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Great speech at Mount Rushmore last night!

Joe Biden on the other hand is Joe Bidens husband. God help us all.
(07-04-2020, 08:04 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-03-2020, 06:53 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Well, focus on the way he's actually messing everything up, then. Posting a piece of propaganda doesn't move the needle. And it shouldn't. Trump is a bumbling idiot sometimes. Water is wet. Post that stuff all you want, if that's what you want to do. I'm just pointing out that you seem to moving out of the realm of the serious into the absurd. If that's where you want to be, go for it. Mikesez likes it.

The COVID curve alone tells you someone in the US messed up bad.  Then when you learn our President is still not wearing a mask and still not encouraging others to wear them, you start to see the problem.

But these simple facts are no more likely to change your mind than humorously edited videos of him bumbling simple speeches.

You're not going to be reasoned out of an opinion that you weren't reasoned into.  One day you're going to wake up and realize that you're tired of carrying water for this dude. And you'll just stop. And you won't tell anybody you've stopped for a few weeks at least.

The Covid curve was inevitable. This nation is too large to treat it like a smaller country. If the outbreak didn't spread, it was always going to spread upon reopening. The availability of testing is going to catch more people who are asymptomatic this time around, too. 

You simple "facts" are stupid and poorly reasoned, as usual.

I don't carry any water for Trump. I am anti-media, anti-Marxist, and increasingly anti-Democrat. Sometimes that causes me to vouch for Trump, less so because I like the dude, and more so because this side you are vouching for is losing it's mind. I see it coming from the Republican side, too, but it's just talk for now. The left is becoming radicalized and violent, and the right will follow. One day you're going to wake up and realize you are gaslighted little twit, and you won't tell anyone, because you'll be sent to the gulag.
(07-04-2020, 10:26 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 08:04 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The COVID curve alone tells you someone in the US messed up bad.  Then when you learn our President is still not wearing a mask and still not encouraging others to wear them, you start to see the problem.

But these simple facts are no more likely to change your mind than humorously edited videos of him bumbling simple speeches.

You're not going to be reasoned out of an opinion that you weren't reasoned into.  One day you're going to wake up and realize that you're tired of carrying water for this dude. And you'll just stop. And you won't tell anybody you've stopped for a few weeks at least.

The Covid curve was inevitable. This nation is too large to treat it like a smaller country. If the outbreak didn't spread, it was always going to spread upon reopening. The availability of testing is going to catch more people who are asymptomatic this time around, too. 

You simple "facts" are stupid and poorly reasoned, as usual.

I don't carry any water for Trump. I am anti-media, anti-Marxist, and increasingly anti-Democrat. Sometimes that causes me to vouch for Trump, less so because I like the dude, and more so because this side you are vouching for is losing it's mind. I see it coming from the Republican side, too, but it's just talk for now. The left is becoming radicalized and violent, and the right will follow. One day you're going to wake up and realize you are gaslighted little twit, and you won't tell anyone, because you'll be sent to the gulag.

The degree of curve was not inevitable.

It could have been mitigated much more effectively and could STILL be mitigated much more effectively. 

The administration's inaction and it's continued dissent of scientific evidence is largely to blame. 
History will undoubtedly reflect that this pandemic was mismanaged by this administration. 
Hell, this president's rallies and events are "spreader parties" full of unmasked and un-distanced science deniers. 

Now we are seeing new concentrated outbreaks in cities like Houston and Miami that could become nearly as ugly as NYC was several weeks ago. This administration's encouragement to those state governors to re-open and remove restrictions is part of the problem and will receive blame accordingly. 

Your insistence on viewing this as some right vs left or GOP vs Dem world is clouding your ability to look at significant issues.

Regarding your gulag comment and others like it:

You need to understand that our great nation operates with carefully designed checks and balances that prevent extremism from going too far from any branch. 

The same powers that have resulted in Trump only building 3 miles of fencing instead of some grandiose wall at our southern border will also keep someone like Bernie Sanders from turning our nation into your socialist nightmares. 
There's only a small portion of "the left" that's radical or violent and their voices will be squelched by the more moderate. Just as those they elect will be checked and balanced once in office. 
These extreme worst case scenarios you toss around are fantasy and serve no one - certainly they don't lend credibility to your posts.
(07-04-2020, 10:26 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 08:04 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The COVID curve alone tells you someone in the US messed up bad.  Then when you learn our President is still not wearing a mask and still not encouraging others to wear them, you start to see the problem.

