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(07-16-2019, 08:24 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Bullseye 2020

I am partial to the "Thanos 2020" shirts, myself.
(07-17-2019, 07:47 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-16-2019, 10:03 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]Their status as freshmen members of Congress or their place on the political spectrum does not, in any way, mitigate their rights to voice dissent. 

No one suggested they don't have a right to say what they want.  We're just pointing out they also have a right to pursue other options of residency that better fit their values and lifestyle.

So don't voice dissent or leave?  Got it.

There have been others with whom the President has disagreed, but his most persistent targets have been persons of color. 

The man called the white female Dem Nominee for the presidency a "Nasty" woman on national television.  He told the white female captain of the U.S. Soccer team to shut her mouth.  He just went off on a tirade on the White male Ambassador to the US from the U.K. addressing him by name and calling him an ignorant fool.  He's ripped Paul Ryan a new [BLEEP].  He insulted John McCain.  He belittled Jeb Bush to the point that an entire wing of the party still hates him.  Are we still really going to seriously sit here and keep up with this "it's only black people stuff?"

I bring your attention to the emphasized portion above, because either you didn't read it or didn't comprehend what you were reading.  In sum "most persistent" does not equal "exclusive" or "sole."  I do not demand lockstep agreement with my views.  But I don't think it unreasonable to as you address the points I raised, not the points you wish were raised.

It is noteworthy nobody else (read: white) has been urged to leave the country by this president. 

That's because they are the ones spewing the "Toilet" "Concentration Camp" Garbage.  In light of the attacks over the weekend against detention facilities, they are the ones that should have been censured by congress.  

So when Nancy Pelosi said Trump wants to "Make America White Again," what point do you think she was making about Trump's policies?

The whole "come back" argument is quite silly.  Three of the four congresswomen were born in this country. The fourth (Omar) is a U.S. citizen, and has been since she was a teenager. 

True, and if any of them need a visa sponsor to go bother the countries they feel more confidently in then I am happy to volunteer.  

I'm sure you are, given your obvious and spectacular double standard on the issue of dissent.

Why should she be urged to go back to Somalia because she disagrees with this president's policies? 

You're absolutely right bullseye.  It's nothing to do with Anti-American Sentiment or trashing entire departments of the government, or anti-semetic comments.  It's because they think that his tariff policy has inflationary risk.  Way to read the stitches on the fastball.  

No it doesn't.  There was open talk of secession by the right during the Obama administration.  None of you "More patriotic than thou" sorts had jack [BLEEP] to say about right wingers being unpatriotic or inviting them to leave.  Rick Perry also trashed entire departments of the government, openly advocating the abolishment of three agencies (one of which he famously could not remember during a debate).  Care to post admonitions from you offering to sponsor his exit visa?  I didn't think so.

Why should she have to split her time between the country to which she has pledged allegiance when she became a citizen and a country she no longer calls home?  Why does she have the burden of fixing all of Somalia's ills before uttering policy disagreements with Trump?  Not one white male congressmen was ever required to fix all of the problems in their state before voicing disagreements. 

Actually that's not true.  Any politician aspiring higher office is usually examined on their record.  So if the governor of California wants to become president one of the first things people look at is if California is still a mess.  And if their state is a mess, that has a bearing on their credibility to run the country as a whole.  Same for house members that are supposed to be Senators or anyone aspiring to leadership in just about, well, anything.  In this instance you have four congresswomen who are fundamentally hostile to the concept of limited government and the founding of the country, that's a lot bigger than any one policy disagreement.  IF you want to proceed with fundamentally terraforming a country doesn't it make sense that a.) you show us a success story (in the case of socialism there are none.) and b.) if you don't have a success story then you should go run your social experiments in a country other than the worlds last super power?  

Again, address the points I made not the point you wish was made.  I didn't say candidates never had their records evaluated or scrutinized.  I said they did not have the mandate to fix all of the problems in their states as a prerequisite to holding office.

For that matter, Trump didn't fix ANY problems in New York as a private citizen, yet that didn't preclude him from attempting to impugn and delegitimize former President Obama with the birther thing and the query into his college qualifications. 

I know you're not that ignorant, so I take it you are lying for affect.  Creating Jobs, growing a business, and even taking over failed public works.  IF you want to B.S. me please, try harder next time.  

You can take it as lying all you want, but in reality, it's a matter of you, once again, not understanding what is presented before you in plain English.  Creating jobs to meet his own business needs is, under NO REASONABLE OR SANE INTERPRETATION, the equivalent of solving an ENTIRE STATE's unemployment problem.  In fact, given the controversy about illegal aliens working at Mar a Lago, you can argue he exacerbated the very problem he is complaining about now.  Republicans are always yammering about high taxes.  Nothing Trump did as a private citizen had the direct effect of lowering taxes over the entire state of New York.  Nothing you imagine Trump did as a private citizen to improve public works in New York were able to prevent the blackout that occurred just last week.

