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(02-09-2018, 01:08 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 12:57 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Really? Did you sleep through the Obama years?

Do you not remember the Tea Party? Do you not remember a sleazy New York businessman trying to pump up a political reputation by claiming Obama wasn't a US citizen and had no legal right to be president? Do you not remember how Obama and his followers were considered "socialists" and "communists"?

Did you not watch Fox News at least once in eight years?

Did you not read any comments on this message board for eight years? Anyone who voted for Obama - or just though he wasn't the Devil personified - was castigated as having no brains, no morals, and of being completely un-American.

Other than that - no, no disdain. None at all.

I'm talking about regular people. Not politicians.
Politicians will always attack the opposite side.

And no.. I refrained from political talk on the internet for a long while, especially on my football site, so I missed the awesome Duval discussions on Obama's awesome 8 year tenure.
No brains, check. No morals...well morals aren't universal so I can't really agree with that. Un-American? Well.. he certainly wasn't PRO American...

But I'm referring to the every day life. People hate Trump just to hate him. There are viral videos of people hating things Obama said because someone told them it was a Trump quote.
Outside of a few religious nuts who claimed Obama was the AntiChrist... there was never this swelling of people flocking together to [BLEEP], moan, cry, and complain about every breath, word, or idea Obama had.
I know people and not just young millenial types like yourself, that every day search and find anything to complain about for Trump.
During Obama's tenure... especially his first 4 years before the "hope" ran out, there wasn't what we see today. (I certainly wasn't running around calling Obama supporters anti-christ incarnates or muslim terrorists, or cultists, or anything really)
Not even close.

Man, you don't live in north Florida, do you? Here, Obama is the anti-Christ.

Funny how the Trumpettes think they are so even-handed and fair about Obama and how all those - dare I say it: Liberals - as so mean to the The Con Man.

And I ain't no millenial, that's for sure. And you really think Donald is pro-American? Donald is pro-Donald. You haven't figured that out yet?
(02-09-2018, 01:08 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]But I'm referring to the every day life. People hate Trump just to hate him. 

Dude, Fox News spent 8 years hating on Obama.  Just like MSNBC and CNN are doing right now with Trump.   OUR NEWS STATIONS SUCK !!!

And for the record, there are also videos of people agreeing with quotes when told Trump said it but it really came from Obama during his tenure as president.
(02-09-2018, 01:54 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 01:08 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]I'm talking about regular people. Not politicians.
Politicians will always attack the opposite side.

And no.. I refrained from political talk on the internet for a long while, especially on my football site, so I missed the awesome Duval discussions on Obama's awesome 8 year tenure.
No brains, check. No morals...well morals aren't universal so I can't really agree with that. Un-American? Well.. he certainly wasn't PRO American...

But I'm referring to the every day life. People hate Trump just to hate him. There are viral videos of people hating things Obama said because someone told them it was a Trump quote.
Outside of a few religious nuts who claimed Obama was the AntiChrist... there was never this swelling of people flocking together to [BLEEP], moan, cry, and complain about every breath, word, or idea Obama had.
I know people and not just young millenial types like yourself, that every day search and find anything to complain about for Trump.
During Obama's tenure... especially his first 4 years before the "hope" ran out, there wasn't what we see today. (I certainly wasn't running around calling Obama supporters anti-christ incarnates or muslim terrorists, or cultists, or anything really)
Not even close.

Man, you don't live in north Florida, do you? Here, Obama is the anti-Christ.

Funny how the Trumpettes think they are so even-handed and fair about Obama and how all those - dare I say it: Liberals - as so mean to the The Con Man.

And I ain't no millenial, that's for sure. And you really think Donald is pro-American? Donald is pro-Donald. You haven't figured that out yet?
I live in NWFL (basically south Alabama) I said I heard religious nuts refer to Obama as anti-Christ.
Do people read anymore? Geez...
Yeah Trump's policies are pro-America policies. Which is something you haven't figured out yet.

(02-09-2018, 03:34 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 01:08 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]But I'm referring to the every day life. People hate Trump just to hate him. 

Dude, Fox News spent 8 years hating on Obama.  Just like MSNBC and CNN are doing right now with Trump.   OUR NEWS STATIONS SUCK !!!

And for the record, there are also videos of people agreeing with quotes when told Trump said it but it really came from Obama during his tenure as president.

