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(10-05-2019, 03:36 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]You poor, pathetic dupes.

Indeed, all those years you thought the Obama administration wasn't dirty have come back to bite you.
(10-05-2019, 05:27 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-05-2019, 03:36 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]You poor, pathetic dupes.

Indeed, all those years you thought the Obama administration wasn't dirty have come back to bite you.

Nuh uh! You!
(10-05-2019, 08:06 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-05-2019, 05:27 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Indeed, all those years you thought the Obama administration wasn't dirty have come back to bite you.

Nuh uh! You!

No matter how much you white knight them the Dems are never going to like you.
It certainly appears that Trump was trading foreign aid for a political favor.  If he was just trying to root out corruption in the Ukraine, why was his probable opponent in the upcoming election the only person he asked the Ukrainians to investigate?  

All this attacking the whistleblower is ridiculous.  Everything the whistleblower said is in the transcript of the call.  So at this point, the whistleblower is irrelevant.  

And now Trump's asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his son.  So what happens if they do what he asks, and then we get a trade deal with them?  We will all be asking the question, did Trump give them a sweetheart deal in exchange for a political favor.   Well, some of us will be asking that question.  

I will never understand why a person who routinely tells verifiable lies (12,000 at last count?) gets as much support as he does.   I remember when he said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and they had uncovered proof that Obama was born in Kenya.  But he never produced any of the evidence he claimed he had uncovered.  Wasn't that a red flag for you guys?  How can you believe anything he says?

Don't bother answering this.  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole with you guys, but please, just think about it a little, okay?
(10-05-2019, 03:36 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]You poor, pathetic dupes.

Are you going to make it another 5 years? Starting to worry about you a little.
(10-06-2019, 07:46 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]It certainly appears that Trump was trading foreign aid for a political favor.  If he was just trying to root out corruption in the Ukraine, why was his probable opponent in the upcoming election the only person he asked the Ukrainians to investigate?  

All this attacking the whistleblower is ridiculous.  Everything the whistleblower said is in the transcript of the call.  So at this point, the whistleblower is irrelevant.  

And now Trump's asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his son.  So what happens if they do what he asks, and then we get a trade deal with them?  We will all be asking the question, did Trump give them a sweetheart deal in exchange for a political favor.   Well, some of us will be asking that question.  

I will never understand why a person who routinely tells verifiable lies (12,000 at last count?) gets as much support as he does.   I remember when he said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and they had uncovered proof that Obama was born in Kenya.  But he never produced any of the evidence he claimed he had uncovered.  Wasn't that a red flag for you guys?  How can you believe anything he says?

Don't bother answering this.  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole with you guys, but please, just think about it a little, okay?

He's not rooting out corruption in Ukraine, he's rooting out corruption by the former VP of the USA as he should be. The whistleblower scam was entirely set up by Adam Schiff, he's not even a real whistleblower since they changed to rules to make him one for this express case, and it's come to light that Schiff was lying to his committee the whole time. China could get a deal, but it's unlikely to be any kind of sweetheart, that's the whole point on the trade war. I know you struggle because Trump is just a mean old man, but he's going to be your President for the foreseeable future.
(10-06-2019, 07:46 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]It certainly appears that Trump was trading foreign aid for a political favor.  If he was just trying to root out corruption in the Ukraine, why was his probable opponent in the upcoming election the only person he asked the Ukrainians to investigate?  

All this attacking the whistleblower is ridiculous.  Everything the whistleblower said is in the transcript of the call.  So at this point, the whistleblower is irrelevant.  

And now Trump's asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his son.  So what happens if they do what he asks, and then we get a trade deal with them?  We will all be asking the question, did Trump give them a sweetheart deal in exchange for a political favor.   Well, some of us will be asking that question.  

I will never understand why a person who routinely tells verifiable lies (12,000 at last count?) gets as much support as he does.   I remember when he said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and they had uncovered proof that Obama was born in Kenya.  But he never produced any of the evidence he claimed he had uncovered.  Wasn't that a red flag for you guys?  How can you believe anything he says?

Don't bother answering this.  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole with you guys, but please, just think about it a little, okay?

No matter how much you White Knight them, the Dems are not going to like you... Laughing

(10-05-2019, 08:08 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-05-2019, 08:06 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Nuh uh! You!

No matter how much you white knight them the Dems are never going to like you.

I don't care if any Democrats or Republicans like me.
Like George Harrison, I've got my mind set on you!  Love

Do you like me yet? Please check yes or no.  Pass the note back through Susie and Pete, I can trust them not to peek. Just make sure Ralph doesn't get his hands on it...
(10-06-2019, 09:12 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-06-2019, 07:46 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]It certainly appears that Trump was trading foreign aid for a political favor.  If he was just trying to root out corruption in the Ukraine, why was his probable opponent in the upcoming election the only person he asked the Ukrainians to investigate?  

All this attacking the whistleblower is ridiculous.  Everything the whistleblower said is in the transcript of the call.  So at this point, the whistleblower is irrelevant.  