On the issue of how the freshmen congresswomen conducted themselves, Trump is the very last person to lecture anyone on how to conduct themselves. 
If Trump truly had no racial animus driving his comments, tweets on this matter, had any leadership traits and instincts, and had a legitimate interest in having a unified country, he would make it a point to clarify his comments and urge unity.  Conservative whites threw a hissy fit when Obama said the cop acted stupidly for arresting professor Henry Louis Gates for breaking into his own home.  Obama brought professor gates and the cop for the beer summit and spoke repeatedly on the need for unity.  Trump has never come close to doing that.

Spoke repeatedly for the need for unity before inviting Black Lives Matter to the White house, "If I had a son...  He would look like Treyvon," and letting cities burn while his Justice Department had concurrent evidence to support the fact that HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT didn't happen.  I'll send someone over for the rest of your credibility later.  

What?!?  A president actually RELATING to and seeing the humanity in a black youth shot by a man who didn't have the authority to do so?!?  Gasp!  The horror!   Insert eye roll here.  While I am not interested in personal invective, I will hasten to add you are ill equipped to discuss any matters of my credibility.

[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][b]Is this really what you are arguing?  First off, it doesn't answer the question of where Trump gets off telling legal US citizens to leave the country. 

First amendment applies to him too.  He didn't order them, he didn't send the marshalls out.  He made a suggestion.  

A suggestion that is simultaneously more befitting a drunken bigot at a Wal Mart than the leader of the country, while having a chilling effect on free speech.  Had the intellectual acumen and command of fact and policy to do so, he would offer to engage in debate or discussion for better alternatives.  When it came to the debate on the Affordable Care Act, that's precisely what former President Obama did.  He addressed every Republican in Congress in a forum debating this issue, and invited them all to produce a better alternative.  He didn't encourage them to leave the country despite their incessant complaining.

Secondly your argument about the immigrants in cages absolutely boggles the mind to a ton of different levels.  They are not being held against their will?!?  You mean to suggest they traveled thousands of miles-some by foot for the "privilege" of being locked in overcrowded cages with no cots or access to showers, changes of clothing, etc?  THAT was their plan?!?  They can return to their country of origin at any time?  Really?  How are the children, ranging in age from toddler to teenager, separated from their parents, supposed to accomplish this?  Keep in mind, this completely IGNORES the very reasons many of them left their countries of origin in the first place.  How desperate do you have to be to leave the only place you've known, uproot your family, walk throughout Central America and up the length of Mexico to reach this country?!?  Their journeys here was every bit as courageous as those of the Pilgrims who fled England.If life for them were tenable in their countries of origin, they wouldn't have come here.  Also consider many of those detained-toddlers or otherwise-have been moved to facilities around the country away from the border.  How are they supposed to return to their country of origin?  Even if you opened the door to the facilities and told them see ya later, they'd still have to walk back to the borders, potentially extending their stays here for months.  I am straining to avoid personal invective here, I really am.  But this argument on this topic epitomizes the "
distasteful, misguided, myopic and bigoted" views I referenced.  What of the people who emigrate from ostensibly "non [BLEEP] countries"

1.) Immigration policy isn't about virtue signaling, it's about economics.  We can't assimilate the other 7 billion people on the planet.  So that means that by simple logic we have to have an immigration policy.  It's true, there is a human cost to the mass incarceration of a million plus people illegally crossing the border per year, but the alternative you seem to espouse (just releasing them into the country) is the abolition of American sovereignty and something completely unpalatable to the American people.  In reality, the only thing we can do is call on our allies at the southern border to increase enforcement and erect a physical barrier to make sure there are far less people to detain in the first place.  

First off, nobody asserts the country should assimilate the other 7 billion or so people on the planet into our country.  The overwhelming majority of people-for various reasons-make no effort to come here.  Nobody suggests we should have no immigration policy.  It is spectacularly disingenuous to suggest otherwise.  There was a bi-partisan proposal made by four democrats and four republicans (known as the gang of eight) that was designed to overhaul immigration policy.  Republicans killed the bill.  https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/i...ght-225028


Pathologically anti minority?  This is the biggest lie in the modern political ethos.  The parting gift of the eugenicists and the segregationists was to imbrue the modern political system with Sangerism.  At current in some Dem run cities like New York the abortion rate for black pregnancies is above 50%.  Think about that for a second.  That's Josh Brolin Territory.  But there isn't any Tony Stark to come in and undo the carnage that has lead to the deaths of approaching 20 million minorities which is about 40 times the amount of slaves brought to the country and 3 ties the holocaust.  Moreover, the structure of the welfare programs lauded by the left as the turning point away from racism actually did what 400 years of slavery couldn't do, destroy the black family.   I
I do not care to investigate your abortion figures, because it is irrelevant.  Even though there was at least one documented instance of forced sterilization, the fact is abortion is a legal, elective procedure women choose for any number of reasons, including rape, incest, health of the baby and or mother.  To compare that to the Thanos snap (or blip as it later came to be known in the MCU) is patently ludicrous and not worthy of additional discussion.
(07-17-2019, 12:14 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest issue facing the black community is accepting that your race isn't the reason bad things happen to you.

