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So now, Ford will talk to FBI......... about death threats against her.

Wonder if Kavanaugh will do the same about the death threats his wife and little girls are getting.

Ford has nothing and is despicable.
(09-21-2018, 10:21 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Well, Trump's got his find good and flappy now. It's hard to win a moral staredown with Democrats when you blame and shame the "victim" publicly, especially in his role. I was impressed with his handling of the situation right up until he started questioning why Ford didn't call the police "if it was as bad as she said it was".

I'm not going to say that Trump doesn't have a point, but I will say that victim-shaming in the #MeToo era is likely to give pause to key swing Senators like Collins, Flake and the placeholder in Alabama.

I agree that he shouldn't have said anything. If he doesn't say anything, they have little to use against him. The Senate was obviously going to push Kavanaugh through because no one wants to risk a vote after a potential midterm swing in the House.

However, more evidence suggests that Kavanaugh is the victim here, not King. All the witnesses say that he didn't do it.
(09-21-2018, 12:41 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]So now, Ford will talk to FBI......... about death threats against her.

Wonder if Kavanaugh will do the same about the death threats his wife and little girls are getting.

Ford has nothing and is despicable.

If the FBI hasn't been talking to Kavanaugh throughout, they're being negligent. A SCOTUS nominee is always going to have a target on their back in more than one sense of the word.
Vote is on for Monday.

Justice, and sanity, has prevailed.
(09-21-2018, 11:27 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]Vote is on for Monday.

Justice, and sanity, has prevailed.

Where are you seeing that? Last I heard, the 10:00 PM deadline had passed, but Grassley had (as of 11:42 PM) given her another extension to come up with an answer.

Despite Trump's sudden (and predictable) outburst, Republican Senators on the Judiciary Committee (i.e., not Mitch McConnell) have been taking the high road throughout. Grassley's additional extension is another example of that.

Senate: Dr. Ford, what happened?
Ford: I think he groped me 35 years ago
Senate: Judge Kavanaugh, is this true?
Kavanaugh: No
Senator 1: Motion to adjourn
Senator 2: Second
Senator : Third
Senator: This hearing has adjourned
I have no doubt the dems are beating the bushes trying to find another 'resister' to perjure themselves on the national stage in order to solidify Ford's claims.
(09-22-2018, 10:16 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]I have no doubt the dems are beating the bushes trying to find another 'resister' to perjure themselves on the national stage in order to solidify Ford's claims.

I have wondered how exactly this happens. Does it involve briefcases of untraceable cash or simply someone willing to sell their soul due to their hatred of Trump?
(09-22-2018, 10:34 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2018, 10:16 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]I have no doubt the dems are beating the bushes trying to find another 'resister' to perjure themselves on the national stage in order to solidify Ford's claims.

I have wondered how exactly this happens. Does it involve briefcases of untraceable cash or simply someone willing to sell their soul due to their hatred of Trump?

Given the level of treacherous vitriol and hatred we've witnessed from the left, the latter scenario seems the most likely. Of course, there would be some sort of reward later in the form of a plum government job or a Go Fund Me account like they established for the other snakes.
(09-22-2018, 10:45 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2018, 10:34 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I have wondered how exactly this happens. Does it involve briefcases of untraceable cash or simply someone willing to sell their soul due to their hatred of Trump?

Given the level of treacherous vitriol and hatred we've witnessed from the left, the latter scenario seems the most likely. Of course, there would be some sort of reward later in the form of a plum government job or a Go Fund Me account like they established for the other snakes.

The left's problem is that their end game is 2018, not 2020. 2 years of law suits and continuing to ignore their base is a recipe for long term disaster.
(09-22-2018, 08:50 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hearing....

Senate: Dr. Ford, what happened?
Ford: I think he groped me 35 years ago
Senate: Judge Kavanaugh, is this true?
Kavanaugh: No
Senator 1: Motion to adjourn
Senator 2: Second
Senator : Third
Senator: This hearing has adjourned

Media Headline: Old rich white men rape virtuous professor again.
(09-22-2018, 11:36 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2018, 08:50 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hearing....

Senate: Dr. Ford, what happened?
Ford: I think he groped me 35 years ago
Senate: Judge Kavanaugh, is this true?
Kavanaugh: No
Senator 1: Motion to adjourn
Senator 2: Second
Senator : Third
Senator: This hearing has adjourned

Media Headline: Old rich white men rape virtuous professor again.

Which is really what they want.  This is about the midterms
One thing I am not understanding is news outlets are saying even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, the dems will call for more investigations and impeachment.

What kind of investigation are they planning to have? What could the outcome of the investigation possibly be?

I am guessing Ford probably regrets her decision at this point in the game.
(09-22-2018, 10:34 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2018, 10:16 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]I have no doubt the dems are beating the bushes trying to find another 'resister' to perjure themselves on the national stage in order to solidify Ford's claims.

I have wondered how exactly this happens. Does it involve briefcases of untraceable cash or simply someone willing to sell their soul due to their hatred of Trump?

I imagine they have plenty of people coming forward, but they have to pick the most credible.
Ford's lawyers accepted the invitation by insisting on further negotiation.... Lol. Grassley is going to get rolled like this for a month.
News - former DOJ inspector general Michael Bromwich has joined Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team. (Note he also represents former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe). He has just resigned from his law firm effective immediately in light of objections within the partnership.
(09-22-2018, 03:56 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]News - former DOJ inspector general Michael Bromwich has joined Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team. (Note he also represents former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe). He has just resigned from his law firm effective immediately in light of objections within the partnership.

I would be willing to bet that he joined her legal team at the behest of some desperate pleading from democrat leadership. Ford's lawyer now, Katz, is a left wing kook who leads with her politics. They need credibility. He'll try to defer the inevitable, offer condolences to the democrats afterwards saying he did his best, pocket their money, and then return to his law firm. Like any good lawyer.
This is all about making the 3 RINOS happy so they will vote in his favor. Else, the SCOTUS may only have 8 people until Trumps reelection in 2020.
(09-22-2018, 03:56 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]News - former DOJ inspector general Michael Bromwich has joined Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team. (Note he also represents former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe). He has just resigned from his law firm effective immediately in light of objections within the partnership.

Seems obvious but Ford must have some serious money bankrolling this team. Nah, this isn’t political at all. Im sure it’s really about justice.
Also, this is a lot of firepower just to testify in a couple days. I'm not sure what they're playing @ but it could be an attempt to drag this beyond his confirmation.
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