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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Bills Game Day Thread***
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Barkley throws a TD. TMD cheering on his barstool somewhere.

Quote:Need to stretch constantly. Way too many commercial breaks in NFL, may not hit the field for long periods.
It boggles me on how many go to sit down instead of standing up and staying limbered up. You can't do that and they wonder why they get soft tissue injuries so easy.
Jalen Ramsey just HATES being blocked. I love watching him fight off the block like that and make a play
Quote:What exactly does this even mean?

Agree. We aren't in garbage time. We are in the lead...
Quote:Jags players need to do more pre game stretching of hamstrings

Yeah, hamstring concussions are no joke.
Quote:I told you fools that AH88 is legit.


He's our best WR


AR15 or Le11 would never have had the heart to push that TD.


Hurns is the best!


Suck it, Bills!!!
He is by far our most clutch player
I'd love to see a pick from the secondary, but that's impossible from this team.
Quote:Not really.

I corrected myself after seeing the replay.
Hurns is legit.  He's got more heart than any other reciever on this team.


Do you guys realize how many concusions he's had???


This dude caught so many hospital balls from BBINT he deserves more money then what he's paid.

Garbage tackling

Why can't both units play well at the same time? GEEZ

Don't worry. Our special teams will be consistent... consistently bad. 
Vintage Cyp
Oh cmon cyp.
I'm amazed the Bills still allow themselves to trail by a point and keep the Jaguars their lead, instead of attempting a two-point conversion after their touchdowns.
Quote:It boggles me on how many go to sit down instead of standing up and staying limbered up. You can't do that and they wonder why they get soft tissue injuries so easy.

Thew new CBA is just as much to blame.
Goos job cyprien
Cyp with an open field missed tackle. Sounds familiar
Cyprien [BLEEP] sucks
Let's go D!!!