Democrats have taught you, and other groups, that you aren't accountable for your own success or problems.

1.  If you added one word to your opening statement, there would be some basis of agreement.  That word is "only," with other suitable replacements including "sole," "exclusive" or even "main" reason, such that the amended statement would read, in relevant portion "...your race isn't the sole reason bad things happen to you. "  Many misfortune befalls African Americans because of bad choices.  When Khalif Barnes decided to drive drunk and wound up being arrested, that was on him.  Furthermore, in most instances, racism is not an insurmountable barrier to personal, professional, or financial success or well being.  However, to suggest racism plays no role whatsoever in misfortune befalling minorities is not reflective of truth.  Otherwise, you would be hard pressed to explain Dylann Roof's nine victims.

2.  Being a Democrat my entire adult life, I must have missed those lessons.  Was there a course into which I needed to enroll?  Did you have to go to a physical location, or were there on line options available?  Were there text books involved?
(07-17-2019, 09:40 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 22te8q.gif]

So much division in this thread. Disheartening to see. Can we all agree at least that it seems the Democratic and Republican party are BOTH guilty of being destructive towards this Country? That BOTH parties are pretty damn good at keeping us all at odds with each other? 

It's just pandering at the end of the day.
Say whaaaaat?!

You mean to tell me it’s not just one sides fault?! Someone private message Stroud!
(07-17-2019, 12:14 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest issue facing the black community is accepting that your race isn't the reason bad things happen to you.

Democrats have taught you, and other groups, that you aren't accountable for your own success or problems.

If you think race has nothing to do with why bad things happen to African-Americans, you must be willfully ignorant. It may not be the only reason, but it's one of significance.
I try my best to stay away from politics so you won't see me comment much w/respect to this subject.

If you're not of African American descent and hasn't experienced life's lessons as such, all you can do is give your Personal Opinion(s) on how their experiences w/respect to racism effect them and their communities. Those that continue to down play these experiences are the ones that contribute to these experiences and or are simply clueless. It/They Exists. Trust Me.

Some African Americans continue to place themselves in dire situations that'll contribute to their own downfall(s), while others are simply minding their own business and are targeted for confrontation. I've been there experienced that to say the least. We have private citizens that profile African Americans simply due to their looks, not their language and or their attitude. We have the supposit protective sectors, i.e. Judicial System/Police that targets African Americans just because they're African American. Several years back the FBI warned of this scenario stating that White Supremacists, White Nationalist, Racist Skinheads, etc. (Hate Groups as per The Southern Poverty Law Center) has infiltrated the police forces/judicial system w/bad intentions in mind against African Americans. Again, I've been there, experienced that.

This brings me to the one person of power that promotes such Rhetoric. Our one and only JA45. If you honestly dispute that President Trump DOESN'T promote division, then you're assisting in his promotional agenda. It's been known for the past thirty years where he stood and it's evidenced by him placing the former KKK leader in an position of power till the day he dies just to mention one of his appointments.

These are My Experiences and My Opinions. If anyone responds, please do so w/your TRUE Experiences first and foremost as an African American.

BTW, The Native American Indians were treated even worse on their Native Land by such Immigrants.

"Life's Lessons"

He got the crowd riled up and they began chanting “Send Her Back”....

He may not be racist but he sure plays one on TV.
(07-17-2019, 08:26 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]He got the crowd riled up and they began chanting “Send Her Back”....

He may not be racist but he sure plays one on TV.

But you are watching, so there is hope for you yet.
(07-17-2019, 06:23 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 12:14 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest issue facing the black community is accepting that your race isn't the reason bad things happen to you.

Democrats have taught you, and other groups, that you aren't accountable for your own success or problems.

1.  If you added one word to your opening statement, there would be some basis of agreement.  That word is "only," with other suitable replacements including "sole," "exclusive" or even "main" reason, such that the amended statement would read, in relevant portion "...your race isn't the sole reason bad things happen to you. "  Many misfortune befalls African Americans because of bad choices.  When Khalif Barnes decided to drive drunk and wound up being arrested, that was on him.  Furthermore, in most instances, racism is not an insurmountable barrier to personal, professional, or financial success or well being.  However, to suggest racism plays no role whatsoever in misfortune befalling minorities is not reflective of truth.  Otherwise, you would be hard pressed to explain Dylann Roof's nine victims.