But these simple facts are no more likely to change your mind than humorously edited videos of him bumbling simple speeches.

You're not going to be reasoned out of an opinion that you weren't reasoned into.  One day you're going to wake up and realize that you're tired of carrying water for this dude. And you'll just stop. And you won't tell anybody you've stopped for a few weeks at least.

The Covid curve was inevitable. This nation is too large to treat it like a smaller country. If the outbreak didn't spread, it was always going to spread upon reopening. The availability of testing is going to catch more people who are asymptomatic this time around, too. 

You simple "facts" are stupid and poorly reasoned, as usual.

I don't carry any water for Trump. I am anti-media, anti-Marxist, and increasingly anti-Democrat. Sometimes that causes me to vouch for Trump, less so because I like the dude, and more so because this side you are vouching for is losing it's mind. I see it coming from the Republican side, too, but it's just talk for now. The left is becoming radicalized and violent, and the right will follow. One day you're going to wake up and realize you are gaslighted little twit, and you won't tell anyone, because you'll be sent to the gulag.

What weak sauce!
The European Union has a bigger, and more diverse population, and more land mass than we do. Parts of the European Union are richer than the richest parts of the US and parts of it are poorer than the poorest parts of the US. How do you explain that states like Florida and Arizona, have more new cases than all of Europe combined?
(07-04-2020, 11:41 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 10:26 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I am anti-media, anti-Marxist, and increasingly anti-Democrat. Sometimes that causes me to vouch for Trump, less so because I like the dude, and more so because this side you are vouching for is losing it's mind. I see it coming from the Republican side, too, but it's just talk for now. The left is becoming radicalized and violent, and the right will follow. One day you're going to wake up and realize you are gaslighted little twit, and you won't tell anyone, because you'll be sent to the gulag.

Regarding your gulag comment and others like it:

You need to understand that our great nation operates with carefully designed checks and balances that prevent extremism from going too far from any branch. 

The same powers that have resulted in Trump only building 3 miles of fencing instead of some grandiose wall at our southern border will also keep someone like Bernie Sanders from turning our nation into your socialist nightmares. 
There's only a small portion of "the left" that's radical or violent and their voices will be squelched by the more moderate. Just as those they elect will be checked and balanced once in office. 
These extreme worst case scenarios you toss around are fantasy and serve no one - certainly they don't lend credibility to your posts.

We will never go whole hog for any President's plans.  FDR didn't even get everything he wanted, and he had 2/3 majorities in both houses and 16 years in office to try.
It's the checks and balances.
You don't have to worry about any kind of centralized Marxist vision being implemented here, so long as we have respect for our checks and balances.  The Senate, the judges, and the governors checking each other and checking the president, and all of them except the judges trying not to lose their next election.
The people you should be worried about are the ones trying to undermine the checks and balances.
The ones saying that he president doesn't have to respond to any kind of query from Congress.
The ones saying he can personally involve himself in investigations and prosecutions.
The ones trying to discourage opposition candidates by starting frivolous investigations against them.
The one giving speeches in front of a bunch of customs and border patrol agents and telling them to go ahead and disobey judge's orders.
The ones failing to enforce sanctions against Russia that passed 99 to 0 in the Senate.
The ones encouraging people to disobey stay at home orders from their governors.
(07-04-2020, 11:41 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 10:26 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]The Covid curve was inevitable. This nation is too large to treat it like a smaller country. If the outbreak didn't spread, it was always going to spread upon reopening. The availability of testing is going to catch more people who are asymptomatic this time around, too. 

You simple "facts" are stupid and poorly reasoned, as usual.

I don't carry any water for Trump. I am anti-media, anti-Marxist, and increasingly anti-Democrat. Sometimes that causes me to vouch for Trump, less so because I like the dude, and more so because this side you are vouching for is losing it's mind. I see it coming from the Republican side, too, but it's just talk for now. The left is becoming radicalized and violent, and the right will follow. One day you're going to wake up and realize you are gaslighted little twit, and you won't tell anyone, because you'll be sent to the gulag.

