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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Let's get a FG while we'll get the ball first in the second half...

Might as well try and hurt Bortles, refs don't care
Another hit on bortles as he slides.

I love Linder talking to the refs.
Come on Lee. Get the first lol.
A Lee sighting...

Nice, good penalty
Bortles got his confidence

hahaha what an idiot

Number 32 you dumb
I'd run a double move on cro like hurnsy did right before half last year against the jets
Quote:No interceptions so far. Anti jinx

On Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
shocked they called that shove. Make up call maybe.

We got a flag. I dun beleeb it
Wow green you [BLEEP]. Lol. We will take it.
Refs gotta give Blake some respect
Can't believe it, they actually threw the flag on that BS push out of bounds.
The hell is Lee doing not getting the first? Dummy.
Colts look like us last week

Smart play there u clot scrub!