2.  Being a Democrat my entire adult life, I must have missed those lessons.  Was there a course into which I needed to enroll?  Did you have to go to a physical location, or were there on line options available?  Were there text books involved?

Everyone has encountered situations where their race was used negatively against them. The difference is that black communities too often attribute bad experiences to their race. I also didn't say it doesn't play "no role whatsoever". I don't have to stipulate that racism exists every time I say racism isn't an issue. If Roof is your proof, then how does Emanual Samson play into that example? Can I play the race card now?

Besides, I'm not sure that I'd use a psychopathic murderer as proof that society is racist.

(07-17-2019, 07:33 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 12:14 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest issue facing the black community is accepting that your race isn't the reason bad things happen to you.

Democrats have taught you, and other groups, that you aren't accountable for your own success or problems.

If you think race has nothing to do with why bad things happen to African-Americans, you must be willfully ignorant. It may not be the only reason, but it's one of significance.

Willfully ignorant is accepting that "bad things happen" simply because they're black. Maybe you can clarify that last sentence; it seems like you're implying something else.
(07-17-2019, 09:00 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 08:26 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]He got the crowd riled up and they began chanting “Send Her Back”....

He may not be racist but he sure plays one on TV.

But you are watching, so there is hope for you yet.

I’m doing just fine but thanks anyway.
(07-17-2019, 09:54 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 06:23 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]1.  If you added one word to your opening statement, there would be some basis of agreement.  That word is "only," with other suitable replacements including "sole," "exclusive" or even "main" reason, such that the amended statement would read, in relevant portion "...your race isn't the sole reason bad things happen to you. "  Many misfortune befalls African Americans because of bad choices.  When Khalif Barnes decided to drive drunk and wound up being arrested, that was on him.  Furthermore, in most instances, racism is not an insurmountable barrier to personal, professional, or financial success or well being.  However, to suggest racism plays no role whatsoever in misfortune befalling minorities is not reflective of truth.  Otherwise, you would be hard pressed to explain Dylann Roof's nine victims.

2.  Being a Democrat my entire adult life, I must have missed those lessons.  Was there a course into which I needed to enroll?  Did you have to go to a physical location, or were there on line options available?  Were there text books involved?

Everyone has encountered situations where their race was used negatively against them. The difference is that black communities too often attribute bad experiences to their race. I also didn't say it doesn't play "no role whatsoever". I don't have to stipulate that racism exists every time I say racism isn't an issue. If Roof is your proof, then how does Emanual Samson play into that example? Can I play the race card now?

Besides, I'm not sure that I'd use a psychopathic murderer as proof that society is racist.
I agree with Rollerjag's "willful ignorance" sentiment here, which, in my estimation, is overly generous.  I won't even bother to elaborate or expound on the rest of this.
(07-17-2019, 10:26 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.huffpost.com/entry/federal-l...g4zpycoB-k

The EEOC does not have the Constitutional power to create laws. That's reserved for Congress, and must be approved by the President. We are not supposed to be ruled by an unelected bureaucracy. The fact that the article states that the EEOC made the law without even noticing this problem is alarming.
(07-17-2019, 06:10 PM)BULLSEYETheir status as freshmen members of Congress or their place on the political spectrum does not, in any way, mitigate their rights to voice dissent.  No one suggested they don\t have a right to say what they want.  We're just pointing out they also have a right to pursue other options of residency that better fit their values and lifestyle.   So don't voice dissent or leave?  Got it. You're right.  Just keep trying to pretend this is about their opposition to Tarriff Policy.   There have been others with whom the President has disagreed, but his most persistent targets have been persons of color. Wrote: [ -> ]The man called the white female Dem Nominee for the presidency a "Nasty" woman on national television.  He told the white female captain of the U.S. Soccer team to shut her mouth.  He just went off on a tirade on the White male Ambassador to the US from the U.K. addressing him by name and calling him an ignorant fool.  He's ripped Paul Ryan a new [BLEEP].  He insulted John McCain.  He belittled Jeb Bush to the point that an entire wing of the party still hates him.  Are we still really going to seriously sit here and keep up with this "it's only black people stuff?"

I bring your attention to the emphasized portion above, because either you didn't read it or didn't comprehend what you were reading.  In sum "most persistent" does not equal "exclusive" or "sole."  I do not demand lockstep agreement with my views.  But I don't think it unreasonable to as you address the points I raised, not the points you wish were raised.

Yes oh wise one.  Let's ignore the objective fact that Trump routinely criticizes people who diss him, his supporters or the country, without any regard for race color creed office nationality etc. and let's instead adopt your subjective modifier!!!  So brave...  So beautiful...  

It is noteworthy nobody else (read: white) has been urged to leave the country by this president. 

That's because they are the ones spewing the "Toilet" "Concentration Camp" Garbage.  In light of the attacks over the weekend against detention facilities, they are the ones that should have been censured by congress.  

