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(09-30-2018, 12:46 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-30-2018, 12:22 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]That statement shows shows you have leanings though. I despise both parties equally. The two party system does not work. It just divides the country into hard liners on the right and the left. I truly don't care for either political party. I have no dog in this fight and I can't say one way or the other if a sexual assault occurred. All I know is Kavanaugh yelled a lot, drank a bunch of water and accused the Clintons, people who oppose Trump and other left wingers of trying to smear his reputation. That tells a lot about which way he leans and Supreme Court Judges aren't supposed to have any political leanings. That should eliminate him from consideration right there.

I'm sorry you feel this way.  I remember the first time I was told there was no santa clause.  It was a painful experience.  

You have to have context.  before the modern progressive era, The Supreme Court confirmation process was a lot different.  The congress actually performed its function to amend the constitution as a means of dramatic change in the country and it was the role of the court to interpret the laws and rule accordingly.  With the advent of the modern progressive movement and the call for an ACTIVE STATE (no longer functioning within constitutional bounds.) you had a problem.  That problem emerged when you had the whims of administrations and congresses at odds with the founding document and little or no political will to actually go through the ratification process to make the change.  Woodrow Wilson and the like started viewing the court as an arm of radical change instead of tempered ruling and thus dramatically changed its basic function.  Then with the advent of the new deal you had a sitting president of the unites states directly threaten sitting members of the court that had ruled against many of his fascist new deal proposals that if they didn't soften on his domestic agenda he would just pack the court with more and more liberal justices to simply override the majority on the court that opposed his state intrusion.  Fast forward to 1973 and the only means of entry for the radical secular progressives into the mainstream of American Politics became the courts.  Why?  Because you couldn't get nationwide abortion at the ballot box.  Just like today you couldn't get Gay Marriage through the ballot box.  

So over the last 100 years the higher legislative role of congress has migrated to the courts.  As such the leanings of the justices have become more and more a topic during confirmation.  there was a time when confirmation was a simple voice vote with no hearings as long as the nominee was deemed qualified.  

More to your point, Kavanaugh has never expressed himself to be a conservative activist.  What do I mean by that?  He has never advocated disregarding the statute or law in front of him to reach a conclusion based on ideology.  He has vowed that his decisions will be based on the original intent of the legislators and that he will work to apply those concepts to modern circumstances (originalism and textualism.)  Conversely, it is the expressed judicial philosophy of the left on the court to invent legal concepts or rights out of wholecloth in opposition to hundreds or even thousands of years of jurisprudence to fit whatever secular progressive dogma arises during the current day (Living document theory.)  So just because Kavanaugh has the temerity to point out the obvious political headwinds against him doesn't disqualify him from being an impartial jurist and calling balls and strikes.

Your history lesson is pretty close to accurate.  You misattributed Woodrow Wilson as being the big change agent but it was actually FDR.
That said, none of this real history about loosley interpreting the Constitution really speaks to O-line's real concern that Kavanaugh is too partisan.  Partisanship is not an interpretative framework.  Parties don't line up 1:1 with the interpretative frameworks.
(10-01-2018, 12:35 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-30-2018, 12:46 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry you feel this way.  I remember the first time I was told there was no santa clause.  It was a painful experience.  

You have to have context.  before the modern progressive era, The Supreme Court confirmation process was a lot different.  The congress actually performed its function to amend the constitution as a means of dramatic change in the country and it was the role of the court to interpret the laws and rule accordingly.  With the advent of the modern progressive movement and the call for an ACTIVE STATE (no longer functioning within constitutional bounds.) you had a problem.  That problem emerged when you had the whims of administrations and congresses at odds with the founding document and little or no political will to actually go through the ratification process to make the change.  Woodrow Wilson and the like started viewing the court as an arm of radical change instead of tempered ruling and thus dramatically changed its basic function.  Then with the advent of the new deal you had a sitting president of the unites states directly threaten sitting members of the court that had ruled against many of his fascist new deal proposals that if they didn't soften on his domestic agenda he would just pack the court with more and more liberal justices to simply override the majority on the court that opposed his state intrusion.  Fast forward to 1973 and the only means of entry for the radical secular progressives into the mainstream of American Politics became the courts.  Why?  Because you couldn't get nationwide abortion at the ballot box.  Just like today you couldn't get Gay Marriage through the ballot box.  