The degree of curve was not inevitable.

It could have been mitigated much more effectively and could STILL be mitigated much more effectively. 

The administration's inaction and it's continued dissent of scientific evidence is largely to blame. 
History will undoubtedly reflect that this pandemic was mismanaged by this administration. 
Hell, this president's rallies and events are "spreader parties" full of unmasked and un-distanced science deniers. 

Now we are seeing new concentrated outbreaks in cities like Houston and Miami that could become nearly as ugly as NYC was several weeks ago. This administration's encouragement to those state governors to re-open and remove restrictions is part of the problem and will receive blame accordingly. 

Your insistence on viewing this as some right vs left or GOP vs Dem world is clouding your ability to look at significant issues.

Regarding your gulag comment and others like it:

You need to understand that our great nation operates with carefully designed checks and balances that prevent extremism from going too far from any branch. 

The same powers that have resulted in Trump only building 3 miles of fencing instead of some grandiose wall at our southern border will also keep someone like Bernie Sanders from turning our nation into your socialist nightmares. 
There's only a small portion of "the left" that's radical or violent and their voices will be squelched by the more moderate. Just as those they elect will be checked and balanced once in office. 
These extreme worst case scenarios you toss around are fantasy and serve no one - certainly they don't lend credibility to your posts.

I get almost all of my information from apolitical doctors. I avoid those who seem to be repeating talking points pushed out by the media or politicians. I am hardly an extremist  on this issue. In fact, this is one of the few issues I have an opinion on that is free from political bias, because my opinions were formed before Trump ever started talking about it. I have followed it since January. I was watching what other nations were doing, like Taiwan and S.Korea, while most people here claimed it wouldn't be a big deal. Spare me your lecture on this topic. 

As to the latter part of your statement, I acknowledge my comment was hyperbolic. It was done so intentionally, in part because I think Mikesez is the biggest moron on this board, and also in part because I think there is truth to that statement. I am fully aware of how our government works. I am also fully aware that there is an awful lot of gaslighting going on these days. People are becoming increasingly convinced this nation is "systemically" flawed, and won't be changed until we change the system. That new idea is called socialism, and it's gaining support without most people even understanding what that means. You see the violence and frustration escalating. These things don't happen overnight. There is a buildup that eventually overflows into the streets. It's getting there.

Historically, most nations function pretty well right up until they don't. Many nations have fallen because "moderates" come to think comfort and civility are the status quo. It's not. People are not born wealthy. Wealth is created. People are not born civil. Civility is created. People are not born peaceful. Peace is created. People are not born with an innate law. Law is created. You start kicking out those pillars and it will collapse. 

You seem like a good dude, man, but look at the pillars that are getting kicked out in our society. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of racism, but we're kicking out the pillars of law and order. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of the patriarchy, but we're kicking out the pillars of the nuclear family. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of equity, but we're kicking out the pillars of wealth and hard work. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of offence, but we're kicking out the pillars of civility. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of injustice, but we're kicking out the pillars of peace. 

I am as liberal as a conservative can get. I am open to looking at any one mechanism and making changes to try to improve upon what we're doing. I am not cool with burning everything to the ground and building it from scratch, using an ideology that has proven time and time again to be destructive, oppressive, immoral, and unjust. You think the moderates will come around, but you can't even see that there is a real threat coming from the left. If you do, you are dismissive of it. I was that way about 10 years ago, but it's bigger, better funded, and more organized than I realized until recently. 

I hope you are correct about moderates, but our elites have become SO corrupt. Did you see the proposal made by Bret Weinstein about the Darkhorse Duo? I think it is worth considering. Something has to be done to stop this division, and I don't think fixating on the right is the way to go.
(07-04-2020, 03:07 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 11:41 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]The degree of curve was not inevitable.

It could have been mitigated much more effectively and could STILL be mitigated much more effectively. 

The administration's inaction and it's continued dissent of scientific evidence is largely to blame. 
History will undoubtedly reflect that this pandemic was mismanaged by this administration. 
Hell, this president's rallies and events are "spreader parties" full of unmasked and un-distanced science deniers. 