So when Nancy Pelosi said Trump wants to "Make America White Again," what point do you think she was making about Trump's policies?

? What does Pelosi Lying about Trumps policy have to do with what the Squad actually said?

The whole "come back" argument is quite silly.  Three of the four congresswomen were born in this country. The fourth (Omar) is a U.S. citizen, and has been since she was a teenager. 

True, and if any of them need a visa sponsor to go bother the countries they feel more confidently in then I am happy to volunteer.  

I'm sure you are, given your obvious and spectacular double standard on the issue of dissent.

Lol.  If you want to diss jews, just call it decent.  Refer to the Border Patrol as nazis....  Just call it dissent!  It's like opinion laundering!

Why should she be urged to go back to Somalia because she disagrees with this president's policies? 

You're absolutely right bullseye.  It's nothing to do with Anti-American Sentiment or trashing entire departments of the government, or anti-semetic comments.  It's because they think that his tariff policy has inflationary risk.  Way to read the stitches on the fastball.  

No it doesn't.  There was open talk of secession by the right during the Obama administration.  None of you "More patriotic than thou" sorts had jack [BLEEP] to say about right wingers being unpatriotic or inviting them to leave. 

Show me the sitting congressman that were advocating secession and i will publicly volunteer to pack their bags as well.  

Rick Perry also trashed entire departments of the government, openly advocating the abolishment of three agencies (one of which he famously could not remember during a debate).  Care to post admonitions from you offering to sponsor his exit visa?  I didn't think so.

right again oh wise one.  Advocating budget cuts and calling brave men and women in Uniform guards at "CONCENTRATION CAMPS" and accusing them of making children "DRINK FROM TOILETS" is the EXACT SAME THING!!!  So brave...  So beautiful...

Why should she have to split her time between the country to which she has pledged allegiance when she became a citizen and a country she no longer calls home?  Why does she have the burden of fixing all of Somalia's ills before uttering policy disagreements with Trump?  Not one white male congressmen was ever required to fix all of the problems in their state before voicing disagreements. 

Actually that's not true.  Any politician aspiring higher office is usually examined on their record.  So if the governor of California wants to become president one of the first things people look at is if California is still a mess.  And if their state is a mess, that has a bearing on their credibility to run the country as a whole.  Same for house members that are supposed to be Senators or anyone aspiring to leadership in just about, well, anything.  In this instance you have four congresswomen who are fundamentally hostile to the concept of limited government and the founding of the country, that's a lot bigger than any one policy disagreement.  IF you want to proceed with fundamentally terraforming a country doesn't it make sense that a.) you show us a success story (in the case of socialism there are none.) and b.) if you don't have a success story then you should go run your social experiments in a country other than the worlds last super power?  

Again, address the points I made not the point you wish was made.  I didn't say candidates never had their records evaluated or scrutinized.  I said they did not have the mandate to fix all of the problems in their states as a prerequisite to holding office.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” “Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”
Can someone please funny…  I don’t see the word all…  Do you see the word all…  Oh wait… YOUUUUUU!  I see what you tried there!

For that matter, Trump didn't fix ANY problems in New York as a private citizen, yet that didn't preclude him from attempting to impugn and delegitimize former President Obama with the birther thing and the query into his college qualifications. 

I know you're not that ignorant, so I take it you are lying for affect.  Creating Jobs, growing a business, and even taking over failed public works.  IF you want to B.S. me please, try harder next time.  

You can take it as lying all you want, but in reality, it's a matter of you, once again, not understanding what is presented before you in plain English.  Creating jobs to meet his own business needs is, under NO REASONABLE OR SANE INTERPRETATION, the equivalent of solving an ENTIRE STATE's unemployment problem.  In fact, given the controversy about illegal aliens working at Mar a Lago, you can argue he exacerbated the very problem he is complaining about now.  Republicans are always yammering about high taxes.  Nothing Trump did as a private citizen had the direct effect of lowering taxes over the entire state of New York.  Nothing you imagine Trump did as a private citizen to improve public works in New York were able to prevent the blackout that occurred just last week.
There you go again!!!  Lol.  1.) Any problem in and FOR THE ENTIRE STATE are two separate ideas.  It would make the conversation go a lot easier if you just stick with the one that we all understand we are talking about and leave out the little trope you tried to slide by us.  2.) In fact, development on the scale of the Trump organization does have a statewide impact, 3.) If you’re actually on any level trying to campare the development of one of the most recognizable brands in the history of the world to being a 28 year old bartender then I’ll tell the guy I sent to pick up your credibility we were wasting our time in the first place. 