And now Trump's asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his son.  So what happens if they do what he asks, and then we get a trade deal with them?  We will all be asking the question, did Trump give them a sweetheart deal in exchange for a political favor.   Well, some of us will be asking that question.  

I will never understand why a person who routinely tells verifiable lies (12,000 at last count?) gets as much support as he does.   I remember when he said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and they had uncovered proof that Obama was born in Kenya.  But he never produced any of the evidence he claimed he had uncovered.  Wasn't that a red flag for you guys?  How can you believe anything he says?

Don't bother answering this.  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole with you guys, but please, just think about it a little, okay?

No matter how much you White Knight them, the Dems are not going to like you... Laughing

(10-05-2019, 08:08 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]No matter how much you white knight them the Dems are never going to like you.

I don't care if any Democrats or Republicans like me.
Like George Harrison, I've got my mind set on you!  Love

Do you like me yet? Please check yes or no.  Pass the note back through Susie and Pete, I can trust them not to peek. Just make sure Ralph doesn't get his hands on it...

Sure you do, you're begging for people to care what you think. It's also nice to see you like the same kind of "whistleblower" gossip in your personal life that you do in your politics.
(10-06-2019, 07:46 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]It certainly appears that Trump was trading foreign aid for a political favor.  If he was just trying to root out corruption in the Ukraine, why was his probable opponent in the upcoming election the only person he asked the Ukrainians to investigate?  

All this attacking the whistleblower is ridiculous.  Everything the whistleblower said is in the transcript of the call.  So at this point, the whistleblower is irrelevant.  

And now Trump's asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his son.  So what happens if they do what he asks, and then we get a trade deal with them?  We will all be asking the question, did Trump give them a sweetheart deal in exchange for a political favor.   Well, some of us will be asking that question.  

I will never understand why a person who routinely tells verifiable lies (12,000 at last count?) gets as much support as he does.   I remember when he said he had sent investigators to Hawaii and they had uncovered proof that Obama was born in Kenya.  But he never produced any of the evidence he claimed he had uncovered.  Wasn't that a red flag for you guys?  How can you believe anything he says?

Don't bother answering this.  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole with you guys, but please, just think about it a little, okay?

1. He asked about Crowdstrike. He asked about them FIRST. Crowdstrike was a key player in the false Russian collusion investigation. Biden was just an afterthought. He was not concerned with corruption in the Ukraine, he was concerned with corruption in the US government during the previous administration (and continued by the entrenched DC bureaucracy). Which brings me to another point: Biden claimed he asked that the Ukrainian prosecutor be fired, ostensibly because he was incompetent. When EVER has the US pressured another country to remove a minor official just because he was incompetent?

2. The China thing was clearly just a snide comment about Hunter Biden. China is not going to do the US any favors. If China had any shady dealings with Hunter Biden they would not admit it, much less "investigate."

3. All politicians lie, but the mainstream media rarely bothers to call then out on it. Democrats are immune to criticism in that regard, and the "independent" fact checkers will twist the logic to justify their lies. Most of Trump's lies are inconsequential. For example, "you can keep your doctor" was a much worse lie than "I had more people at my inauguration than Obama" because Obama's lie resulted in legislation that harmed many Americans.

4. I love how the Left spouts incorrect statements and then asks not to be challenged.

Time to move back to the second line of defense. The first line of defense was "He didn't do anything wrong." The second line of defense is, "What he did was wrong but it's not impeachable."

Tucker Carlson:


"Donald Trump should not have been on the phone with a foreign head of state encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent, Joe Biden. Some Republicans are trying, but there’s no way to spin this as a good idea. Like a lot of things Trump does, it was pretty over-the-top. Our leaders’ official actions should not be about politics. Those two things need to remain separate. Once those in control of our government use it to advance their political goals, we become just another of the world’s many corrupt countries. America is better than that."
(10-06-2019, 10:39 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Retreat!  

Time to move back to the second line of defense.  The first line of defense was "He didn't do anything wrong."  The second line of defense is, "What he did was wrong but it's not impeachable."

Tucker Carlson:  


"Donald Trump should not have been on the phone with a foreign head of state encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent, Joe Biden. Some Republicans are trying, but there’s no way to spin this as a good idea. Like a lot of things Trump does, it was pretty over-the-top. Our leaders’ official actions should not be about politics. Those two things need to remain separate. Once those in control of our government use it to advance their political goals, we become just another of the world’s many corrupt countries. America is better than that."

Too bad, Carlson shouldn't back off his principles that way. That's why I'm not a Republican, they have no spine.
A few idle thoughts.

Vladimir Poutin's goal has always been to divide us. Reading through this thread makes it fairly obvious the unprecedented level of success that he is having. I really hate to bring up this analogy, but Poutin is attempting (and largely succeeding) to draw us into civil war against our fellow man. He preys upon our sociological and political differences, and does it in plain sight, with a shi* eating grin on his face. He is rolling on the floor laughing, thinking that he is witnessing our demise.

