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Ford has lying eyes.
Good Lord, Grassley and Feinstein are out of gas. What are they? 95?
She remembers a lot about this event while not remembering where or when it happened.
I picked a HECKUVA DAY to quit drinking...
This 5 minutes alternating format isn't working for the GOP.
How many “corrections” does Ford need? Every time the prosecutor asks if something’s correct, Ford has to reread her testimony and burn through the allotted 5 minutes.

The prosecutor did point out one lie from Ford. The prosecutor asked Ford about the statement she provided and if it was correct. The statement included how Judge and Kavanaugh stumbled down the hall and how people began talking to them. Ford, however, said that she never actually heard a conversation.

If she lied about that then what else is she lying about?
Poking holes now.
She's either telling the truth or deserves an Oscar. I believe her.
(09-27-2018, 12:22 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]She's either telling the truth or deserves an Oscar. I believe her.

I don’t think she’s that convincing. 

The constant whining voice (to imitate crying) seems fake. She almost always does it but only when she’s being asked a question from the prosecutor or Republicans.
This is the end result of Participation Trophies. These psychos are disgusting. You lost. Get over it. Please. You're just sad, pathetic losers who, if sent to a third world country to live, would die instantaneously because you don't have the intestinal fortitude to survive anywhere other than this coddled existence in the US.
It was stated the she is afraid to fly but now confirms that she flies frequently, and to other parts of the world.
(09-27-2018, 12:43 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]It was stated the she is afraid to fly but now confirms that she flies frequently, and to other parts of the world.

They keep chipping away at her credibility now. 

She was on vacation in the end-Atlantic when she sent the letter to Feinstein
She conducted her polygraph test at an airport before she caught a flight.

Edit: She had the polygraph test in a hotel conference room on the way to the airport.
Seems like the Dems have no interest in an investigation, preferring to use their time to grandstand, tell the accuser how much they believe her, give the accuser merit badges for her incredible courage, etc. Meanwhile, the prosecutor is doing her job, finding inconsistencies in the story.

I wonder if the Dems will cede their time to the prosecutor when Kavanaugh is under oath?
I think it goes to a vote tomorrow no matter what. He may or may not he confirmed, but republican and democrats in red states voting no plays right into Trump, then Cohen gets the nomination and confirmation before midterms.

I think the question of who is paying for her lawyers and who paid for the polygraph are important questions that shouldn't be overlooked.
(09-27-2018, 12:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I think it goes to a vote tomorrow no matter what. He may or may not he confirmed, but republican and democrats in red states voting no plays right into Trump, then Cohen gets the nomination and confirmation before midterms.

I think the question of who is paying for her lawyers and who paid for the polygraph are important questions that shouldn't be overlooked.

Even Fox News is saying that this looks really bad for Kavanaugh. I wouldn't be surprised if the vote is postponed pending an FBI investigation.
(09-27-2018, 01:03 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2018, 12:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I think it goes to a vote tomorrow no matter what. He may or may not he confirmed, but republican and democrats in red states voting no plays right into Trump, then Cohen gets the nomination and confirmation before midterms.

I think the question of who is paying for her lawyers and who paid for the polygraph are important questions that shouldn't be overlooked.

Even Fox News is saying that this looks really bad for Kavanaugh. I wouldn't be surprised if the vote is postponed pending an FBI investigation.

Everybody knows an FBI investigation won't come up with any type of conclusion. It is a waste of time. Even a young Joe Biden said so. This is a complete clown show. 

Holding out hope Kavanaugh has some type of undeniable bombshell evidence, but likely not happening. Either way, he needs to either withdraw after this or they need to call a vote.
Who paid for the polygraph and who is paying her lawyer fees will tell you everything you need to know.
This is painting an ugly picture for the future of politics and confirmations.

Update. Lawyers paid for polygraph and she will pay lawyers from gofundme account.
The lawyers say they paid for it. When asked if she intended to reimburse the lawyers (as is normal), she wouldn’t say that she would be responsible for paying for the polygraph.

(09-27-2018, 01:42 PM)HStroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]This is painting an ugly picture for the future of politics and confirmations.

Update. Lawyers paid for polygraph and she will pay lawyers from gofundme account.

She implied that it may pay for it but she never said she would pay out of that account.
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