On the issue of how the freshmen congresswomen conducted themselves, Trump is the very last person to lecture anyone on how to conduct themselves.  If Trump truly had no racial animus driving his comments, tweets on this matter, had any leadership traits and instincts, and had a legitimate interest in having a unified country, he would make it a point to clarify his comments and urge unity.  Conservative whites threw a hissy fit when Obama said the cop acted stupidly for arresting professor Henry Louis Gates for breaking into his own home.  Obama brought professor gates and the cop for the beer summit and spoke repeatedly on the need for unity.  Trump has never come close to doing that.

Spoke repeatedly for the need for unity before inviting Black Lives Matter to the White house, "If I had a son...  He would look like Treyvon," and letting cities burn while his Justice Department had concurrent evidence to support the fact that HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT didn't happen.  I'll send someone over for the rest of your credibility later.  

What?!?  A president actually RELATING to and seeing the humanity in a black youth shot by a man who didn't have the authority to do so?!?  Gasp!  The horror!   Insert eye roll here.  While I am not interested in personal invective, I will hasten to add you are ill equipped to discuss any matters of my credibility.

Yeh…  Again just leaving out the whole inviting the “Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon” crowd to the white house, letting Ferguson be razed because he didn’t want to conquer with the prosecutor from his own party…  But hey, he made you feel like he CARRRRED!!!!  So Brave…  So Beautiful…!

Is this really what you are arguing?  First off, it doesn't answer the question of where Trump gets off telling legal US citizens to leave the country. 

First amendment applies to him too.  He didn't order them, he didn't send the marshalls out.  He made a suggestion.  

A suggestion that is simultaneously more befitting a drunken bigot at a Wal Mart than the leader of the country, while having a chilling effect on free speech. 
Come on man…  you’re not even trying!
Had the intellectual acumen and command of fact and policy to do so, he would offer to engage in debate or discussion for better alternatives. 
I’ll give you this.  In the face of all reasonable interpretations of, well, REALITY you are sticking to this, ‘he’s just picking on poor innocent non-controversial patriotic women of color because they think his policy on drug price transparency is too idiocincratic!!!’
When it came to the debate on the Affordable Care Act, that's precisely what former President Obama did.  He addressed every Republican in Congress in a forum debating this issue, and invited them all to produce a better alternative.  He didn't encourage them to leave the country despite their incessant complaining.
“Now guys… uhhhh  the Elections over…  AND WE WON!!!”
First major entitlement passed on a STRAIGHT PARTY LINE VOTE. 

Secondly your argument about the immigrants in cages absolutely boggles the mind to a ton of different levels.  They are not being held against their will?!?  You mean to suggest they traveled thousands of miles-some by foot for the "privilege" of being locked in overcrowded cages with no cots or access to showers, changes of clothing, etc?  THAT was their plan?!?  They can return to their country of origin at any time?  Really?  How are the children, ranging in age from toddler to teenager, separated from their parents, supposed to accomplish this?  Keep in mind, this completely IGNORES the very reasons many of them left their countries of origin in the first place.  How desperate do you have to be to leave the only place you've known, uproot your family, walk throughout Central America and up the length of Mexico to reach this country?!?  Their journeys here was every bit as courageous as those of the Pilgrims who fled England.If life for them were tenable in their countries of origin, they wouldn't have come here.  Also consider many of those detained-toddlers or otherwise-have been moved to facilities around the country away from the border.  How are they supposed to return to their country of origin?  Even if you opened the door to the facilities and told them see ya later, they'd still have to walk back to the borders, potentially extending their stays here for months.  I am straining to avoid personal invective here, I really am.  But this argument on this topic epitomizes the "distasteful, misguided, myopic and bigoted" views I referenced.  What of the people who emigrate from ostensibly "non [BLEEP] countries"

1.) Immigration policy isn't about virtue signaling, it's about economics.  We can't assimilate the other 7 billion people on the planet.  So that means that by simple logic we have to have an immigration policy.  It's true, there is a human cost to the mass incarceration of a million plus people illegally crossing the border per year, but the alternative you seem to espouse (just releasing them into the country) is the abolition of American sovereignty and something completely unpalatable to the American people.  In reality, the only thing we can do is call on our allies at the southern border to increase enforcement and erect a physical barrier to make sure there are far less people to detain in the first place.  