Now we are seeing new concentrated outbreaks in cities like Houston and Miami that could become nearly as ugly as NYC was several weeks ago. This administration's encouragement to those state governors to re-open and remove restrictions is part of the problem and will receive blame accordingly. 

Your insistence on viewing this as some right vs left or GOP vs Dem world is clouding your ability to look at significant issues.

Regarding your gulag comment and others like it:

You need to understand that our great nation operates with carefully designed checks and balances that prevent extremism from going too far from any branch. 

The same powers that have resulted in Trump only building 3 miles of fencing instead of some grandiose wall at our southern border will also keep someone like Bernie Sanders from turning our nation into your socialist nightmares. 
There's only a small portion of "the left" that's radical or violent and their voices will be squelched by the more moderate. Just as those they elect will be checked and balanced once in office. 
These extreme worst case scenarios you toss around are fantasy and serve no one - certainly they don't lend credibility to your posts.

I get almost all of my information from apolitical doctors. I avoid those who seem to be repeating talking points pushed out by the media or politicians. I am hardly an extremist  on this issue. In fact, this is one of the few issues I have an opinion on that is free from political bias, because my opinions were formed before Trump ever started talking about it. I have followed it since January. I was watching what other nations were doing, like Taiwan and S.Korea, while most people here claimed it wouldn't be a big deal. Spare me your lecture on this topic. 

As to the latter part of your statement, I acknowledge my comment was hyperbolic. It was done so intentionally, in part because I think Mikesez is the biggest moron on this board, and also in part because I think there is truth to that statement. I am fully aware of how our government works. I am also fully aware that there is an awful lot of gaslighting going on these days. People are becoming increasingly convinced this nation is "systemically" flawed, and won't be changed until we change the system. That new idea is called socialism, and it's gaining support without most people even understanding what that means. You see the violence and frustration escalating. These things don't happen overnight. There is a buildup that eventually overflows into the streets. It's getting there.

Historically, most nations function pretty well right up until they don't. Many nations have fallen because "moderates" come to think comfort and civility are the status quo. It's not. People are not born wealthy. Wealth is created. People are not born civil. Civility is created. People are not born peaceful. Peace is created. People are not born with an innate law. Law is created. You start kicking out those pillars and it will collapse. 

You seem like a good dude, man, but look at the pillars that are getting kicked out in our society. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of racism, but we're kicking out the pillars of law and order. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of the patriarchy, but we're kicking out the pillars of the nuclear family. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of equity, but we're kicking out the pillars of wealth and hard work. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of offence, but we're kicking out the pillars of civility. You're being told we're kicking out the pillars of injustice, but we're kicking out the pillars of peace. 

I am as liberal as a conservative can get. I am open to looking at any one mechanism and making changes to try to improve upon what we're doing. I am not cool with burning everything to the ground and building it from scratch, using an ideology that has proven time and time again to be destructive, oppressive, immoral, and unjust. You think the moderates will come around, but you can't even see that there is a real threat coming from the left. If you do, you are dismissive of it. I was that way about 10 years ago, but it's bigger, better funded, and more organized than I realized until recently. 

I hope you are correct about moderates, but our elites have become SO corrupt. Did you see the proposal made by Bret Weinstein about the Darkhorse Duo? I think it is worth considering. Something has to be done to stop this division, and I don't think fixating on the right is the way to go.

Thanks for the thoughtful response. 

I maintain that the curve we've seen and the current spikes we are experiencing could have been managed MUCH better in a number of ways. Ways I spent pages on in the related thread, so I'll leave that stuff for that thread. 

Regarding the bolded. That's just a bunch of rhetoric saying absolutely nothing. It's pretty and colorful language, but it's neither accurate nor sensical in terms of correlation. 
Firstly - I'm not "being told" any of this that you suggest.  Secondly we aren't seeing any pillars kicked out.  We NEED to see a few pillars kicked out. All we've got so far is largely placating, symbolic baby-steps and lots of real work to do in the name of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

On topic:

Can someone tell me what this moron is talking about???  

