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After watching and listening at times to the whole hearing, I would say that Kavanaugh is going to be the next Supreme Court justice.  The democrat last minute smear campaign pretty much was a failure.

How anyone can say "I believe her and not him" is beyond me.  There is and has not been any evidence that clearly shows one way or the other.  This hearing was nothing more than political "show boating" from both sides.  The only difference is, the Republican side was focused on FACTS while the Democrat side was focused on emotion.  I give the message board folks here exhibit A.

(09-27-2018, 12:22 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]She's either telling the truth or deserves an Oscar. I believe her.

This is a good example of how the democrats use people.  They "believe her" based on what the media tells them to believe.  They "believe her" based on emotional testimony rather than the FACTS.  Meanwhile, when the accused gets emotional it's all "fake".

What we do know is the FACT that this could have been handled in a confidential way that would have protected both parties from the media circus that we saw.  It's not only the media circus, but also the slander and defamation of character that the accused and his family has had to go through.  Politicians, and particularly the democrat party don't care if they ruined the lives of two families.  All they care about is their agenda and elections.

The bottom line is IF any Republican votes against confirmation that person pretty much is signing a "death warrant" for their political career.
The really sad and scary part is this is taking place real time through the media and social media.  Left leaning networks are going to push and focus on emotion (the accuser's testimony) and probably mock the accused testimony when he got emotional.  Right leaning networks will push the Lindsey Graham testimony when he called out the process for what it is.  There is really no disputing the FACT that the committee could have handled this in a way that could have kept it out of the media.
Lindsey Graham kicked [BLEEP].

That is all.
(09-27-2018, 08:22 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Lindsey Graham kicked [BLEEP].

That is all.

Not only that but he was the first one to call the audible and have the senators get in the fight for the kavanaugh round.
(09-27-2018, 07:50 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2018, 07:29 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]its emotion vs. reason.  Where did this happen?  of the four people she says were at the house, who lived there?  When did this happen?  Why does her friend say she doesn't know the defendant?

But she told her "beach friends" after his mother foreclosed on her house and she started her morning after pill trials that he was little satan.  OK.

I have a loved one who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a family member for several years when they were a child. Twenty years later, they finally got up the nerve to tell someone, and that someone was me. Dr. Ford's testimony is frighteningly in line with what they told me. Vague memories about time, place, all that, but very clear memories about what happened and who did it. And very strong, clear requests for confidentiality, because they feared what would happen if this person found out they'd told someone--which is exactly why they waited so long to tell anyone in the first place.

So she's not deathly afraid of flying. So what? Have you ever considered that maybe she just really, really did not want to be paraded around on national TV, but because her handlers didn't mention that Grassley was willing to fly to her she felt backed into a corner and had to lie to get out of it?

It goes to credibility.  Not only is she not afraid of flying, she volunteered other information we know not to be true.  And it wasn't just the handlers.  It was the comprehensive coverage of the negotiations about her testimony to congress that cited the mysterious fear of flying as a reason to give her so much time to make it to DC.  

 She's not clear on dates. Hey, you know what, if I had been violated, I would probably not circle the day on my calendar and remember to celebrate it every year.

So Kavanaugh's buddies won't back her up? See, the thing about being an accessory to sexual abuse is that it's probably not in your benefit to tell a Congressional committee via sworn statement that you did it.

Her Buddy Too.  Anyone who was at the 'party' at the house that no one lived in not near where anyone lived.    

I believe her because I've seen someone in her position before. Not in front of a Congressional committee, but I've seen someone have that conversation before, and Dr. Ford's behavior was consistent with what I saw in terms of recollections and emotion.

If I believe Dr. Ford, then clearly I can't believe Kavanaugh. We are about to confirm a sexual predator to the Supreme Court.

This is the problem with #Metoo and social/collective justice as a whole.  I am sorry that your family member went through what she went through.  I am glad she felt comfortable enough to come through that part of her life and open up to you.  I hope and pray that she has found some level of peace and hopefully the person was dealt with.  That said, Blasey Ford isn't your Family member.  Yes, research shows that its expected for there to be some memory loss/gaps etc. with traumatic events and a claim shouldn't be completely dismissed out of hand because of the amount of time that has passed.  At the same time, you can't ignore the fact that the facts she herself puts forth have contradictory or negative elements to them, don't provide any corroborating evidence, and in some instances (when talking about how she handled the allegations this summer) just don't pass the smell test.  