First off, nobody asserts the country should assimilate the other 7 billion or so people on the planet into our country.  The overwhelming majority of people-for various reasons-make no effort to come here.  Nobody suggests we should have no immigration policy.  It is spectacularly disingenuous to suggest otherwise.  There was a bi-partisan proposal made by four democrats and four republicans (known as the gang of eight) that was designed to overhaul immigration policy.  Republicans killed the bill.  https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/i...ght-225028
Yeh, we tried that one in the late 80’s.  Simpson Mizzoli. 
If you give all those here now amnesty then we will secure the border at a later date as yet to be determined so this will be the only 3 million that we will ever have to worry about and we can return to the normal channels of legal migration.  Turns out it didn’t work that well. 
(07-17-2019, 07:47 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]Pathologically anti minority?  This is the biggest lie in the modern political ethos.  The parting gift of the eugenicists and the segregationists was to imbrue the modern political system with Sangerism.  At current in some Dem run cities like New York the abortion rate for black pregnancies is above 50%.  Think about that for a second.  That's Josh Brolin Territory.  But there isn't any Tony Stark to come in and undo the carnage that has lead to the deaths of approaching 20 million minorities which is about 40 times the amount of slaves brought to the country and 3 ties the holocaust.  Moreover, the structure of the welfare programs lauded by the left as the turning point away from racism actually did what 400 years of slavery couldn't do, destroy the black family.   I
I do not care to investigate your abortion figures, because it is irrelevant.  Even though there was at least one documented instance of forced sterilization, the fact is abortion is a legal, elective procedure women choose for any number of reasons, including rape, incest, health of the baby and or mother.  To compare that to the Thanos snap (or blip as it later came to be known in the MCU) is patently ludicrous and not worthy of additional discussion.

Funny how democrats care about black lives... until it doesn't fit their "we are the enlightened saviors narrative" when you actually examine their policies.  You find out that half the black mothers in major cities run by your party are so desperate and hopeless that they have to resort to killing their unborn children and you just shrug it off as "oh well its legal"

Slavery was legal...  Did that make it okay?  What about segregation?  Was that okay?  

500k slaves imported tot his country: Worst sin in the history of the planet and has to be brought up with every policy decision or public comment for the indefinite future of the republic. 

20 million minorities killed by abortion: Hey...  It's legal.  Invalidating the humanity of one person to serve the economic whims of another... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY!!!  So brave...  SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
I know this isn't going to be very popular but it just needs to be said.

I travel a lot, I am currently writing this message 1,000 plus miles away in San Antonio, Texas. I was just in Austin and before that Dallas/Fort Worth. Why is it that every time I drive through a black neighborhood, a white neighborhood, and hispanic neighborhood, I see the same things?It's the same everywhere I go from Texas to Chicago. Black neighborhoods are by far the worse, at times they feel dangerous. Trash everywhere, bad roads, liquor store on every corner, people always J walking and in general people are just lingering, doing little to nothing. White neighborhoods are typically always nice, well kept, kids outside riding their bikes even wearing helmets, nice cars and usually people walking for what appears to be the benefits of exercise, not as a means of transportation. Hispanic neighborhoods are usually somewhat dirty, though not as bad as the black neighborhoods, these neighborhoods are usually right in between.

One thing that is painfully obvious is that diversity does not exist, any part of any town, people who look similar always live next to one another.

So I just can't help but wonder but is this all the result of racism? Do people in black neighborhoods not take care of their belongings due to some type of discrimination? Why does this trend exist everywhere that I go? I'm not implying anything here, I just would like a straight answer. I would like to add that I was very happy to see a part of Atlanta that was all black that was very nice, I'm not sure what area of the city that was and I certainly saw lots of other bad areas but it was encouraging to see a black neighborhood that was well taken care of.
(07-18-2019, 01:27 AM)Jagfan44 Wrote: [ -> ]I know this isn't going to be very popular but it just needs to be said.

I travel a lot, I am currently writing this message 1,000 plus miles away in San Antonio, Texas. I was just in Austin and before that Dallas/Fort Worth. Why is it that every time I drive through a black neighborhood, a white neighborhood, and hispanic neighborhood, I see the same things?It's the same everywhere I go from Texas to Chicago. Black neighborhoods are by far the worse, at times they feel dangerous. Trash everywhere, bad roads, liquor store on every corner, people always J walking and in general people are just lingering, doing little to nothing. White neighborhoods are typically always nice, well kept, kids outside riding their bikes even wearing helmets, nice cars and usually people walking for what appears to be the benefits of exercise, not as a means of transportation. Hispanic neighborhoods are usually somewhat dirty, though not as bad as the black neighborhoods, these neighborhoods are usually right in between.

One thing that is painfully obvious is that diversity does not exist, any part of any town, people who look similar always live next to one another.

So I just can't help but wonder but is this all the result of racism? Do people in black neighborhoods not take care of their belongings due to some type of discrimination? Why does this trend exist everywhere that I go? I'm not implying anything here, I just would like a straight answer. I would like to add that I was very happy to see a part of Atlanta that was all black that was very nice, I'm not sure what area of the city that was and I certainly saw lots of other bad areas but it was encouraging to see a black neighborhood that was well taken care of.