Who the hell is he accusing of slandering American WWII soldiers and Union Soldiers of the Civil War?

Let it go far left. Have some dignity, it's the 4th of July
(07-04-2020, 08:16 PM)JaG4LyFe Wrote: [ -> ]Let it go far left. Have some dignity,  it's the 4th of July

Haha.  If you think I'm far left, man are you going to hate the actual far left.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you. I can't speak for Trump, but when I hear him say that, I think of the ANTIFA types. I think of the radicals. The people that hate this country. And they do. It is showing up with increasing frequency, and MSM just rarely covers it. If a person is not shown this side of things, they won't be able to get a feel for what's coming. NYC, if you aren't following the radical left, Trump's message won't make any sense. I don't really think east coasters are the crazy ones. Most people I know from the NE have a love of this country, even if they are quicker to point out the flaws and buy into some of the progressive lines. However, the progressives on the California, Washington, and Oregon coast have lost their mind. I think it's a good predictor of where we are headed. My sister in law included me in a group text that asked us all to question what we're really celebrating today. Super long message full of pretentious BS.

Now, I want to acknowledge that there are those on the right who just use scare tactics to rile up their base and boogieman the radical left. I am not that guy. Up until recently, I saw a thread, but wasn't concerned by it. Lately, I'm seeing the veil being torn away. I'm seeing defense of violence. Seeing justification for radicalism. Seeing censorship. Group think. To make it worse, I'm seeing more radicals gain institutional power, especially of editorial control of news. I'm seeing the funding pouring into openly marxist organizations. Combine that with my interest in history, and the signs are becoming clearer that American may be unable to recover from this.

I'm going to share a metaphor, which rarely works online, but I'll give it a shot. I was a pretty hardcore surfer for a while. I got pretty good. One of the hardest things to master is reading the ocean. You can tell how good a person is at surfing, more often than not, by how soon they start paddling for a wave. When you're out past the breakers, and you see the best guy start paddling, you follow him. To me, it looks no different that the rest of the ocean, but he sees it coming. Eventually, I can see what he sees, but if I had waited to paddle, I would have no hope of catching that wave. There would be a lot of people who were worse than me, that didn't move because they still couldn't see it, and they'd miss their chance. This situation feels similar. I am watching these events play out in the future, and I suspect there are some bad times ahead. Some folks, much smarter than me, were seeing it coming, but most are still sitting there thinking it's a calm day.

Also, the bolded point you referenced above may be rhetorical as I might be limited to anecdotes and historical examples to prove it. I agree that there are real issues we need to face as Americans. But, I don't believe the most vocal are really trying to solve those issues as much as they are trying to use them to divide us and gain power. Again, that's not all, but it's enough to be dangerous.
(07-04-2020, 10:46 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you. I can't speak for Trump, but when I hear him say that, I think of the ANTIFA types. I think of the radicals. The people that hate this country. And they do. It is showing up with increasing frequency, and MSM just rarely covers it. If a person is not shown this side of things, they won't be able to get a feel for what's coming. NYC, if you aren't following the radical left, Trump's message won't make any sense. I don't really think east coasters are the crazy ones. Most people I know from the NE have a love of this country, even if they are quicker to point out the flaws and buy into some of the progressive lines. However, the progressives on the California, Washington, and Oregon coast have lost their mind. I think it's a good predictor of where we are headed. My sister in law included me in a group text that asked us all to question what we're really celebrating today. Super long message full of pretentious BS.

Now, I want to acknowledge that there are those on the right who just use scare tactics to rile up their base and boogieman the radical left. I am not that guy. Up until recently, I saw a thread, but wasn't concerned by it. Lately, I'm seeing the veil being torn away. I'm seeing defense of violence. Seeing justification for radicalism. Seeing censorship. Group think. To make it worse, I'm seeing more radicals gain institutional power, especially of editorial control of news. I'm seeing the funding pouring into openly marxist organizations. Combine that with my interest in history, and the signs are becoming clearer that American may be unable to recover from this.