I realize Fox News has their agendas... that's why I specified that I was referring to regular people.
Most conservatives, Republicans, I know during Obama's tenure would complain when asked or engaged in conversation. Most were unhappy Romney or McCain didn't win... but none of them would seek out liberals and Obama supporters and degrade them and name call them.
It just didn't happen.
Most conservative types put their heads down, mumbled and grumbled to themselves, and waited it out for 8 long years.
Hell... I know some that gave me the ol "I gotta support him, cuz he's my President, even though I didn't want him"

Imagine that... not getting your way and still being a good sport about how the democratic process works.
I don't remember a single "anti-Obama march"
I don't remember a single district court judge or circuit court judge that went above and beyond to try and block Obama's policies.
The best examples of Anti-Obama stuff was all politically driven and motivated. (i.e. Fox News, Tea Party birthers)
The best examples of Anti-Trump stuff is personal, fabricated, and obscene uses of power to attack him and his campaign.(everything from Obama and his FBI, to fake Dossiers, to dozens of bogus claims from his past, to his orange face [imagine calling Obama the black faced emperor], to his hair, to his kids, and his wife, and the CNN, WSJ, and numerous other retracted or fabricated stories)

The differences in how the left responds to losing and how the right responded to losing (twice in 8 years) offers a stark contrast, imo.
But hey OT:
If we're gonna give Trump credit with a rise, we should give him credit for the fall.
This spending bill is what caused the dip, imo.
It's so large of a dip because we're seein the market "correct" simultaneously with investors selling off due to the interest rate hikes.

Anyone who thought the market would continuously go up and up and up is ignorant to how the stock market works.
Most of us knew, expected even, that this would happen, though I doubt anyone saw the market dropping like 2k points in a week.

There really is no cause for alarm though. It will hit 24k again by next week, 25k within a couple weeks.
Below is an excerpt from https://www.investors.com/politics/edito...verything/
Trump set in motion economic policies premised on deregulation, low taxes and the rule of law. These three things alone have convinced corporations, small businesses and entrepreneurs that it's a good time to be investing and building things in America.
In short, the stock market's rise has been driven by the anticipation of higher productivity and greater profits to come for America's makers and those who invest in them.
So why did markets tumble in recent days? The jobs data showed a surprisingly solid 200,000 gain in jobs and the best wage gains in years. This terrifies the inflation-averse bond market.
Inevitably, the bond vigilantes will pressure the Fed to raise interest rates more than the three to four times expected this year, to "cut-off" future inflation. That's why the market panicked — not because Trumponomics is a fraud.
The point is, markets respond to existing conditions. Not to wishes or hope or change.
But they also anticipate trends in the near future. Given the market's gains of the last 12 months and economic changes in the works, that future is much brighter than the media are telling you.
(02-09-2018, 01:54 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 01:08 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]I'm talking about regular people. Not politicians.
Politicians will always attack the opposite side.

And no.. I refrained from political talk on the internet for a long while, especially on my football site, so I missed the awesome Duval discussions on Obama's awesome 8 year tenure.
No brains, check. No morals...well morals aren't universal so I can't really agree with that. Un-American? Well.. he certainly wasn't PRO American...

But I'm referring to the every day life. People hate Trump just to hate him. There are viral videos of people hating things Obama said because someone told them it was a Trump quote.
Outside of a few religious nuts who claimed Obama was the AntiChrist... there was never this swelling of people flocking together to [BLEEP], moan, cry, and complain about every breath, word, or idea Obama had.
I know people and not just young millenial types like yourself, that every day search and find anything to complain about for Trump.
During Obama's tenure... especially his first 4 years before the "hope" ran out, there wasn't what we see today. (I certainly wasn't running around calling Obama supporters anti-christ incarnates or muslim terrorists, or cultists, or anything really)
Not even close.

Man, you don't live in north Florida, do you? Here, Obama is the anti-Christ.

Funny how the Trumpettes think they are so even-handed and fair about Obama and how all those - dare I say it: Liberals - as so mean to the The Con Man.

And I ain't no millenial, that's for sure. And you really think Donald is pro-American? Donald is pro-Donald. You haven't figured that out yet?

Most republicans I have met know how to behave when things don't go their way or their candidate loses. I don't recall seeing many republican students throwing bike racks through windows and setting college campus' on fire with Barry won.

Could be that they were too busy working. Who knows.
(02-09-2018, 05:43 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 01:54 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Man, you don't live in north Florida, do you? Here, Obama is the anti-Christ.

Funny how the Trumpettes think they are so even-handed and fair about Obama and how all those - dare I say it: Liberals - as so mean to the The Con Man.

And I ain't no millenial, that's for sure. And you really think Donald is pro-American? Donald is pro-Donald. You haven't figured that out yet?