Not getting too far into this, I’m sure others will be chiming in.  But I’m willing to guess you’ve been through the low income areas of town.  It pretty much is the same city to city.  To be fair, trailer parks aren’t usually downtown.  That would be the low income equivalent for whites.  Those aren’t really a whole lot different than what you described.
(07-17-2019, 09:54 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 06:23 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]1.  If you added one word to your opening statement, there would be some basis of agreement.  That word is "only," with other suitable replacements including "sole," "exclusive" or even "main" reason, such that the amended statement would read, in relevant portion "...your race isn't the sole reason bad things happen to you. "  Many misfortune befalls African Americans because of bad choices.  When Khalif Barnes decided to drive drunk and wound up being arrested, that was on him.  Furthermore, in most instances, racism is not an insurmountable barrier to personal, professional, or financial success or well being.  However, to suggest racism plays no role whatsoever in misfortune befalling minorities is not reflective of truth.  Otherwise, you would be hard pressed to explain Dylann Roof's nine victims.

2.  Being a Democrat my entire adult life, I must have missed those lessons.  Was there a course into which I needed to enroll?  Did you have to go to a physical location, or were there on line options available?  Were there text books involved?

Everyone has encountered situations where their race was used negatively against them. The difference is that black communities too often attribute bad experiences to their race. I also didn't say it doesn't play "no role whatsoever". I don't have to stipulate that racism exists every time I say racism isn't an issue. If Roof is your proof, then how does Emanual Samson play into that example? Can I play the race card now?

Besides, I'm not sure that I'd use a psychopathic murderer as proof that society is racist.

(07-17-2019, 07:33 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]If you think race has nothing to do with why bad things happen to African-Americans, you must be willfully ignorant. It may not be the only reason, but it's one of significance.

Willfully ignorant is accepting that "bad things happen" simply because they're black. Maybe you can clarify that last sentence; it seems like you're implying something else.

I'm white and I can honestly say, that has never worked against me. Maybe we live in two different worlds. I don't know for sure if it ever gave me an advantage, but it certainly never was used negatively against me.
(07-17-2019, 11:09 PM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 10:26 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.huffpost.com/entry/federal-l...g4zpycoB-k

The EEOC does not have the Constitutional power to create laws. That's reserved for Congress, and must be approved by the President. We are not supposed to be ruled by an unelected bureaucracy. The fact that the article states that the EEOC made the law without even noticing this problem is alarming.

It's well established law on the state and federal levels that agencies have the power to promulgate regulations that have the effect of law.  Not only can they can promulgate regulations, in many instances, are part of the process in settling anti discrimination claims in employment.   

Take an administrative law course,

It will do wonders for your understanding.

Until then, I leave you with this...

(07-17-2019, 09:54 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 06:23 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]1.  If you added one word to your opening statement, there would be some basis of agreement.  That word is "only," with other suitable replacements including "sole," "exclusive" or even "main" reason, such that the amended statement would read, in relevant portion "...your race isn't the sole reason bad things happen to you. "  Many misfortune befalls African Americans because of bad choices.  When Khalif Barnes decided to drive drunk and wound up being arrested, that was on him.  Furthermore, in most instances, racism is not an insurmountable barrier to personal, professional, or financial success or well being.  However, to suggest racism plays no role whatsoever in misfortune befalling minorities is not reflective of truth.  Otherwise, you would be hard pressed to explain Dylann Roof's nine victims.

2.  Being a Democrat my entire adult life, I must have missed those lessons.  Was there a course into which I needed to enroll?  Did you have to go to a physical location, or were there on line options available?  Were there text books involved?

Everyone has encountered situations where their race was used negatively against them. The difference is that black communities too often attribute bad experiences to their race. I also didn't say it doesn't play "no role whatsoever". I don't have to stipulate that racism exists every time I say racism isn't an issue. If Roof is your proof, then how does Emanual Samson play into that example? Can I play the race card now?

Besides, I'm not sure that I'd use a psychopathic murderer as proof that society is racist.

(07-17-2019, 07:33 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]If you think race has nothing to do with why bad things happen to African-Americans, you must be willfully ignorant. It may not be the only reason, but it's one of significance.

Willfully ignorant is accepting that "bad things happen" simply because they're black. Maybe you can clarify that last sentence; it seems like you're implying something else.
Can we get a specific example where your white race was used negatively against you? Maybe one where law enforcement sought you out specifically because of the way you look?
(07-18-2019, 07:29 AM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2019, 09:54 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone has encountered situations where their race was used negatively against them. The difference is that black communities too often attribute bad experiences to their race. I also didn't say it doesn't play "no role whatsoever". I don't have to stipulate that racism exists every time I say racism isn't an issue. If Roof is your proof, then how does Emanual Samson play into that example? Can I play the race card now?

Besides, I'm not sure that I'd use a psychopathic murderer as proof that society is racist.

Willfully ignorant is accepting that "bad things happen" simply because they're black. Maybe you can clarify that last sentence; it seems like you're implying something else.
Can we get a specific example where your white race was used negatively against you? Maybe one where law enforcement sought you out specifically because of the way you look?
Like this instance.


Not even conservative deference to law enforcement insulated him.  Blue lives didn't matter then, eh?
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