I'm going to share a metaphor, which rarely works online, but I'll give it a shot. I was a pretty hardcore surfer for a while. I got pretty good. One of the hardest things to master is reading the ocean. You can tell how good a person is at surfing, more often than not, by how soon they start paddling for a wave. When you're out past the breakers, and you see the best guy start paddling, you follow him. To me, it looks no different that the rest of the ocean, but he sees it coming. Eventually, I can see what he sees, but if I had waited to paddle, I would have no hope of catching that wave. There would be a lot of people who were worse than me, that didn't move because they still couldn't see it, and they'd miss their chance. This situation feels similar. I am watching these events play out in the future, and I suspect there are some bad times ahead. Some folks, much smarter than me, were seeing it coming, but most are still sitting there thinking it's a calm day.

Also, the bolded point you referenced above may be rhetorical as I might be limited to anecdotes and historical examples to prove it. I agree that there are real issues we need to face as Americans. But, I don't believe the most vocal are really trying to solve those issues as much as they are trying to use them to divide us and gain power. Again, that's not all, but it's enough to be dangerous.

I agree a big wave is coming.  
Trump already took over the Republican party, but, that institution still works the way it did in 2012, it just talks different.  I think much bigger changes than that are in our near future. Institutions will actually change at the genetic level.
I predict the two major parties are going to dramatically change how they select delegates and organize their conventions during the next 10 years, and they may even coordinate their efforts.  I.e. they might reschedule things so that Iowa and New Hampshire aren't always first, or so that independent voters can vote in their primaries.
I see PR and DC becoming states before 2026. Perhaps USVI also. In fact, simple polling tells us that if the 20/20 election was today, the Democrats would win the White House and the Senate and DC would become a state. If the voters in the other territories want it, they can have it too.
I think Trump's abuse of the inspector General process will motivate the next president and next congress to change it so that so that Presidents cannot just fire those guys; they'll be appointed either by judges or by members of Congress, going forward, and the president won't get to say anything about it.
This country passed three or four constitutional amendments in the 1960s but only one since that time.  I think we're on the cusp of a realignment that will lead to at least one amendment in the next decade. But probably more. It might take a constitutional amendment to get the inspector general process right. And you might see ones that are meant to reduce corruption in Congress as well, like one that limits the types of private investments properties that members of Congress are allowed to have.
But I don't think any of that augurs a reenactment of Russian, Chinese, or Venezuelan communism.  
You worry too much.
(07-04-2020, 11:24 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2020, 10:46 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you. I can't speak for Trump, but when I hear him say that, I think of the ANTIFA types. I think of the radicals. The people that hate this country. And they do. It is showing up with increasing frequency, and MSM just rarely covers it. If a person is not shown this side of things, they won't be able to get a feel for what's coming. NYC, if you aren't following the radical left, Trump's message won't make any sense. I don't really think east coasters are the crazy ones. Most people I know from the NE have a love of this country, even if they are quicker to point out the flaws and buy into some of the progressive lines. However, the progressives on the California, Washington, and Oregon coast have lost their mind. I think it's a good predictor of where we are headed. My sister in law included me in a group text that asked us all to question what we're really celebrating today. Super long message full of pretentious BS.

Now, I want to acknowledge that there are those on the right who just use scare tactics to rile up their base and boogieman the radical left. I am not that guy. Up until recently, I saw a thread, but wasn't concerned by it. Lately, I'm seeing the veil being torn away. I'm seeing defense of violence. Seeing justification for radicalism. Seeing censorship. Group think. To make it worse, I'm seeing more radicals gain institutional power, especially of editorial control of news. I'm seeing the funding pouring into openly marxist organizations. Combine that with my interest in history, and the signs are becoming clearer that American may be unable to recover from this.

I'm going to share a metaphor, which rarely works online, but I'll give it a shot. I was a pretty hardcore surfer for a while. I got pretty good. One of the hardest things to master is reading the ocean. You can tell how good a person is at surfing, more often than not, by how soon they start paddling for a wave. When you're out past the breakers, and you see the best guy start paddling, you follow him. To me, it looks no different that the rest of the ocean, but he sees it coming. Eventually, I can see what he sees, but if I had waited to paddle, I would have no hope of catching that wave. There would be a lot of people who were worse than me, that didn't move because they still couldn't see it, and they'd miss their chance. This situation feels similar. I am watching these events play out in the future, and I suspect there are some bad times ahead. Some folks, much smarter than me, were seeing it coming, but most are still sitting there thinking it's a calm day.