So over the last 100 years the higher legislative role of congress has migrated to the courts.  As such the leanings of the justices have become more and more a topic during confirmation.  there was a time when confirmation was a simple voice vote with no hearings as long as the nominee was deemed qualified.  

More to your point, Kavanaugh has never expressed himself to be a conservative activist.  What do I mean by that?  He has never advocated disregarding the statute or law in front of him to reach a conclusion based on ideology.  He has vowed that his decisions will be based on the original intent of the legislators and that he will work to apply those concepts to modern circumstances (originalism and textualism.)  Conversely, it is the expressed judicial philosophy of the left on the court to invent legal concepts or rights out of wholecloth in opposition to hundreds or even thousands of years of jurisprudence to fit whatever secular progressive dogma arises during the current day (Living document theory.)  So just because Kavanaugh has the temerity to point out the obvious political headwinds against him doesn't disqualify him from being an impartial jurist and calling balls and strikes.

Your history lesson is pretty close to accurate.  You misattributed Woodrow Wilson as being the big change agent but it was actually FDR.
That said, none of this real history about loosley interpreting the Constitution really speaks to O-line's real concern that Kavanaugh is too partisan.  Partisanship is not an interpretative framework.  Parties don't line up 1:1 with the interpretative frameworks.

Wilson was the Godfather of the move of the USSC toward Progressivism (sic) starting with the Brandeis nomination.

Just leaving that here. Not too many innocent men start reaching out to friends and family to make sure everyone's got their story straight before there's even a story.

Plenty more in that article, too. Probably not enough to change any partisan minds, but there's plenty there to indicate that there's a lot more going on here than Kavanaugh feels like telling the truth under oath about.
(10-01-2018, 08:21 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme...ce-n915566

Just leaving that here. Not too many innocent men start reaching out to friends and family to make sure everyone's got their story straight before there's even a story.

Plenty more in that article, too. Probably not enough to change any partisan minds, but there's plenty there to indicate that there's a lot more going on here than Kavanaugh feels like telling the truth under oath about.

Did you read something I didn't? He asked if they would stand in his defense. That isn't getting the "story straight".

Didn't Ford call people, too?
(10-01-2018, 08:45 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-01-2018, 08:21 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme...ce-n915566

Just leaving that here. Not too many innocent men start reaching out to friends and family to make sure everyone's got their story straight before there's even a story.

Plenty more in that article, too. Probably not enough to change any partisan minds, but there's plenty there to indicate that there's a lot more going on here than Kavanaugh feels like telling the truth under oath about.

Did you read something I didn't? He asked if they would stand in his defense. That isn't getting the "story straight".

Didn't Ford call people, too?

Of course he did, he read all that white space between the lines where he and Byron find all that stuff no one else sees.
(10-01-2018, 08:21 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme...ce-n915566

Just leaving that here. Not too many innocent men start reaching out to friends and family to make sure everyone's got their story straight before there's even a story.

Plenty more in that article, too. Probably not enough to change any partisan minds, but there's plenty there to indicate that there's a lot more going on here than Kavanaugh feels like telling the truth under oath about.

Do you realize the level of intellectual dishonesty it takes to print something like this?  Let alone take it seriously?  

What happened to you man???
Some of you guys obviously have some women issues...
Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

Third accuser, Julie Swetnik, was sued for false rape accusations. The suit also alleges that Swetnik engaged in "sexually offensive conduct".

I love how Kavanuagh only raped Trump-hating leftists. The rape parties also didn't have witnesses, by the way. Totally believable.
(10-01-2018, 10:54 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

Ok, so? Still not a disqualifier.

(10-01-2018, 09:39 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]Some of you guys obviously have some women issues...

More like politically motivated, lying, sexual assault-accusing women issues.
A lifelong friend of Brett Kavanaugh’s mother just revealed that during Mrs. Kavanaugh’s pregnancy with the contested Supreme Court nominee, she often complained about how active Brett Kavanaugh was in the womb.
“He kicks all the time. Sometimes it even wakes me in the middle of the night”, she was quoted as saying to her friend 54 years ago.

