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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Bills Game Day Thread***
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Gus and Blake are a match made in heaven. Both are in way over their heads.
should of stopped the clock
He went out of bounds!!!
Quote:Thanks Gus


The refs just blatantly screwed us twice and you are blaming Gus.





And then they kept the clock running. OMG!!!!
We get raped almost weekly by the refs
He went out of bounds dumb refs
Quote:And the coaching staff continues to be wholly inept. 

Lets blame the young QB instead...
What the [BLEEP]
This is arguably the WORST officiated game I've ever seen...

What the hell

How's that not [BLEEP] out of bounds?
Refs again. Giving up forward progress doesn't stop the clock.... making up new rules on the fly
even the announcers called the refs out on the clock

We get NO respect from teams or officials. lol
This refereeing is a clown show. Has been for us all year.
This is a sport and the refs and the NFL are ruining it! He was out of bounds. Leave the politics out of it!
Even if we had converted we were far away and even if we had even scored a TD later it would have just tied the game
Quote:The refs just blatantly screwed us twice and you are blaming Gus.

And then they kept the clock running. OMG!!!!

Should've called a timeout instead of taking a penalty. That's on Gus. The refs certainly aren't helping here though.
wow these refs

I'm going to Buffalo and kicking these refs in the face... this is just a disgrace to football.