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Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.
(09-19-2018, 10:42 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.

Here here
(09-19-2018, 10:42 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.

Thank you.

What a disgraceful display for real victims of sexual assault. Simply despicable.
(09-19-2018, 11:00 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2018, 10:42 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.

Thank you.

What a disgraceful display for real victims of sexual assault. Simply despicable.

Don't get me wrong, there's still going to be hell to pay for any Senator that pushes this through if there's later found to be validity to her complaint or if other accusers step forward (I expect they'll come out of the woodwork on Monday). Allowing a single accuser with no witnesses and no evidence to be a willing political pawn is not something to be tolerated, nor can we continue on setting the precedent that one woman with nothing but the words out of her mouth can destroy a man.
Ford, who claims she was an alcoholic and slept with numerous men during her younger years when the incident occurred, can't remember the house, location, how she got there, or who had the party.  She sounds pretty credible to me.

[Image: 200w.webp]
I remember something to the effect that the accuser was worried about questions of mental health, that's somewhat in line with a potential history of alcoholism.

I personally don't want to get too far into denigrating the accuser or whatever troubles she may be going through. I think it's much more compelling to focus on the fact that she only has about 1% of the story needed to make a credible accusation.

Having said all that, we can't ignore the possibility that she could plausibly believe something bad happened to her and just not have the right person timeline etc.
(09-19-2018, 10:42 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.

I need to mark this date on my calendar.  We actually agree on something.   Wink
(09-19-2018, 07:01 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2018, 10:42 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaaaand surprise! Ford is refusing to testify without an FBI investigation first.

Proceed with the vote, whatever the outcome may be. Constitutional proceedings are not to be held hostage by frivolous complaints, and this is a chance to prove it.

I need to mark this date on my calendar.  We actually agree on something.   Wink

It must have happened before. I just checked, and the temperature in Phoenix is way north of 32F.
Maybe Feinstein will call in a bomb scare on Monday. It's about as subtle as her last tactic.
(09-19-2018, 05:03 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]I remember something to the effect that the accuser was worried about questions of mental health, that's somewhat in line with a potential history of alcoholism.  

I personally don't want to get too far into denigrating the accuser or whatever troubles she may be going through.  I think it's much more compelling to focus on the fact that she only has about 1% of the story needed to make a credible accusation.  

Having said all that, we can't ignore the possibility that she could plausibly believe something bad happened to her and just not have the right person timeline etc.

Someone who's making it all up doesn't agree to sit for a polygraph, cooperate fully with the FBI and give private testimony to a Senate committee. I mean, that is what it is. If you look far enough, there has to be some shred of truth to what she's saying. I do believe her when she says that a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh was on top of her 15-year-old self in a bed at a party. That's kind of what drunk high schoolers do at parties. I won't rule out the idea that she's telling the truth. I will say that if you're going to try and throw a wrench into a Supreme Court nomination at the last second, you'd better be ready, willing and able to testify publicly before the Senate when they invite you to.

I mean, let's call this what it is. Did Kavanaugh actually attempt to rape Ford? Maybe. I don't know. I wasn't there. There were three people there, and as you'd expect, one says no, one says yes, and the third doesn't remember anything about that night. For Ford's allegations to make it to Democrats as far back as July and be sat on like this kind of makes me think that she is telling the truth as she sees it to be, but Pelosi, Feinstein and their collective cancer upon Congress decided to throw the allegations out there just in time to (fingers crossed, kiddies!) delay the confirmation until after the Court session begins, meaning Kavanaugh won't be able to vote on cases. Maybe Ford is telling the whole truth, maybe she just doesn't remember exactly who was involved 36 years later, either way she's being used as a political pawn, and arguably a willing one. It's not doing her credibility any favors, and it's going to backfire on Democrats when they end up with Brett Kavanaugh and fewer votes in November than they were expecting. You can't sit back and accuse Trump of playing childish, embarrassing partisan games then use sexual abuse to try and get your way.
(09-19-2018, 08:24 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2018, 05:03 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]I remember something to the effect that the accuser was worried about questions of mental health, that's somewhat in line with a potential history of alcoholism.  

I personally don't want to get too far into denigrating the accuser or whatever troubles she may be going through.  I think it's much more compelling to focus on the fact that she only has about 1% of the story needed to make a credible accusation.  

Having said all that, we can't ignore the possibility that she could plausibly believe something bad happened to her and just not have the right person timeline etc.

Someone who's making it all up doesn't agree to sit for a polygraph, cooperate fully with the FBI and give private testimony to a Senate committee. I mean, that is what it is. If you look far enough, there has to be some shred of truth to what she's saying. I do believe her when she says that a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh was on top of her 15-year-old self in a bed at a party. That's kind of what drunk high schoolers do at parties. I won't rule out the idea that she's telling the truth. I will say that if you're going to try and throw a wrench into a Supreme Court nomination at the last second, you'd better be ready, willing and able to testify publicly before the Senate when they invite you to.

