entertainment.


I need hot chocolate and play-doh to calm my election nerves.
Quote:I'm having a lot of fun watching you "small government conservatives" cheer on the Chief Executive-to-be as he threatens and blusters against private enterprise and foreign states.

You had us fooled for a while, but it turns out that many of you are simply fan boys who haven't had a reason to feel good about yourself in a long time. Now you get to root for your Daddy. Makes your criticisms about Obama ring real hollow.

I didn't vote for either of The Big Two Liars. Seems as if most of you did. Now you get to own it. Pure entertainment.

Frankly the more i read u, I feel less general disagreement and more flat disappointment.
Quote:I'm having a lot of fun watching you "small government conservatives" cheer on the Chief Executive-to-be as he threatens and blusters against private enterprise and foreign states.

You had us fooled for a while, but it turns out that many of you are simply fan boys who haven't had a reason to feel good about yourself in a long time. Now you get to root for your Daddy. Makes your criticisms about Obama ring real hollow.

I didn't vote for either of The Big Two Liars. Seems as if most of you did. Now you get to own it. Pure entertainment.

Lol. I have to say this makes sense. There are 2 posters that I'd say are above all others. I see the seeds that are being placed now with his cabinet picks.

It's aaaaalllll gonna be good if you make a lot of money.
Don't worry Adam. Your time will come too...


[Image: Maurice-Lettuce-Coming-To-America-TheChickFix.com.jpg]

Quote:Frankly the more i read u, I feel less general disagreement and more flat disappointment.

That's not disappointment you're feeling, it's pity.
Quote:That's not disappointment you're feeling, it's pity.

Loving every minute of this. Conservatives are not conservative any more!
Quote:Loving every minute of this. Conservatives are not conservative any more!

[Image: FWOjD.jpg]
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Indy2Jax" data-cid="910759" data-time="1481229828">
Loving every minute of this. Conservatives are not conservative any more!
[Image: FWOjD.jpg]</blockquote>


What's conservative about a state government bailing out a private company?

Isn't that the exact opposite of your whole ideology?

Lol who am I kidding Smile

What's conservative about a state government bailing out a private company?

Isn't that the exact opposite of your whole ideology?

Lol who am I kidding Smile

Who is getting bailed out?
I find it interesting that companies are making these decisions based on nothing other than Trump's speeches. He's not signed anything into law, hasn't brought anything to Congress, hasn't used his 'pen and phone'. All he's done is talk about what he wants and companies are falling in line. 


Either they're scared he's going to bully them into that 35% tax hike or they like his business skills which I admit I have no real knowledge of since I've never been interested and didn't care.


The US Steel guy: "Longhi is willing to bring as many as 10,000 jobs back to the United States because of the prosperity predicted with the advent of the incoming Trump administration. Jobs were lost to lay offs and downsizing during the Obama administration, and many employees found work overseas."


Regardless of whether how Trump is handling all of this is right or not, companies are paying attention. The tech company says they were planning to bring jobs back to the US anyway because labor in China is not as cheap as it once was, and with Trump's win they sped up the time frame because they don't want to get hammered by taxes. 


Just interesting to see it all unfold.

Quote:I find it interesting that companies are making these decisions based on nothing other than Trump's speeches. He's not signed anything into law, hasn't brought anything to Congress, hasn't used his 'pen and phone'. All he's done is talk about what he wants and companies are falling in line. 


Either they're scared he's going to bully them into that 35% tax hike or they like his business skills which I admit I have no real knowledge of since I've never been interested and didn't care.


The US Steel guy: "Longhi is willing to bring as many as 10,000 jobs back to the United States because of the prosperity predicted with the advent of the incoming Trump administration. Jobs were lost to lay offs and downsizing during the Obama administration, and many employees found work overseas."


Regardless of whether how Trump is handling all of this is right or not, companies are paying attention. The tech company says they were planning to bring jobs back to the US anyway because labor in China is not as cheap as it once was, and with Trump's win they sped up the time frame because they don't want to get hammered by taxes. 


Just interesting to see it all unfold.

The part in red is the important part.
Quote:Pretty amazing what a month or so can do, huh? Your reasons to hate the guy are shrinking by the day so much you are complaining about him being born into money. Because after-all, that was his fault, right? At the hospital, newborn Donald should have immediately requested his dads net worth, then pulled a switcharoo around bath time.

I realize you may be a little bitter because you won't be on the receiving end of all this winning, but just be happy for the country where your favorite football team plays the majority of its games.

What winning? How's your life improved this month?...
Quote:The part in red is the important part.
They are both important.
Quote:What winning? How's your life improved this month?...

The market is up 1200 points since Trumps victory. So, life is pretty good right now...
Quote:no i am concerned. very. im packing my bags and moving to the mountains
because any day now this thing is going to implode
. by thing i mean Earth.
Red- I don't think that's a bad idea no matter who is the president.

Blue - With our infrastructure, we are much closer than you think. A few well overdue large earthquakes in Cali, and you would see a large fallout nationwide in the food supply. Also something as simple as a 'trucker strike' to oppose say companies trying to make autonomous trucks. A couple weeks of that and things would get real interesting.


But ignorance and false security go hand in hand.
Quote:The market is up 1200 points since Trumps victory. So, life is pretty good right now...

Well I'm winning too then!
Quote:Who is getting bailed out?

Sorry, what? What do you like to call it when a government gives 7 million tax dollars to a private company to keep them in business?

Corporate welfare? I suppose that works too
Quote:Sorry, what? What do you like to call it when a government gives 7 million tax dollars to a private company to keep them in business?

Corporate welfare? I suppose that works too

Carrier wasn't going out of business, just out of the country. The government isn't giving them money to stay afloat....that's a bailout.
Quote:Sorry, what? What do you like to call it when a government gives 7 million tax dollars to a private company to keep them in business?

Corporate welfare? I suppose that works too

Tax cuts are not subsidies.
Quote:Carrier wasn't going out of business, just out of the country. The government isn't giving them money to stay afloat....that's a bailout.

They are still going out of the country, and Trump is taking credit for...


A. Saving more jobs than were actually saved, and...


2. Something for which he really did nothing but talk, not actually do anything, about. The governor of Indiana did it.


But, hey...he's winning, because he said so!
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