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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Quote:We are barely going to beat a crappy team

Well it beats barely losing to a crappy team doesn't it?
Please don't fumble.

Nice substitution by putting Johnson in. House may lose his job
Can we at least make it back to the LOS??? Wallbash
Quote:They benched house!
and I think they have finally figured out Gratz sucks
Still think we lose

Quote:He won't stay in Jacksonville I promise you.

Why are you always saying Blake will leave? If he turns it around and plays better like today he'll be fine and if he plays better he will get paid.
Quote:They gave up 19 last week and still lost. Wanna tell me why?

Because of Gus Bradley's highly touted offense?
Quote:They gave up 19 last week and still lost. Wanna tell me why?

I look at yearly stats, not game to game. Yearly, EVERY Gus D is 26th-31st in scoring defense. It hasn't changed this year FYI.
Not a fan being so conservative here at the end. Don't trust this secondary against Luck.
Game isn't over yet.. Holding my freaking breath
Quote:Well it beats barely losing to a crappy team doesn't it?

No, because not Khan is "justified" in keeping Bradley.
I'm feeling an OT.

Yeah we should of been more aggressive.
Luck to Hilton TD coming up.

Bad play calling. We should've went for a first down, then run out the clock. IJS...

Welp this is the final count down.....26 seconds....

WElp. Here we go. 1 more stop.

26 seconds from victory Jags fans

Maybe playing it safe for no Bortles int but hes been fine today.