Also, the bolded point you referenced above may be rhetorical as I might be limited to anecdotes and historical examples to prove it. I agree that there are real issues we need to face as Americans. But, I don't believe the most vocal are really trying to solve those issues as much as they are trying to use them to divide us and gain power. Again, that's not all, but it's enough to be dangerous.

I agree a big wave is coming.  
Trump already took over the Republican party, but, that institution still works the way it did in 2012, it just talks different.  I think much bigger changes than that are in our near future. Institutions will actually change at the genetic level.
I predict the two major parties are going to dramatically change how they select delegates and organize their conventions during the next 10 years, and they may even coordinate their efforts.  I.e. they might reschedule things so that Iowa and New Hampshire aren't always first, or so that independent voters can vote in their primaries.
I see PR and DC becoming states before 2026. Perhaps USVI also. In fact, simple polling tells us that if the 20/20 election was today, the Democrats would win the White House and the Senate and DC would become a state. If the voters in the other territories want it, they can have it too.
I think Trump's abuse of the inspector General process will motivate the next president and next congress to change it so that so that Presidents cannot just fire those guys; they'll be appointed either by judges or by members of Congress, going forward, and the president won't get to say anything about it.
This country passed three or four constitutional amendments in the 1960s but only one since that time.  I think we're on the cusp of a realignment that will lead to at least one amendment in the next decade. But probably more. It might take a constitutional amendment to get the inspector general process right. And you might see ones that are meant to reduce corruption in Congress as well, like one that limits the types of private investments properties that members of Congress are allowed to have.
But I don't think any of that augurs a reenactment of Russian, Chinese, or Venezuelan communism.  
You worry too much.

Ah yes, the resolution of the NeverTrumper Republicans who can't wait to find the next hill to surrender to their opponents. Never anything to worry about because there was never any principle to their positions.
This is the kind of garbage I am talking about. News channels have figured out they can do whatever they want, apologize a few days later, and all anyone remembers is the original story. No one cares about the apologies. This kind of stuff happens far too often. News corporations need to be held to a higher standard.
(07-09-2020, 10:14 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]https://twitter.com/Yamiche/status/12812...66371?s=20

The people you choose to copy tweets from makes me laugh.

Back to the lower court. Another political sham, blah, blah, blah.

Not to mention, the house can't even get his records. You people do know you are being trolled by Trump about his tax returns, right? You can't honestly think an elite businessman would run for POTUS with incriminating tax returns, do you? Rhetorical question I guess.
Interesting tidbit from the great one, Mark Levin:

"The Supreme Court just opened itself up to congressional demands for the individual justices' tax returns.

I can see a situation in which the House or Senate decides that it must have access to all of the justices' tax and financial records each year to determine if they're influences in any way to write the decisions they write or vote the way they vote on numerous cases.

The Justices will not be able to argue that they are immune as a matter of separation of powers as they just shot down that argument as applies to the president."
(07-09-2020, 10:47 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-09-2020, 10:14 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]https://twitter.com/Yamiche/status/12812...66371?s=20

The people you choose to copy tweets from makes me laugh.

Back to the lower court. Another political sham, blah, blah, blah.

Not to mention, the house can't even get his records. You people do know you are being trolled by Trump about his tax returns, right? You can't honestly think an elite businessman would run for POTUS with incriminating tax returns, do you? Rhetorical question I guess.

I know that a corrupt criminal duped 63 million idiots into voting for him and he's about to get a little spoonful of the law and order he's been crying about.
(07-09-2020, 10:55 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-09-2020, 10:47 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]The people you choose to copy tweets from makes me laugh.

Back to the lower court. Another political sham, blah, blah, blah.

Not to mention, the house can't even get his records. You people do know you are being trolled by Trump about his tax returns, right? You can't honestly think an elite businessman would run for POTUS with incriminating tax returns, do you? Rhetorical question I guess.

I know that a corrupt criminal duped 63 million idiots into voting for him and he's about to get a little spoonful of the law and order he's been crying about.

That is a lot of idiots.
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