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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Bills Game Day Thread***
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Dante Fowler is cut worthy
Good pressure by Fowler negated by horrible Cyprien.

We're getting pushed around in the middle now. This isn't the same defense we had in the first half.

Lol of course it was on us.
Quote:Dante Fowler is cut worthy

Don't think he would be missed. He doesn't make any meaningful plays at all.
Finally a pick.... #becausejaguars
Wow, screwed is again refs
Where was the PI?
Quote:Dante Fowler is cut worthy


LOL idiotic 
Gotta love these refs. Horrible call.

Where the hell was the PI???
There was no PI
I saw NOTHING that constitutes PI there.

Announcers acting like it's a good call, but they can't find a clip of it.
Quote:What exactly does this even mean?

Basically garbage time is any time the Jags are trailing and actually doing something positive on offense.
Phantom call by the refs

Push off and now a phantom PI
Did anyone see that interference??