We can not let this happen.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
---Abraham Lincoln.
Good news. A new whistleblower represented by the same left leaning law firm will provide another interpretation of the transcript we already have our hands on.

Barr and IG must be getting really close.....
(10-06-2019, 11:20 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Good news. A new whistleblower represented by the same left leaning law firm will provide another interpretation of the transcript we already have our hands on.

Barr and IG must be getting really close.....

Can't you see Schiff's thoughts in action? "Damn, I never thought anyone would notice the we changed the rules to manufacture this situation. We can't let them find out that we were all behind the Russia-hoax, Hillary won't be able to jump in the race next month if they know her part in this. We've gotta figure out some way to fool the rubes into really thinking that Trump did something wrong, what can we do? I know! We'll pay another whistleblower to come forward to take the heat off the first one! Once our public relations people in the media start harping on it then it'll surely work this time and then we can get that damn Trump out of our White House!!!!"

(10-06-2019, 11:18 AM)ferocious Wrote: [ -> ]A few idle thoughts.

Vladimir Poutin's goal has always been to divide us. Reading through this thread makes it fairly obvious the unprecedented level of success that he is having. I really hate to bring up this analogy, but Poutin is attempting (and largely succeeding) to draw us into civil war against our fellow man. He preys upon our sociological and political differences, and does it in plain sight, with a shi* eating grin on his face. He is rolling on the floor laughing, thinking that he is witnessing our demise.

We can not let this happen.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
  ---Abraham Lincoln.

This isn't Putin's doing, it's left in this country and their enablers.
The crazy thing here is, now leakers can hide their crimes behind becoming "whistle blowers".

The Trump presidency has really exposed the deep state for what it is.
(10-06-2019, 11:32 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-06-2019, 11:18 AM)ferocious Wrote: [ -> ]A few idle thoughts.

Vladimir Poutin's goal has always been to divide us. Reading through this thread makes it fairly obvious the unprecedented level of success that he is having. I really hate to bring up this analogy, but Poutin is attempting (and largely succeeding) to draw us into civil war against our fellow man. He preys upon our sociological and political differences, and does it in plain sight, with a shi* eating grin on his face. He is rolling on the floor laughing, thinking that he is witnessing our demise.

We can not let this happen.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
  ---Abraham Lincoln.

This isn't Putin's doing, it's left in this country and their enablers.

Instead of blaming the actual cause of the problem, the actual enemy of all Americans, you turn around and blame the plurality of your fellow Americans. You don't need Putin's help to solve whatever problems you see in America.  But you will need the help of the "left in this country" to make headway on solving any problem that America has.
You're just so crazy!
That's why I can't stop thinking about you...
(10-06-2019, 08:38 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-06-2019, 11:32 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]

This isn't Putin's doing, it's left in this country and their enablers.

Instead of blaming the actual cause of the problem, the actual enemy of all Americans, you turn around and blame the plurality of your fellow Americans. You don't need Putin's help to solve whatever problems you see in America.  But you will need the help of the "left in this country" to make headway on solving any problem that America has.
You're just so crazy!
That's why I can't stop thinking about you...

Actual enemy? Actual cause? The enemy and cause is the political class in this country. The sooner you realize that the sooner you'll make progress. Now go take those fishnets off, I'm not in the mood tonight.
(10-06-2019, 08:38 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-06-2019, 11:32 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]

This isn't Putin's doing, it's left in this country and their enablers.

Instead of blaming the actual cause of the problem, the actual enemy of all Americans, you turn around and blame the plurality of your fellow Americans. You don't need Putin's help to solve whatever problems you see in America.  But you will need the help of the "left in this country" to make headway on solving any problem that America has.
You're just so crazy!
That's why I can't stop thinking about you...

Your political system is designed to divide you
(10-07-2019, 03:34 AM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-06-2019, 08:38 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Instead of blaming the actual cause of the problem, the actual enemy of all Americans, you turn around and blame the plurality of your fellow Americans. You don't need Putin's help to solve whatever problems you see in America.  But you will need the help of the "left in this country" to make headway on solving any problem that America has.
You're just so crazy!
That's why I can't stop thinking about you...

Your political system is designed to divide you

And George Washington foresaw it...

I'm not sure he had a great alternative to it... but still - a two party system is doomed to fail. Eventually.

And the more divided we are, the more finger pointing we do; the more the political and financial elite can get away with whatever they want.

I don't like Donald Trump.. but I think he's an old man that sees death coming and wants his legacy to be that he tried to expose and clean up the system he saw firsthand being part of it for decades.
(10-07-2019, 08:52 AM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-07-2019, 03:34 AM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]Your political system is designed to divide you

And George Washington foresaw it...

I'm not sure he had a great alternative to it... but still - a two party system is doomed to fail. Eventually.

And the more divided we are, the more finger pointing we do; the more the political and financial elite can get away with whatever they want.

I don't like Donald Trump.. but I think he's an old man that sees death coming and wants his legacy to be that he tried to expose and clean up the system he saw firsthand being part of it for decades.

He's certainly taken a very strange route if his goal was to clean up the system.
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