I mean, let's call this what it is. Did Kavanaugh actually attempt to rape Ford? Maybe. I don't know. I wasn't there. There were three people there, and as you'd expect, one says no, one says yes, and the third doesn't remember anything about that night. For Ford's allegations to make it to Democrats as far back as July and be sat on like this kind of makes me think that she is telling the truth as she sees it to be, but Pelosi, Feinstein and their collective cancer upon Congress decided to throw the allegations out there just in time to (fingers crossed, kiddies!) delay the confirmation until after the Court session begins, meaning Kavanaugh won't be able to vote on cases. Maybe Ford is telling the whole truth, maybe she just doesn't remember exactly who was involved 36 years later, either way she's being used as a political pawn, and arguably a willing one. It's not doing her credibility any favors, and it's going to backfire on Democrats when they end up with Brett Kavanaugh and fewer votes in November than they were expecting. You can't sit back and accuse Trump of playing childish, embarrassing partisan games then use sexual abuse to try and get your way.

The scorecard you have there is wrong.

Kavanaugh "no"

Mark Judge "no"

Patrick Smyth "no"

Ford "yeah, maybe, I think it could be, perhaps...what was I supposed to say again Senator?"
(09-19-2018, 08:24 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2018, 05:03 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]I remember something to the effect that the accuser was worried about questions of mental health, that's somewhat in line with a potential history of alcoholism.  

I personally don't want to get too far into denigrating the accuser or whatever troubles she may be going through.  I think it's much more compelling to focus on the fact that she only has about 1% of the story needed to make a credible accusation.  

Having said all that, we can't ignore the possibility that she could plausibly believe something bad happened to her and just not have the right person timeline etc.

There were three people there, and as you'd expect, one says no, one says yes, and the third doesn't remember anything about that night. 

Two (not one) who were supposedly there with Kavanaugh have no memory of the incident. That's equivalent to a "no." How could anyone remember anything about something that didn't happen? They might remember what they were doing on some particular date 36 years ago after much research, but the accuser conveniently fails to recall the date (or the place, or how she got there or back home afterwards or who else was at the party).
(09-19-2018, 08:55 PM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2018, 08:24 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]There were three people there, and as you'd expect, one says no, one says yes, and the third doesn't remember anything about that night. 

Two (not one) who were supposedly there with Kavanaugh have no memory of the incident. That's equivalent to a "no." How could anyone remember anything about something that didn't happen? They might remember what they were doing on some particular date 36 years ago after much research, but the accuser conveniently fails to recall the date (or the place, or how she got there or back home afterwards or who else was at the party).

Or they were all drunk and none of them (including Ford) have any clue what actually happened, so the three people who don't think anyone was raped have forgotten all about whatever actually did.

I'm not saying that we should hold up the hearings. I've already said that if Ford doesn't show up to testify on Monday, the hearings should proceed. She should have the opportunity to be heard, and she has it. And if she's not heard on Monday by the Senate Judiciary Committee, then that says all it needs to about how serious her allegations actually are.
Now we know why she doesn't want to testify:

[Image: image.jpg]
WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

Not Spartacus....
(09-20-2018, 01:55 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]Not Spartacus....

Dang, they should have saved this for when this clown runs for President in 2020.
Ford's Classmate Now Changing Her Story

Cristina King Miranda, a former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford, got the media's attention this week after sharing a message on Facebook alleging that Ford is telling the truth about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. She claimed that Kavanaugh did assault Ford in high school, and word got around the school.

(09-20-2018, 03:45 PM)The Drifter Wrote: [ -> ]Ford's Classmate Now Changing Her Story

Cristina King Miranda, a former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford, got the media's attention this week after sharing a message on Facebook alleging that Ford is telling the truth about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. She claimed that Kavanaugh did assault Ford in high school, and word got around the school.


She said that she remember it going around school the next day / week, but King claimed it happened over the summer. 

Then she said that everyone heard about it, but King said she never told anyone.
(09-19-2018, 08:37 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2018, 07:59 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]This is not true, he said he has no memory of the incident. That's a big difference.

Private schooled white boys doing what private schooled white boys do...whatever the hell they want to do.

My children are white private schooled kids who happen to share a classroom with kids of parents you cheered so hard for on this message board.

You may want to pick a different angle.

First off, I've never cheered on a message board. Second, so your kids go to school with affluent black kids (I assume this is your point), how does that remove the sense of privilege I saw openly displayed during my high school days, which preceded Kavanaugh's by just a few years? Because there were no children of NFL players back then, and white parents sent their kids to private schools to circumvent the realities of desegregation. 

One wonders, when you meet the parents of your kids' classmates at school functions, do you ever ask them why Jalen Ramsey insists on using poor grammar in his tweets, or do you only post that under the protection of anonymity?
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