Every instance should be evaluated on their own merits.  In this case, Brett Kavanaugh opened a window into his past to try and reconstruct an entire summer and demonstrate that he was never at any party that the accused describes and has sworn statements under the penalty of perjury from everyone alleged to be present (including a friend of the accuser) supporting his alibi.  Whatever emotional sympathies you may have for the accused have to be based on some shred of a fact pattern that overcomes those logical hurdles.
If she has to consult her attorney on many of these questions, how much do you really remember from that night?
We have the votes!
The American Bar Association, which Kavanaugh brought up repeatedly as proof of his character, has called for an FBI inquiry before confirmation.
(09-28-2018, 12:53 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]The American Bar Association, which Kavanaugh brought up repeatedly as proof of his character, has called for an FBI inquiry before confirmation.

The American Bar Association is asking the FBI to investigate something to which they have no jurisdiction? One of two things is happening here. A bunch of lawyers don't know about jurisdictional authority or it's a political move. I wonder what is more likely.
(09-28-2018, 12:53 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]The American Bar Association, which Kavanaugh brought up repeatedly as proof of his character, has called for an FBI inquiry before confirmation.

That says more about the American Bas association than it does about the fact pattern in the current case.  I think that Lindsey Graham said it best, you wouldn't be able to get a warrant based on what we now know.  The idea that you are going to have a Federal investigative body take up a 36 year old case with no time, location, and all witnesses express no recollection is laughable.  It's amazing that with the alleged 'PREDATOR' on the witness stand for three hours the minority chose to use their time for cross examination to advance the talking point that we need a further 'investigation'.  

1.) The minority had the opportunity to participate with the committee chairman as they actually conducted a senate investigation, under their constitutional role to provide advise and consent, into these matters, interviewed the relevant parties, established a timeline and also investigated subsequent claims.  
2.) As Judge Kavanaugh pointed out, all the FBI would do is take witness statements and then report back to the committee so that the senators could then make their own conclusions and recommendations.  The senators already have sworn statements from all the relevant parties.  Under threat of perjury is under the threat of perjury.  If its sworn to a Senate Committee or sworn to the FBI the legal consequences are the same.  Would the minority have us believe that the FBI on the back of a windbreaker is going to job someone's memory?
3.) The Minority spent a lot of time today and in the recent weeks talking about Anita Hill.  Somehow they all failed to mention that in her case the FBI found no corroboration to support her claims?  That was a contemporaneous investigation under federal jurisdiction because the alleged incidents happened while Clearance Thomas was an employee of the EEOC, they FBI found nothing that the left is still trying to push this crap from 1991.  
4.) There's a process by which the minority could have brought this to the attention of the committee and kept the confidentiality of Dr. Ford while having a more in depth and thorough investigation and expanding the FBI's Due diligence through the course of regular order.  Instead the Minority and the ranking member chose to hold this back as a last ditch political effort to destroy this guys life.  
5.) The Minority had Kavanaugh himself on the stand for some three hours and they couldn't lay a glove on him.  this talking point is advanced not because they think that there will be any meaningful evidence or facts that emerge from further scrutiny its to a.) excuse the gaps in the narrative being advanced and b.) an admission that even though they've destroyed the life of the nominee, they haven't achieved their political goal yet so they might score some points by dragging a friend from high school with a alcohol addiction before the committee so they can destroy and humiliate him on national television about what a 'sloppy drunk' he was.  

This is disgraceful, this is childish, this is beneath the United States senate.  I will say this, if I were Grassley I would have had some retired FBI person or liaised with the current department during my investigation of the relevant facts.  Not because we missed anything, the nominee gave the most definitive alibi you can give sans 4 decades, but just to take away this last talking point from a discredited political party that demonstrated that there's nothing they won't do to regain the majority.   
TJ, it's over brah. Like I said before, RBG will retire next year and Trump will nominate Cohen and be responsible for 1/3 of the SCOTUS.
I wouldn't say it's over. Tuesday is a long time
I hope he gets the votes. I'll leave it at that ......
One step closer to putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court.

(09-28-2018, 09:49 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]One step closer to putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court.


Prove it
Dems doing what they do best. What a bunch of flunkies
(09-28-2018, 09:49 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]One step closer to putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court.


You've lost it.
C'mon guys, Bender has been trolling for days now. He's gone all in on the act and it's been glorious.
(09-28-2018, 07:38 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]TJ, it's over brah. Like I said before, RBG will retire next year and Trump will nominate Cohen and be responsible for 1/3 of the SCOTUS.

That old hag will never retire willingly.
(09-28-2018, 09:49 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]One step closer to putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court.


where's the proof he did it?
(09-28-2018, 10:52 AM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-28-2018, 07:38 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]TJ, it's over brah. Like I said before, RBG will retire next year and Trump will nominate Cohen and be responsible for 1/3 of the SCOTUS.

That old hag will never retire willingly.
Bender has fallen off his rocker this past week.
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