Most republicans I have met know how to behave when things don't go their way or their candidate loses. I don't recall seeing many republican students throwing bike racks through windows and setting college campus' on fire with Barry won.

Could be that they were too busy working. Who knows.
Too busy working?! Hahahaha man that’s hilarious! You should do stand up. Seriously. That’s hilarious. Good one.
I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

RPMs: 6,000

Spin Level: Moderate
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

And Hillary Clinton wasn't.
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

All if this hate can't be healthy.
(02-10-2018, 09:56 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

All if this hate can't be healthy.

It's where their information comes from. I'm watching MSNBC, which I occasionally do for perspective and eye-rolling laughs, and the host is actually trying to leverage Omarosa's words from her Big Brother performance as valid criticism. Even the liberal guest couldn't muster the will to play along. 

The left's power structure in government agencies and the MSM, which had been carefully crafted for decades, has evaporated overnight. They have nothing but seething hate, equivocation, and empty accusations on which to operate now. With no one to represent them in the halls of Congress but a bunch of old fart-dusting establishmentarians, the desperation is palpable.
(02-10-2018, 10:06 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2018, 09:56 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]All if this hate can't be healthy.

It's where their information comes from. I'm watching MSNBC, which I occasionally do for perspective and eye-rolling laughs, and the host is actually trying to leverage Omarosa's words from her Big Brother performance as valid criticism. Even the liberal guest couldn't muster the will to play along. 

And yet, who was it who hired her to work in the White House?
(02-10-2018, 10:09 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2018, 10:06 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]It's where their information comes from. I'm watching MSNBC, which I occasionally do for perspective and eye-rolling laughs, and the host is actually trying to leverage Omarosa's words from her Big Brother performance as valid criticism. Even the liberal guest couldn't muster the will to play along. 

And yet, who was it who hired her to work in the White House?

And yet, who was it that fired her when she demonstrated incompetence? She was forcibly removed after she threw a temper tantrum. If you want to hitch your horse to such a character, be my guest.
(02-09-2018, 11:31 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

RPMs: 6,000

Spin Level: Moderate

Your pretty cute with these responses, but you never really show why I'm spinning anything. To invoke FBT's signature, did Trump not drag the national political discourse down to his level of idiocy, then beat everyone with experience?
(02-10-2018, 09:52 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

And Hillary Clinton wasn't.

You mean the same Hillary Clinton for whom I did not vote?
(02-10-2018, 09:56 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 11:06 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump based on watching and listening to him for nearly 40 years. He's in this for himself. If you believe otherwise, you're his useful idiot.

When I call him the Orange Emperor, it's a response to Little Mario. To equate it to to someone calling Obama brown is useful idiocy.

All if this hate can't be healthy.

Does it match your hate for Obama, or liberals in general?
(02-10-2018, 11:13 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2018, 11:31 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]RPMs: 6,000

Spin Level: Moderate

Your pretty cute with these responses, but you never really show why I'm spinning anything. To invoke FBT's signature, did Trump not drag the national political discourse down to his level of idiocy, then beat everyone with experience?

Why? You dont like Trump. No need for me to show that. I'm pointing to your spin about why libby libs can call names but not the other way around. Just like all your other double standards about what's ok for you lefties but bad, wrong, mean, evil, racist, and everything else for those on the other side.
(02-10-2018, 11:16 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2018, 09:56 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]All if this hate can't be healthy.

Does it match your hate for Obama, or liberals in general?

Being highly entertained by pure incompetence does not equal hate, sorry RJ.

You guys just don't know how to behave when you don't get your way. Republicans do. I have zero doubt 99% of republicans would have accepted the result of a Hillary victory and moved on. Liberals are violent people pretending to be peaceful.

(02-10-2018, 11:15 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2018, 09:52 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]And Hillary Clinton wasn't.

You mean the same Hillary Clinton for whom I did not vote?

Then who did you vote for? Moron Johnson?Geriatric Bernie? That guy is like 100 with the worst ideas ever. Good God, can you imagine either of those men as president? 

If you didn't vote for Trump, you really shouldn't brag that you didn't vote for Hillary.
Dow up 300 in 1st 10 min of the week. It's like everyone is playing with monopoly money right now.
(02-11-2018, 09:10 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2018, 11:16 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Does it match your hate for Obama, or liberals in general?

Being highly entertained by pure incompetence does not equal hate, sorry RJ.

You guys just don't know how to behave when you don't get your way. Republicans do. I have zero doubt 99% of republicans would have accepted the result of a Hillary victory and moved on. Liberals are violent people pretending to be peaceful.

I don't know if they're even pretending anymore with this whole antifa garbage.
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