When asked about this statement, Sen. Diane Feinstein said:

“This only emphasizes Brett Kavanaugh’s disdain for women and his tendency for violence towards them. Had she just aborted the damned thing, it would have saved us a lot of trouble, and expense”, the senator lamented with a heavy sigh as she hit Enter on her computer, which was logged into one the myriad Christine Blasey Ford Go Fund Me accounts.
(10-01-2018, 10:54 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

#pearlclutching #tryingtochangethesubject

The ultimate irony is that this is actually the seat that bork was up for.  The one that tipped off the latest level of lib hysteria lead by the guy who got drunk drove off a bridge and went home to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzs while a woman drown to death.  

#hypocrites #scaredtorefutefactualinaccuracies #intillectualcowardice #double standard
In other news, Dr. Ford's go fund me pages are closing in one 1 million dollars...

(10-01-2018, 11:25 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.dailywire.com/news/36503/kav...n-saavedra

Third accuser, Julie Swetnik, was sued for false rape accusations. The suit also alleges that Swetnik engaged in "sexually offensive conduct".

I love how Kavanuagh only raped Trump-hating leftists. The rape parties also didn't have witnesses, by the way. Totally believable.

Luckily people saw her story for the bovine fee is it was right off the bat.  Pop quiz.  In how many states is Corey Booker an admitted sex offender.
(10-01-2018, 10:54 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

Remember that TDS thing you said the right only made up as a "label". One of the main symptoms is not even realizing you are infected with it.
(10-02-2018, 08:00 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]In other news, Dr. Ford's go fund me pages are closing in one 1 million dollars...


What are the funds for? To pay for her pro-bono attorneys? Maybe to pay off the $143,993 "second door" addition to their home? Or maybe to pay fines to the city of Palo Alto for illegally renting out the new addition? She testified that they use the 2nd door to "host Google interns". Half the homeowners in Palo Alto are doing the same thing - renting out a spare room for $2000 a month to high paid tech employees. The Fords had 8 people with different last names receiving mail at the address. In 2012 the city really started cracking down on it, so Dr. Ford responded by hiring a landscaper to help conceal the rental unit from the street view.

Her other "2nd door" testimony about seeing Mark Judge at the Safeway was not truthful. SShe could not have asked her Mom to go in a different door at the Safeway, because there was only one entrance on the Safeway in 1982. This is confirmed with photos. In attempting to add a small embellishment, she ends up undermining all of her testimony.

Dr. Ford also forgot to tell us about her work on RU-486 (the abortion pill), which would of course be in danger if Roe v Wade was ever overturned.
One of Christine Ford Blasey’s research articles in 2008 included a study in which participants were TAUGHT SELF-HYPNOSIS & noted hypnosis is used to retrieve important memories “AND CREATE ARTIFICAL SITUATIONS.”

[Image: dr-ford-hypnosis-paper.jpg]
(10-01-2018, 10:54 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

The Dems would be laughed out of office if there were no accusations and they were going after him for alleged binge drinking and an alleged bar fight.  This whole thing is held together by a highly suspect initial allegation by someone who can’t remember any fact that could be scrutinized and who felt the need to scrub her social media accounts prior to coming forward.  The fact that they are now focusing on these frivolous other criticisms instead of the initial allegation is telling.

There’s really only two types of people buying this political hit as anything other than what it is and that is 1) the easily manipulated and 2) those who are on board with the “by any means necessary” philosophy.
(10-02-2018, 03:34 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-01-2018, 10:54 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Now a police report showing Kavanaugh in a bar fight. Definitely seems like a guy who "had a few beers".

The Dems would be laughed out of office if there were no accusations and they were going after him for alleged binge drinking and an alleged bar fight.  This whole thing is held together by a highly suspect initial allegation by someone who can’t remember any fact that could be scrutinized and who felt the need to scrub her social media accounts prior to coming forward.  The fact that they are now focusing on these frivolous other criticisms instead of the initial allegation is telling.

There’s really only two types of people buying this political hit as anything other than what it is and that is 1) the easily manipulated and 2) those who are on board with the “by any means necessary” philosophy.

The "easily manipulated" is pretty much everyone.
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